São Paulo

Birding São Paulo
São Paulo is a state in the South East of Brazil. Below are some of its top attractions and websites to the reserves and many places to stay where birding is an option. The city of São Paulo has the great advantage of being the major gateway city to Brazil. Many European cities including the UK have direct flights, as do many states in the US. This means your birding can start within an hour or so of arriving in Brazil. Even if São Paulo is not your final destination and you are travelling on to other parts of Brazil, it’s a ‘must-visit’ region for anyone serious about seeing what Brazil has to offer.
The biggest attraction of this region is undoubtedly the remaining, highly threatened, Atlantic Rainforest and its special endemic birds. There are State Parks, private protected areas and areas that you wouldn’t imagine had much to offer, but they do.The habitat isn’t restricted to Atlantic Forest either; to the south of São Paulo there is coastal restinga; there are marshes to be found and cerrado; there are the Araucaria forests in the Serra do Mantiqueira, and on the border with Rio de Janeiro and the famous Itatiaia State Park there are the highland specialities to be found along the Agulhas Negras road.
All this combined means that you could easily fill and entire birding trip just within São Paulo State; on the other hand, if you want to combine it with the obvious attractions of the Pantanal and the Amazon, you can see many endemic and endangered species even within a shorter time span.
Campos do Jordão - Horto Florestal
Satellite ViewThe Horto Florestal is within an area of preserved Araucária forest and is an excellent site to find some of the highland species that occur in the Serra da Mantiqueira. It is best known as the roosting site for the rare and endangered Vinaceous Parrot, a number of which come, in the late afternoon, to find a safe haven to sleep. Araucaria Tit-Spinetail is almost guaranteed here, but can be easier to see along the road where the canopy is not right above you. This is also one of the easiest site I know to see Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper, they are often near the bridge over the river to the car parking area. Listen for their call along any stretch of the river. Keep your eyes peeled for raptors too such as Grey-bellied Goshawk. There is a track that runs up the hill to the right just before the Horto Florestal entrance. At a mirador on the right hand side some way from the start of the track park you car at dusk, this is a stake out for Long-trained Nightjars (-22.704862,-45.470935). Follow the track further and you will encounter some other highland specialists such as Black-and-gold Cotinga, Speckle-breasted Antpitta etc. -
Campos do Jordão - Pedra do Bau Road
Satellite ViewThe Pedra do Baú is a huge rock at the end of a dirt road that is very popular with tourists and climbers. The view from there is truly breathtaking. The dirt road is excellent for birding and many of the highland specialities can be found along it including Plovercrest, Black-capped Piprites and Araucária Tit-Spinetail. Birds to look for include: Dusky-legged Guan, Grey-necked Woodrail, Pileated Parrot, Vinaceous Parrot, White-collared Swift, Biscutate Swift, Plovercrest, Red-breasted Toucan, Robust Woodpecker, Araucária Tit-Spinetail, Pallid Spinetail, Buff-browed Foliage Gleaner, Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper, Sharp-billed Treehunter, Large-tailed Antshrike, Rufous-tailed Antbird, Dusky-tailed Antbird, Rufous-tailed Antthrush, Serra do Mar Tapaculo, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Black-capped Piprites, Sooty Tyrannulet, White-crested Tyrannulet, Shear-tailed Grey-Tyrant, Hellmayr’s Pipit, Curl-crested Jay, Plush-crested Jay, White-rimmed Warbler, Hepatic Tanager, Brassy-breasted Tanager, Bay-chested Warbling Finch, Red-rumped Warbling Finch, Thick-billed Saltator and Golden-winged Cacique. -
Ilha Comprida
Satellite ViewOne of the areas to see Scarlet Ibis in São Paulo that is easily accessible. It is also good for shorebirds in the summer. The island also has Restinga Tyrannulet and being a coastal strip of scrub will probably turn up rare migrants from time to time, in July 2011 we found a White-banded Mockingbird there well north of its usual range. The Scarlet Ibises have a colony at the northern end of the island, but they can be seen around the area on any mud near mangroves in the breeding season. Outside this season they are more difficult or even absent but we saw some on the mainland side of the bridge over to the island in Iguape in July 2011. The tyrannulets can be found in the remains of the Restinga towards the south of the island. -
Intervales State Park
