
Birding Misiones
Misiones is one of the 23 provinces of Argentina, [Misiones is the second smallest province after Tucumán] located in the northeastern corner of the country in the Mesopotamia region. It is surrounded by Paraguay to the northwest, Brazil to the north and east, and Corrientes Province of Argentina to the southwest. It is 1.600 km (1,000 m.) to the north of Buenos Aires.The Misiones plateau includes a part of Brazil across the border. The rocks contain significant quantities of iron which forms a part of the soil, giving it a reddish color. At the center of the plateau rises the Sierra de Misiones, its highest peak, 843 m, near Bernardo de Irigoyen, in the Cerro Rincón.The province is embraced by three big rivers including the Paraná, Uruguay and Iguazú. Iguazu Falls are spectacular waterfalls on the Iguazú River in the northwest corner of the province, near the city of Puerto Iguazú. Misiones shares the falls with the Brazilian state of Paraná (in that nation’s Southern Region); the international border with Paraguay is close by.The subtropical climate has no dry season, which makes Misiones one of the most humid provinces in Argentina. The vegetation is the so called ‘Selva Misionera’. Part of it has been transformed by mankind to implant cultures and ranching. The original biome is protected in Iguazú National Park.
Close to Iguazú Airport and its surroundings is the Iguazú National Park. Just walk on its trails and paths and gorge yourself with the sighting of many a diferent bird as are the Toucans, Trogons and Hummingbirds. In the openings you can easily spot Black Vultures, Swallow-tailed Kites and Swifts. In the bordering bushes Plush-crested jays and Red-rumped Caciques are very common. Guira Cuckoos and Parrots fly everywhere and ground doves are abundant. Do not forget your camera as here are the world famous Iguazú Falls full of Neotropic Cormorants and Great Dusky Swifts.
Number of bird species: 488
(As at May 2019)
NP Parque Nacional Iguazú
InformationSatellite ViewThe fauna of the park includes several endangered species: jaguar, jaguarundi, South American Tapir, Ocelot, tirica, anteater, pavas de monte, the Harpy Eagle, and the Yacare Caiman. One can also find birds like the vencejo de cascada and large toucans, mammals like the coatí, and a diversity of butterflies. The Vinaceous Amazon, named for its wine-colored plumage, is found in this park… -
NR Reserva Natural Estricta San Antonio
WebpageSatellite ViewSan Antonio was created in 1990 as a strict nature reserve and is located in the northeast of the Province of Misiones, in the Department General Belgrano. -
NR Reserva Yaguaroundí
Facebook PageSatellite ViewThe Yaguaroundí Private Reserve is located in the green corridor of the Missionary Forest
Fernando 'Pocho' Cabral
GuideTour Guide at Iguazú National Park and North East of Argentina -
Toucan Birding Guides
Tour OperatorBirding in the Atlantic Forests of Misiones and beyond... -
Trogon Tours
Tour OperatorTrogon Tours is the official nature travel company of Birding Argentina, the leading birding and nature specialists for southern South America since 2001
2016 [10 October] - Luis Segura
PDF Report...The last part of the drive took us through the Central Hills of Misiones all the way to the small village of San Pedro, where we were going to spend the night. This part of the province is very interesting, it is here where the subtropical Paraná Rainforest still has good stocks of Brazilian Monkey Puzzle or Paraná Pine (Araucaria angustifolia), and it is home to a number of forest bird species not commonly seen in other parts of Argentina... -
2016 [10 October] - Pablo Petracci
PDF Report...including Solitary Tinamou, Black-throated Trogon, Rufous-capped Motmot, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Spot-billed Toucanet, Sick´s Swift, Black-capped Foliage-gleaner, WhitethroatedWoodcreeper, Spot-backed Antshrike, Plain Antvireo, Sibilant Syristes, Blue Manakin, Golden-crowned Warbler and Black-goggle Tanager....
Yacutinga Lodge
AccommodationAn environmentally friendly Lodge and Private Wildlife Nature Reserve located in the heart of the Argentine Rainforest, surrounded by the Iguaz
Photographer - Sergio Marcelo Allende
GallerySite dedicated to bird photography in northeastern Argentina from Sergio Marcelo Allende