Republic of Chile

Chile is a country in western South America. It is the southernmost country in the world and the closest to Antarctica, stretching along a narrow strip of land between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. A long and narrow coastal Southern Cone country on the west side of the Andes Mountains, Chile stretches over 4,300 km north to south, but only 350 km at its widest point east to west and 64 km at its narrowest point east to west, with an average width of 175 km. This encompasses a large variety of climates and landscapes. It is situated within the Pacific Ring of Fire. Chile had a population of about 20 million people in a territorial area of over 756,000 km2 (nearly 292,000 square miles), sharing borders with Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. The country also controls several Pacific islands, including Juan Fernández, Isla Salas y Gómez, Desventuradas, and Easter Island, and claims about 1,250,000 km2 (480,000 square miles) of Antarctica as the Chilean Antarctic Territory. The capital and largest city of Chile is Santiago with almost five million inhabitants, a quarter of the nation’s population. The national language is Spanish.
Conguillío National Park with Chilean Pine Araucaria araucaria – ©lautaroj CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The northern Atacama Desert contains great mineral wealth, primarily copper and nitrates. The relatively small Central Valley, which includes Santiago, dominates the country in terms of population and agricultural resources. Southern Chile is rich in forests, grazing lands, and features a string of volcanoes and lakes. The southern coast is a labyrinth of fjords, inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands. The Andes Mountains are located on the eastern border. Due to the characteristics of the territory, Chile is crossed by numerous rivers generally short in length and with low flow rates. They commonly extend from the Andes to the Pacific Ocean, flowing from East to West. Because of the Atacama Desert, in the Norte Grande there are only short endorheic character streams, except for the Loa River, the longest in the country 440 km. In the high valleys, wetland areas generate Chungará Lake, located at 4500 meters above sea level. It and the Lauca River are shared with Bolivia, as well as the Lluta River. In the centre-north of the country, the number of rivers that form valleys of agricultural importance increases. Noteworthy are the Elqui with 75 km long, 142 km Aconcagua, Maipo with 250 km and its tributary, the Mapocho with 110 km, and Maule with 240 km. Their waters mainly flow from Andean snowmelt in the summer and winter rains. The major lakes in this area are the artificial lake Rapel, the Colbun Maule lagoon and the lagoon of La Laja.
Colbún Lake – ©Tuguriodetom CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The diverse climate of Chile ranges from the world’s driest desert in the north – the Atacama Desert, through a Mediterranean climate in the centre, tropical in Easter Island, to an oceanic climate, including alpine tundra and glaciers in the east and south. Within its borders it hosts at least eighteen major climatic subtypes. There are four seasons in most of the country: summer (December to February), autumn (March to May), winter (June to August), and spring (September to November).
Birding Chile
The flora and fauna of Chile are characterised by a high degree of endemism, due to its particular geography. In continental Chile, the Atacama Desert in the north and the Andes mountains to the east are barriers that have led to the isolation of flora and fauna. Add to that the enormous length of Chile (over 4,300 km) and this results in a wide range of climates and environments that can be divided into three general zones: the desert provinces of the north, central Chile, and the humid regions of the south. The northernmost coastal and central region is largely barren of vegetation, approaching the most absolute desert in the world. On the slopes of the Andes are scattered tola desert brush and grasses. The central valley is characterised by several species of cacti, the hardy espinos, the Chilean pine, the southern beeches and the copihue, a red bell-shaped flower that is Chile’s national flower. In southern Chile, south of the Biobío River, heavy precipitation has produced dense forests of laurels, magnolias, and various species of conifers and beeches, which become smaller and more stunted to the south. The cold temperatures and winds of the extreme south preclude heavy forestation. Grassland is found in East Magallanes Province and northern Tierra del Fuego (in Patagonia). Much of the Chilean flora is distinct from that of neighbouring Argentina, indicating that the Andean barrier existed during its formation.
Chile’s geographical isolation has restricted the immigration of faunal life so that only a few of the many distinctive South American animals are found. Among the larger mammals are the puma or cougar, the llama-like guanaco and the fox-like chilla. In the forest region, several types of marsupials and a small deer known as the pudu are found.