WebsiteSatellite ViewThis state park is situated on the Serra do Mar, the 1,000m high escarpment that runs along the coast of southeast Brazil. The park is one of a complex of four adjacent reserves with a total area of more than 1,200km2 and is of great significance as it contains pristine forest over an altitudinal gradient from 20m to 1,095m. Only the upper part of the park is open to the public. The central area (the “Sede”) is surrounded by forest and has a short trail, the Caminho dos Lagos, through secondary growth. There is plenty of good birding here and the following species are all present: Rusty-barred Owl, Buff-fronted Owl, White-breasted Tapaculo, Giant Antshrike, Large-tailed Antshrike, Red-eyed Thornbird, Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Azure-shouldered Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, Olive-green Tanager and Black-legged Dacnis. Other birds to look out for include: Mantled Hawk, Black-fronted Piping-Guan, Spot-winged Woodquail, Red and White Crake, Blue-bellied Parrot, Pavonine Cuckoo, Least Pygmy Owl, Common Potoo, Short-tailed Nighthawk, Dusky-throated Hermit, Plovercrest, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, White-tailed Trogon, Black-throated Trogon, Surucua Trogon, Rufous-capped Motmot, Spot-billed Toucanet, Saffron Toucanet, Ochre-collared Piculet, White-spotted Woodpecker, Yellow-browed Woodpecker, Robust Woodpecker, Helmeted Woodpecker, Grey-bellied Spinetail, Pallis Spinetail, Red-eyed Thornbird, White-browed Foliage-gleaner, Buff-browed Foliage gleaner, White-collared Foliage-gleaner, Pale-browed Treehunter, Rufous-breasted Leaftosser, Sharp-billed Treehunter, Scalloped Woodcreeper, Black-billed Scythebill, Giant Antshrike, Large-tailed Antshrike, Tufted Antshrike, White-bearded Antshrike, Bertoni’s Antbird, Ochre-rumped Antbird, Dusky-tailed Antbird, Rufous-capped Antthrush, Short-tailed Antthrush, Cryptic Antthrush, Variegated Antpitta, Serra do Mar Tapaculo, White-breasted Tapaculo, Slaty Bristlefront, Spotted Bamboowren, Sharpbill, Hooded Berryeater, Cinnamon-vented Piha, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin, Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Wing-barred Piprites, Rough-legged Tyrannulet, Small-billed Elaenia, Highland Elaenia, Bay-ringed Tyrannulet, São Paulo Tyrannulet, Oustalet’s Tyrannulet, Brown-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant, Hangnest Tody-Tyrant, Royal Flycatcher, Three-striped Flycatcher, Sirystes, Swainson’s Flycatcher, Short-crested Flycatcher, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Rufous-tailed Attila, Rufous-crowned Greenlet, Green-chinned Euphonia, Golden-rumped Euphonia, White-rimmed Warbler, Brown Tanager, Magpie Tanager, Rufous-headed Tanager, Olive-green Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, Diademed Tanager, Brassy-breasted Tanager, Chestnut-backed Tanager, Black-legged Dacnis, Red-rumped Warbling-Finch, Buffy-fronted Seedeater, Temminck’s seedeater, Lined Seedeater, Uniform Finch, Half-collared Sparrow, Grassland Sparrow, Black-throated Grosbeak, Green-winged Saltator, Golden-winged Cacique and Yellow-rumped Marshbird. -
Mogi das Cruzes to Salesópolis - Biritiba Mirim
Satellite ViewThis is the site of the discovery in 2004 of what was at first thought to be a new population of Paraná Antwren Formicivora (formerly Stymphalornis) acutirostris. It then transpired that there are significant plumage differences between the two populations and the Biritiba-Mirim birds are being described as a separate species São Paulo Antwren Formicivora sp. nov. Follow the road from Mogi das Cruzes (see above) for a couple of kms until you reach the antwren site. You will recognize it as it is just after a sharp left hand bend (with a track leading off to the right) and the first house on the left, number 6030 (-23.54178,-46.116339), has a wall and entrance being built (Oct 2011) (if the asphalt turns to dirt you have missed it!). Look for the antbirds in the Typha (cattails or bullrushes) in the marsh opposite the house. This site has been greatly damaged. Access has been restricted by fencing and the Typhus has retreated due to grazing and drainage, but at least one pair holds on tenaciously. The track from the bend is good birding; sadly this is now been fenced off too. There are Orange-breasted Thornbirds, Dusky-tailed Antbirds, Orange-headed and Cinnamon Tanagers, Rufous-capped and Large-tailed Antshrikes and much more besides. If you fail here, follow the road which becomes dirt road for a while and turn right at a junction just after a bar and a shop. Follow this to the main road and turn left. Go through Biritiba Mirim on the main road until you reach a large roundabout with a tree in it, signposted to the right to Casa grande. Turn right here and after about I km a marsh becomes visible on the left (-23.569652,-46.016346). park here and descend to the marsh. This site too is being destroyed sadly. -
Mogi das Cruzes to Salesópolis - Mogi das Cruzes
Satellite ViewThe site is about an hour’s drive from São Paulo’s Guarulhos International airport. Take the Rodovia Ayrton Senna from the airport towards Rio and exit to Mogi das Cruzes. Follow the signs to Biritiba-Mirim and Salesópolis. As you leave Mogi das Cruzes you will come to a set of lights at a fork in the road, Biritiba-Mirim and Salesópolis to the right, to the left César de Souza. Take the fork to the left. You will pass a set of lights, some rail tracks and then arrive at a roundabout. Turn right here. About I km from the roundabout along this road, you will see some gravel piles and workings on your right. Opposite there is a good marsh, which has Rufous-sided Crake, occasional American Purple Gallinule, Yellow-browed Tyrant, and Chestnut-capped Blackbird among other common marsh birds. It is also good for shorebirds in summer. Silver Teal is also often seen here. A little further along the road after a left hand bend there is a long straight. To the right is a scrubby marshy area. Capped Seedeaters are sometimes seen here as are Streamer-tailed Tyrants. -
Mogi das Cruzes to Salesópolis - Salesópolis Reservoir
Satellite ViewFrom the Biritiba Mirim site follow the SP88 toward Paraibuna. After a few km you will come across a large reservoir on your left just before reaching Salesópolis, the far end of the reservoir is usually best, although a turn off just before the reservoir comes into view is also good. Birds to look for include: Least Grebe, Pied-billed Grebe, Neotropic Cormorant, Anhinga, Whistling Heron, Cocoi Heron, Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret, Striated Heron, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Roseate Spoonbill, White-faced Whistling Duck, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Comb Duck (rare), Brazilian Teal, Silver Teal (rare), Southern Pochard, Osprey, Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, Turkey Vulture, White-tailed Kite, Savannah Hawk, Southern Caracara, Yellow-headed Caracara, Ash-throated Crake, American Purple Gallinule, White-backed Stilt, Eared Dove, Green Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Ringed Kingfisher, Streamer-tailed Tyrant, Tawny-headed Swallow (rare), White-rumped Swallow, Yellowish Pipit, Chestnut-capped Blackbird, Yellow-rumped Marshbird and Chopi Blackbird. -
Ubatuba - Corcovado
Satellite ViewFor Corcovado follow the road left at the fork and continue and after about 3km the road drops down a hill and there is a longish straight. Half way along the straight (3,8km from the BR101), turn right onto a dirt road. Continue to the bridge and park. Cross the bridge on foot, bear left then first right along a track, crossing a chain and a football pitch to the right just after. The track bends to the right after the last house. Another track continues straight up past a small boggy area. The track to the right crosses a stream (difficult at high rainfall periods) and then to an open area, the bamboos on the right are good for Fork-tailed Tody-Tyrant. The track continues into the forest at the end of the clearing. Expect the same birds here as at Folha Seca. -
Ubatuba - Fazenda Angelim
Satellite ViewFrom the roundabout with a large statue of a man with an oar at the junction with the Taubaté road (Rod. Oswaldo Cruz) take the BR 101 towards Parati. After 4.1 km you will see a blue bus stop shelter on the left and a turn off just past it. Be very careful when turning left here on the bend, if in doubt continue to the next roundabout some 200m later and do a 'U-turn', facilitating a right turn into the road. After 200m there is a fork in the road, turn right to Fazenda Angelim along a dirt track (school to the right and new tower blocks to the left). Cross a bridge and continue between some houses until you reach the gates. Park here and enter on foot. This is among the best birding sites in the region. There is a mixture of good forest, forest edge and open areas. The owners of the property maintain the area as a private reserve. It was formerly a plantation where cacao was grown, but this has long since ceased. The target birds here are really the Spotted Bamboowrens and it is a reliable site for them, there are a number of territories one of which comes right up to the track. However this is a very good general birding spot too. Squamate Antbird is frequently heard and often seen here and Spot-backed Antshrikes, Rufous-winged and Streak-capped Antwrens, Plain and Spot-breasted Antvireo and Ferruginous and Scaled Antbirds are all common and relatively easy to see. It also holds the delectable Fork-tailed Tody-Tyrant. It is also a good place to try for São Paulo Tyrannulet. The tracks deeper in the forest hold Reddish Hermit, Rufous-breasted Leaftosser and Large-headed Flatbill. Rufous-capped Antthrush is quite easy here at some of the less densely under-storied areas. -