Atacama Desert – ©Jess Wood CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
From the arid deserts in the north, to the glacial waters of the south via its’ cosmopolitan capital, pacific islands and beautiful landscape, birding in Chile can be breath-taking. (Its geography, size & shape does mean however, you are going to have to work to get those ticks!). Sources vary greatly but there are generally accepted to be more than 550 bird species of which 13 are endemic with another six ‘breeding endemics’. There are many species of small birds, but most of the larger common Latin American types are absent.
Using Santiago as a base, several quality, yet varying, sites are twitchable in a day. Over on the coast try the Rio Aconcagua estuary at Con-Con for excellent close up views of the beautiful Many-Coloured Rush Tyrant. In surrounding areas venture up to the Penguin Rock at Cachagua as it also holds good spots as does the Laguna Peral site which is south of Valparaiso and is famed for its Black-Necked Swans.
Travelling in the other direction head on up into the Andes and to El Yeso Reservoir to get amongst other great birds, in particular the endemic Crag Earthcreeper, the must-see Diademed Sandpiper Plover and, of course, the magnificent Andean Condor. To the north is La Campana National Park and Estero Lampa, and to the south lies Rio Clarillo National Park.
Lauca National Park – ©mtchm CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Away from the capital you have the high-altitude options around Putre and Lauca National Park with its three types of flamingos and the scenic wonder of snow-capped volcanoes. There are various good sites around Concepcion including the massive estuary of the Bio-Bio River. Laguna Torca National Park, Lago Budi and Temuco’s city park all top-quality sites. The extreme south of the Country is also good, you will not be disappointed especially if you can get on a pelagic trip.
There isn’t an abundance of birding data available on Chile, which on one hand is a shame, but on the other hand gives you the feeling of being a pioneer in the field of birding. During your birding here, unless you are in a group, your chances of meeting any other birders is virtually zero, but Chile is a very safe place to go birding and well worth a visit.
Number of bird species: 583
(As at January 2025)National Bird: Andean Condor Vultur gryphus
Number of endemics: 13
Chilean Tinamou Nothoprocta perdicaria
Slender-billed Parakeet Enicognathus leptorhynchus
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis
Chilean Woodstar Eulidia yarrellii
Pincoya Storm-Petrel Oceanites pincoyae
Crag Earthcreeper Ochetorhynchus melanurus
Seaside Cinclodes Cinclodes nigrofumosus
Masafuera Rayadito Aphrastura masafuerae
Dusky-tailed Canastero Asthenes humicola
Moustached Turca Pteroptochos megapodius
White-throated Tapaculo Scelorchilus albicollis
Dusky Tapaculo Scytalopus fuscus
Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant Anairetes fernandezianusNumber of endemics: 6 Breeding Endemics
Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma externa
Stejneger's Petrel Pterodroma longirostris
Masatierra Petrel Pteradroma defilippiana
Pink-footed Shearwater Ardenna creatopus
Grey Gull Larus modestus
Tamarugo Conebill Conirostrum tamarugense
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Chile , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide. -
Annotated ListThis is a list of the bird species recorded in Chile. Unless otherwise noted, the list is that of the South American Classification Committee (SACC) of the American Ornithological Society. The SACC list includes species recorded in mainland Chile, on the Chilean islands of the Cape Horn area, on other islands and waters near the mainland, and on and around the Juan Fernández Islands. The list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) are also those of the SACC
Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Chile
| (Lista Comentada de las Aves de Chile) | by Manuel Marín | Lynx Edicions | 2004 | 141 pages, Tabs | ISBN: 9788487334597 Buy this book from -
Birds of Chile
| (Including the Antarctic Peninsula, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia) | by Alvaro Jaramillo Illustrated by Peter Burke & David Beadle | Christopher Helm | 2003 | Paperback | 240 pages, 98 colour plates, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780713646887 Buy this book from -
Birds of Chile
| By Daniel E Martínez Piña & Gonzalo E González Cifuentes | Helm | 2021 | Paperback | 224 pages, 88 plates with colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781472970008 Buy this book from -
Birds of Chile - A Photo Guide
| By Steve NG Howell & Fabrice Schmitt | Princeton University Press | 2018 | Paperback | 240 pages, colour photos, 3 colour maps | ISBN: 9780691167398 Buy this book from -
The Essential Guide to Birding in Chile
| By Mark Pearman | Worldwide Publishing | 1995 | Paperback | 96 pages, b/w illustrations, b/w maps | ISBN: 9780952441113 Buy this book from
Chile Aves
AndroidEach bird species is represented with an individual card that includes a high-quality image, a detailed description of its characteristics, habitat, behavior and distribution in the country, as well as a recording of its song
Embark on a fascinating journey through the birdlife of Chile, a country with an incredible diversity of birds that extend from the Atacama Desert to cold Patagonia. This application allows you to discover and learn about the birds that inhabit or visit every corner of Chile.The Birds of Chile
Apple iOS |In "The Birds of Chile" all species of birds regularly found in Chile are described, and their approximate size given in inches and tenths of inches. Females are not explicitly described if they resemble males.