Ubatuba - Folha Seca
Satellite ViewTurn inland off the BR101 at Praia Dura along the road that passes to the left of the small supermarket. At a fork in the road after a small chapel on the left, turn right along the dirt road. (Left along the asphalt road leads to Cordovado). Cross a bridge, pass the camping site, cross another bridge and fork left just after. Continue straight ahead, passing a number of houses and one cross road and then some open fields to the left with power lines. From here it is all forest to the end of the track. The site is of course best known for the hummingbird feeders at Jonas’ house in the forest. The list of hummer species there is now at 22 and there are usually at least 9 available at any one time. Those normally encountered are; Saw-billed Hermit, an Atlantic forest and Brazilian endemic; Swallow-tailed Hummingbird; Brazilian Ruby, another endemic; Sombre hummingbird, also endemic; Versicoloured and Glittering-throated Emeralds; White-chinned Sapphire; Festive Coquette; Violet-capped Woodnymph; in summer Black Jacobin and Black-throated Mango join the throng. Birding along the track is recommended and unrestricted, stop on the way in where the power lines cross the road by a disused guard hut, there are often Neoptropical River Wablers there plus Long-billed Wren, Slaty Bristlefront and even Spotted Bamboowren. Other birds include: Brown Tinamou, Ruddy Quail-Dove, Maroon-bellied and Plain Parakeets, White-tailed Trogon, Blonde-crested Woodpecker, Plain-winged, Planalto, Olivaceous and Lesser Woodcreepers, White-eyed Foliage-gleaner, Rufous-breasted and Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Tufted Antshrike, White-shouldered Fire-eye, Ferruginous and Scaled Antbird, Unicoloured and Star-throated Antwren, Rufous-capped Antthrush, Black-cheeked Gnateater, Slaty Bristlefront, Bare-throated Bellbird, White-bearded and Blue Manakin, Greenish Schiffornis, Greyish Mourner, Euler’s Flycatcher, Eared Pygmy-Tyrant, White-throated Spadebill, Large-headed Flatbill, White-thighed Swallow, White-necked Thrush, Green Honeycreeper, Green-headed and Red-necked Tanager, Chestnut-bellied Euphonia, Azure-shouldered, Golden-chevroned, Ruby-crowned, Flame-crested and Red-crowned Ant-Tanager, Green-winged Saltator, there are invasions of Uniform Finch and Buffy-fronted Seedeater. -
Ubatuba - Rancho Pica Pau
Satellite ViewAt the eastern end of the town of Ubatuba there is a roundabout along the BR101. Coming from the statue roundabout at the end of the Taubaté road it is the next roundabout after the Fazenda Angelim turn off (see above). Turn left here along a dirt track, across a bridge following the track to the left along the river, along a long straight with banana plantations to the left there is a turn off with a signpost to Rancho Pica Pau. At this junction it can be worth having a stop as it is often very 'birdy' with Orange-eyed Thornbirds, Yellow Tyrannulets, Long-billed Wren all likely and sometimes Sooty Grassquit can be found here. Take the track to the Rancho. It is probably the best place to find Buff-throated Purpletuft in the world. There is a large open area set aside for camping and around its edge excellent forest. These forest edge trees are suitable look-out points and song posts for the purpletufts. Just listen for their distinctive, if quiet, call. There are also other good birds to be seen here. Being a fairly open area, at the foot of some well forested hills, it is an excellent place to look for raptors, especially the Black Hawk-Eagle. At the forest edge there are a couple of Fork-tailed Tody-Tyrant territories and with a bit of patience and playback you should get them. Along the approach road to the rancho there is good birding and the list below includes birds seen along it. Birds to look out for include: Rufescent Tiger-Heron, Striated heron, Whistling Heron, Rufous-thighed Kite, Roadside and Short-tailed Hawks, Black-and-White and Black Hawk-Eagles, Southern and Yellow-headed Caracaras, Aplomado Falcon, Slaty-breasted Woodrail, Pale-vented and Plumbeous Pigeons, Maroon-bellied and Plain Parakeet, Blue-winged Parrotlet, Scaly-headed Parrot, Squirrel, Dark-billed and Striped Cuckoos, Pauraque, White-collared, Sick’s and Grey-rumped Swifts, Saw-billed, Scale-throated and Rddish Hermits, Sombre and Swallow-tailed Hummingbirds, Black Jacobin, Black-throated Mango, Festive Coquette, Glittering-bellied, Glittering-throated and Versicoloured Emeralds, Violet-capped Wodnymph, White-chinned Sapphire, White-tailed Trogon, Rufous-capped Motmot, Saffron Toucanet, Red-breasted and Channel-billed Toucans, White-barred Piculet, Yellow-fronted, Blond-crested and Robust Woodpeckers, Rufous-capped and Spix’s Spinetails, Orange-eyed Thornbird, Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner, Plain Xenops, Spot-breasted and tufted Antshrikes, Plain and Spot-breasted Antvireos, Star-throated, Rufous-winged and streak-capped Antwrens, Ferruginous, Scaled and Squamate Antbirds, White-shouldered Fire-eye, Rufous-capped Antthrush, Rufous and Black-cheeked Gnateaters, Spotted Bamboowren, Bare-throated Bellbird, Blue and White-bearded Manakins, Black-crowned Tityra, Greenish Mourner, Buff-throated Purpletuft, Chestnut-crowned, White-winged, Black-capped and Crested Becards, Planalto, Grey-capped and Yellow Tyrannulets, Grey Elaenia, Sepia-capped and Grey-hooded flycatchers, Fork-tailed Tody-Tyrant, Yellow-browed, Long-tailed and Cattle tyrants, Masked Water-Tyrant, Piratic, Boat-billed, Variegated and Fork-tailed Flycacthers, White-thighed Swallow, Long-billed Wren, Lemon-chested Greenlet, Purple-throated, Violaceous and Chestnut-bellied Euphonias, Flame-crested, Ruby-crowned, Brazilian, Sayaca, Azure-shouldered, Golden-chevroned, Palm, Green-headed, and Red-necked Tanager, Green Honeycreeper, Swallow Tanager, White-bellied Seedeater, Sooty Grassquit, Saffron Finch, Black-throated Grosbeak, Red-rumped Cacique and Crested Oropendola. -
Ubatuba - Ranário/Palmito na Brasa
Satellite ViewContinuing along the main BR101 towards Parati instead of turning towards Rancho Pica Pau at the roundabout after a few km you will pass the Pousada Falcão on your left. At the next bend you need to turn left where there is a restaurant. Be very careful here this turn can be dangerous. It is sometimes better to pass the turn along a straight bit of road and do a 'U-turn' when safe to do so. Follow the track past the restaurant and continue until you reach an entrance with a high wall, park here. Walk along the track in front, passing the disused buildings on your right. The area to the left is often interesting and often has Sooty Grassquits. A surprisingly high number of species can be seen along the track. The pick of the bunch being Buff-throated Purpletuft, Fork-tailed Tody-Tyrant, Yellow Tyrannulet, Slaty Bristlefront, Orange-eyed Thornbird, Long-billed Wren and Blue Manakin. It is also a good place to look for Bare-throated Bellbirds as there are good views of the wooded hillsides from the track. A small reedy area on the left just before the forest sometimes has White-bellied Seedeater. A pair of Yellow-fronted Woodpeckers has recently been nesting in the last telegraph pole on the left before the reedy area (2011). Other birds to look for include: Black and White Hawk-Eagle, Southern Lapwing, Pileated Parrot, Reddish Hermit, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Festive Coquette, Violet-capped woodnymph, White-chinned Sapphire, White-tailed Trogon, Channel-billed Toucan, Yellow-fronted, Yellow-throated, Blond-crested and Lineated Woodpeckers, Rufous-capped and Spix’s Spinetails, Orange-eyed Thornbird, Ochre-breasted and White-eyed Foliage-gleaners, Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Spot-backed and Tufted Antshrikes, Plain and Spot-breasted Antvireo, Rufous-winged and Streak-headed Antwrens, Ferruginous and Scaled Antbirds, White-shouldered Fire-eye, Rufous-capped Antthrush, Slaty Bristlefront, Spotted Bamboowren, Bare-throated Bellbird, Black-crowned Tityra, Buff-throated Purpletuft, Fork-tailed Tody-tyrant, Common Tody-Flycatcher, Long-billed Wren, Lemon-chested Greenlet, Hooded Siskin, Flame-crested, Brazilian, Green-headed and Red-necked Tanagers, Red-crowned Ant-Tanager, White-bellied Seedeater and Black-throated Grosbeak. -
Ubatuba - Ubatumirim
Satellite ViewThis site is sadly under threat of development as a luxury condominiums, at the time of writing (Oct 2011) there is little progress on the development which has been stopped many times before. The cleared areas seem to be re-growing but for how long is hard to tell. Situated along the BR101 to Rio this site is accessed at km 20 where there is a 'trevo' road junction that has been put there for the proposed condominium. It is usually visited on the return journey from Perequê but is well worth a visit particularly in the morning or evening. Ubatumirim is a large marshy area between the road and the beach which is accessed along a dirt road. Marshy areas are in short supply on this part of the coast so birds like Rufous-sided and Ash-throated Crake, Rufous-capped Antshrike, Black-capped Donacobius, Unicoloured Blackbird and White-bellied Seedeater make welcome additions to the Ubatuba list. The beach sometimes has shorebirds on it particularly at the river estuary, where Semipalmated Plovers and Spotted Sandpipers spend the summer.
Rick Simpson
| rick@rick-simpson.com
http://www.waderquest.org -
Daniel Mello
| danielvirtualxi@yahoo.com.br
Number of bird species: 849
(As at January 2019)State Bird - Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiventris
Aves do Estado de São Paulo
| By EO Willis & Y Oniki | Edwin O. Willis | 2003 | Hardback | 398 pages, 84 colour plates | Text Portuguese | ISBN: 9788590267621 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Birds of the State of Sao Paulo (Aves Estado de Sao Paulo)
| By Edson Endrigo | Editora Aves e Fotos | 2010 | Hardback | 172 pages, 189 colour photos | Text English & Portuguese | ISBN: 9788598153087 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Field Guide: Birds of Greater São Paulo
| By Edson Endrigo & Pedro F Develey | Editora Aves e Fotos | 2004 | Paperback | 295 pages, colour photos | Text English & Portuguese | ISBN: 9788598153018 Buy this book from NHBS.com
Centro De Estudos Ornitológicos - Estudo E Preservação Das Aves
WebsiteThe Centro de Estudos Ornitológicos is a nongovermental, nonprofit enterprise, which aims at congregating people interested in ornithology and correlated subjects, the development of ornithological studies, contributing to the conservation of nature in general and of birds in particular, and also educating the general public… -
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Website -
Universidade Federal de São Paulo
NF Ipanema
InformationSatellite View -
NP Abrolhos
InformationSatellite ViewThe Alcatrazes Archipelago, on the South Atlantic, is one of the most extraordinary marine insular life refuges of the planet. It is the biggest nest of migratory sea birds on the Brazilian's Southeast region. The area is being threaten by the bombing practices of the Brazilian Navy over its ecosystems, in opposition to the preservation of its wild nature… -
NP Serra da Bocaina
InformationSatellite ViewComprises an area of approximately 104,000 hectares (260,000 acres) and a significant biodiversity. The park headquarters is located in São José do Barreiro. -
NR Lagoa São Paulo
InformationSatellite ViewThe Lagoa São Paulo Reserve was in the last large area of forest in the interior of the state of São Paulo, in a region known as the Pontal do Paranapanema. -
NR Legado das Águas
WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Legado das Águas is the largest private reserve of the Atlantic Forest biome in Brazil, located in the "Vale do Ribeira" region (Juquiá, Tapiraí and Miracatu), in São Paulo state. There are 31.000 hectares in excellent state of preservation, including some areas that have never suffered any human interference! Its forests contain rare and endangered species, such as the Black-fronted Piping-guan (Aburria jacutinga), Mantled Hawk (Pseudastur polionotus), Sao Paulo Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes paulista) and several others that can be found. -
NR Reserva Guainumbi
Facebook PageSatellite ViewNB Jan 2019 closed to birdersThe Guainumbi Reserve is 190 km from São Paulo, between the cities of Ubatuba and São Luis do Paraitinga. It is part of the Santa Virgínia Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park. More than 353 species of birds have been recorded, as well as mammals such as the white-faced marmoset, ocelot, wildcat, paca and sloth. The reserve covers 70 hectares and is part of a large ecological corridor of thousands of km2 (Serra do Mar park), which has become one of the last refuges of Atlantic Forest wildlife in Brazil. -
SP Cantareira
InformationSatellite ViewIt protects an area of Atlantic Forest to the north of the city of São Paulo. There are an estimated 866 species of fauna in the park. There are 388 species of vertebrates of which 97 are mammals, 233 are birds, 28 are amphibians, 20 are reptiles and 10 are fish. 478 species of invertebrates have been recorded including 91 of bees, 303 arachnids, 62 of ants and 22 species of culicidae. -
SP IBA Restinga de Bertioga
InformationSatellite ViewIt protects an area of restinga, mangroves and dense rainforest on the coast of São Paulo. The park provides an important ecological corridor from the coastal restinga to the Serra do Mar State Park further inland. 117 bird species have been identified, of which 37 are endemic and 9 endangered. BirdLife International considers the area an "Important Bird Area", critically important for conservation and biodiversity of birds in the long term. -
SP Ilha do Cardoso
InformationSatellite ViewThe Ilha do Cardoso is a state park located on the southern coast of São Paulo, on the border with the State of Parana, separated from the mainland by the Ararapira and Baia Trapandé channel. Created in 1962, it covers more than 13,000 hectares, with various types of Atlantic Forest vegetation, which provide an extraordinary variety of environments and great biological diversity. -
SP Ilhabela
InformationSatellite ViewIt protects an area of Atlantic Forest on an archipelago in the South Atlantic off the northeast coast of the state, including most of the mountainous island of São Sebastião. Birds include toucans, pionus parrots, Brazilian tanager (Ramphocelus bresilius), solitary tinamou (Tinamus solitarius), black hawk-eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus), brown-backed parrotlet (Touit melanonotus), penelopes and black-fronted piping guan (Pipile jacutinga). The archipelago is also a refuge for migratory birds. -
SP Intervales
InformationSatellite ViewThis state park is situated on the Serra do Mar, the 1,000m high escarpment that runs along the coast of southeast Brazil. The park is one of a complex of four adjacent reserves with a total area of more than 1,200km2 and is of great significance as it contains pristine forest over an altitudinal gradient from 20m to 1,095m. Only the upper part of the park is open to the public. -
SP Itinguçu
InformationSatellite ViewThe Itinguçu State Park covers a group of mountains along the Atlantic coast to the southwest of the town of Peruíbe. It is rich in fauna, especially birds, including 30 species of hummingbirds and woodpeckers. -
SP Juqueri
InformationSatellite ViewIt protects one of the last remnants of cerrado in the São Paulo metropolitan region, as well as areas of Atlantic Forest. The Serra da Cantareira Forest Reserve is nearby, but the corridor linking the park to the reserve is not protected and may soon be urbanized, leading to loss of biodiversity and sustainability. -
SP Xixová-Japuí
InformationSatellite ViewIt protects an isolated area of well-preserved Atlantic Forest on the Atlantic coast near the city of São Paulo. -
WF Ilhas do Abrigo e Guararitama
InformationSatellite ViewThe Ilhas do Abrigo e Guararitama Wildlife Refuge is in the Atlantic Ocean to the east of Peruíbe, São Paulo. It covers the islands of Bom Abrigo and Guararitama and a rectangular area of sea surrounding them with a total area of 481 hectares (1,190 acres). The islands have no beaches, but are surrounded by rocky headlands. Their vegetation is Atlantic Forest. They provide food, shelter and nesting sites for many bird species including the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), royal tern (Thalasseus maximus) and South American tern (Sterna hirundinacea). Abrigo island is an important resting place for the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens).
Carlos Henrique - This Way Birding Services
GuideI work sporadically as birdwatching guide, I am ornithologist and herpetologist. Actually, I am a Ph.D. candidate in Animal Biology at Universidade Estadual de Campinas studying reproduction modes of vertebrates.
2017 [10 October] - Andrew Whittaker
ReportBeginning in São Paulo, our first destination was Intervales State Park, my own personal favorite among the many great birding spots included in our southeast Brazil trip. Intervales never fails to deliver a huge serving of Atlantic Forest endemics and just plain fantastic birding experiences, and such was the case again this trip. We began the first evening with one of my personal highlights, the fabulous and incredibly cooperative male Long-trained Nightjar. -
Ibirapuera Park
PDF ReportIbirapuera Park is a large municipal park in the centre of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Birds can be seen on the lakes, lawns, trees and bushes that cover almost two square kilometres. It is a popular park with the local Paulistas, who jog, walk, skate and socialise here. A number of buildings in the park include the Planetarium and the Museum of Modern Art. Security patrols are regular, giving the park a safe feel to it. Even so it would be wise to bird in company if possible.
Arraial da Serra
AccommodationVenha curtir suas folgas, promover seu treinamento ou fazer sua festa no campo, a apenas 1h30 de São Paulo e 20 minutos de Sorocaba. Desfrute de nossos aconchegantes chalés e nossa área verde com toda a infra-estrutura necessária, sem ter que se preocupar com nada. Aceitamos reservas para grupos em geral, workshops, comemorações, casamentos e aniversários. -
Chalé Aconchego
AccommodationVenha passar suas f -
Fazenda Capoava - Itú
AccommodationA Fazenda Capoava, de origem Bandeirante(1750); foi cuidadosamente restaurada e apresenta, a quem nos visita, mais de 250 anos de história para ser conhecida, vivida e admirada… -
Fazenda Santa Isabel - Monte Alegre do Sul
AccommodationConstruída a mais de 100 anos, a Fazenda Santa Isabel, onde fica a Pousada da Fazenda, preserva ainda a casa principal, que hoje abriga o restaurante, o terreiro usado para secagem dos grãos de café, algumas casas de colonos e um pombal inclinado como a Torre de Pisa. Em 50 alqueires de mata nativa, além de toda riqueza histórica, a fazenda oferece o verdadeiro turismo rural. -
Fazenda Vale Encantado
AccommodationA Fazenda Vale Encantado tem o prazer de apresentar o PRIMEIRO PARQUE ECOLÓGICO PARTICULAR da região de Atibaia! Agora você pode conhecer de verdade a Mata Atlântica, passeando por maravilhosas trilhas, visitando grandes lajes de pedra, cachoeiras, córregos e uma linda gruta. Tudo isso a 50 minutos de São Paulo! -
Hotel Aguas Claras
AccommodationPoder vivenciar a experi -
Hotel Fazenda Campo dos Sonhos - Socorro
AccommodationExtensive resort rather than just a Lodge… -
Hotel Fazenda Recanto da Paz - Atibaia
AccommodationHotel fazenda localizado a 75 Km de São Paulo, com muito ar puro a 1.000 metros de altitude nas montanhas de Atibaia, visite nossas galerias de fotos e descubra as delícias da vida no campo… -
Hotel Fazenda S
AccommodationContato direto com a natureza, ar puro, clima agrad -
Hotel Fazenda Village Montana - Socorro
AccommodationTudo isso aliado ao clima ameno do campo e a magnífica paisagem das montanhas, para fazer de seu passeio uma experiência sem igual… -
Hotel Pousada São Francisco
AccommodationAmplo restaurante aberto ao p -
Itamambuca Pousada & Camping - Ubatuba, SP
AccommodationUma autêntica Reserva Ecológica - O cotidiano do Itamabuca Eco Resort sempre esteve integrado a Natureza. Além da vegetação típica da Mata Atlântica que cerca toda sua volta, animais nativos e plantas exóticas completam esse cenário maravilhoso e inesquecível. É praticamente impossível ficar alheio aos sinais que a natureza irradia com tanta naturalidade… -
Pousada Floresta Negra - Campos do Jord
AccommodationConfort -
Pousada Muriqui - São Francisco Xavier
AccommodationIn Portugues only…. -
Pousada Quatro Luas - Atibaia
AccommodationFlashy site… -
Pousada Salve Floresta - SE São Paulo
AccommodationSomente a implantação de medidas de educação ambiental, junto com um trabalho rigido de controle é que poderiamos preservar o que restou dessa fauna brasileira. -
Pousada Serra do Luar - S
AccommodationNossa pousada situa-se num dos locais mais aconchegantes da Serra da Mantiqueira. De dia temos as mais belas paisagens da regi -
Pousada da Cachoeira - Monte Alegre do Sul
AccommodationSister to the Lodge in Pirrasununga… -
Pousada do Quirim - Petar - Iporanga
AccommodationA contiguidade de outras Unidades de Conservação vizinhas, como o Parque Estadual Intervales – PEI, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho – PECB e Estação Ecológica de Xitué – EEX, aliado à existência de uma área de entorno ainda conservada, assegura à região um contínuo de mata íntegra (>200.000 ha) que permite a existência de espécies faunísticas de amplo território, como a onça-pintada (Panthera onca); o mono-carvoeiro ou muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) e gavião-real ou harpia (Harpia harpya). Cerca de 30 outras espécies de vertebrados encontram-se na lista de ameaçados de extinção, como a rara ave marialeque (Onychorhyncus coronatus); a ágil lontra (Lutra longicaudis) e curioso cágado (Hydromedusa maximiliani); entre outros. -
Pousada dos Anjos - Est
AccommodationPousada a 1300 metros de altitude com amoroso caf -
Recanto do Sertão
AccommodationSuperb Atlantic rainforest, springs and crystalline water streams, beautiful trails, and of course, many birds. This is Recanto no Sertão, in city of Ibiúna, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. There are bird feeders, water fountain for hummingbirds and hides in the forest for birdwatching. You can stay in the Sertão very close to the forest, in rustic rooms with a fireplace and enjoy wonderful Brazilian food served on the wood stove. There are more than 200 species of birds to enjoy, and the site has guide bird watching, biologist Jefferson Otaviano, with extensive experience with the birds of the region. -
Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu Lodge
AccommodationThe lodge opened in 2004 to provide high quality accommodation for visitors to explore the Atlantic Forest here. The lodge is small, with ten rooms, a relaxed and informal atmosphere, and situated with a dramatic backdrop of the restored wetlands and the forested Serra dos Órgãos mountains, part of the larger Serra do Mar range in south-east Brazil -
Trilha dos Tucanos
Facebook PageThe Trilha dos Tucanos is located in a private area of Atlantic Forest, currently one of the most frequented places for birdwatching and bird photography in São Paulo state. It's one of the best places to observe several species of Tanagers, Woodpeckers, Parakeets, Toucans and other birds in many birdfeeders around the headquarters area, which are supplied in the morning and afternoon, providing food all day. The owners Marco Antônio and Patrícia do not have pets (dogs or cats) and this also attracts some precious mammal species from the Atlantic Forest. The place has lodging services and restaurant. Guides can be hired optionally.
Atlantic Forest
WebsiteThe Atlantic Forest of Brazil is one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, with 1020 bird species, of which 200 are endemic. One reason for the great variety of species is the steep gradient of the landscape as it rises from the coastal lowlands to the high mountains of the Serra do Mar and the continental plateau beyond… -
Intervales Birds
WebsiteBirdwatching in Intervales State Park, Atlantic Rain Forest
Birdwatching São Sebastião
BLOGLast updated 2011 - It is a group formed by biologists and ornithologists whose objective is the study of the avifauna diversity of the region, carrying out activities of environmental education and development of bird watching activities as a sustainable strategy in the remaining areas of Atlantic Forest forests. -
Luiz Álvaro Toledo Barros Jr.
BLOGEi, pintassilgo Oi, pintaroxo Melro, uirapuru Ai, chega-e-vira Engole-vento Saíra, inhambu Foge asa-branca Vai, patativa Tordo, tuju, tuim Xô, tié-sangue Xô, tié-fogo Xô, rouxinol sem fim Some, coleiro Anda, trigueiro Te esconde colibri Voa, macuco Voa, viúva Utiariti Bico calado Toma cuidado Que o homem vem aí O homem vem aí O homem vem aí… -
Paulo Guerra - Aves de Jaú
BLOGPhotoblog from this Brazilian photographer and wildlife enthusiast…