A brief account of each family is given in the list of families. The range of each species is given, but often in much detail. In addition to the birds‘ geographical ranges, the altitudinal zones which they inhabit are given.
Audubon Chile
WebpageFrom the Andes to the sea. -
Comité Nacional Pro Defensa de la Flora y Fauna (CODEFF)
WebsiteThe BirdLife partner for Chile. The mission of the organisation is to be a non-government, national and community driven organisation that conserves the environment and promotes sustainable development. Ernesto Reyes 035, Providencia Santiago, -
La Estrategia Nacional de Conservación de Aves
WebsiteLa Estrategia Nacional de Conservación de Aves 2021–2030 es un esfuerzo colaborativo entre diversas instituciones, que eleva la conservación de las aves y sus hábitats a la política pública, permitiendo de esta manera, responder a las necesidades de diversas especies, complementar esfuerzos realizados e iniciar nuevas e innovadoras acciones que sean necesarias. -
Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC)
WebsiteProtecting birds and their ecosystems in Chile through a network in which researchers, educators, conservationists and nature lovers collaborate -
Unión de Ornitólogios de Chile (UNORCH)
WebsiteSi te gusta disfrutar y maravillarte con la naturaleza, si quieres protegerla y conservarla para tus hijos, si crees que todos podemos aportar...
*Protected Areas of Chile
InformationSatellite ViewThese protected areas cover over 140,000 km2 (54,054 sq mi), which is 19% of the territory of Chile. The National System of Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE by its Spanish acronym) is regulated by law #18,362 passed in 1984, and administered by the National Forest Corporation (CONAF). hese protected areas cover over 140,000 km2 (54,054 sq mi), which is 19% of the territory of Chile. The National System of Protected Wild Areas (SNASPE by its Spanish acronym) is regulated by law #18,362 passed in 1984, and administered by the National Forest Corporation (CONAF). -
Chile's IBAs
WebpageSatellite View177 IBAs with 109 globally threatened species... -
IBA Bahía Lomas
InformationSatellite ViewThe wetlands of the bay are important sites for the red knot, the Hudsonian godwit and other shorebirds. The wetlands are a Ramsar site of international importance and an Important Bird Area. -
NNR Los Flamencos
InformationSatellite ViewThe southern viscacha, vicuña and Darwin's rhea, are classified as endangered species. Others, such as Andean goose, horned coot, Andean gull, puna tinamou and the three flamingo species inhabiting in Chile (Andean flamingo, Chilean flamingo, and James's flamingo) are considered vulnerable. -
NNR Reserva Nacional Laguna Torca
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Reserve is divided into three very differemt areas. The first area is the main Lagoon area, where 120 species of birds, have been spotted,according to Head Ranger Don Luis… -
NNR Reserva Nacional Magallanes
InformationSatellite ViewReserva Nacional Magallanes is a national reserve of southern Chile's Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region. -
NP Lauca
InformationSatellite ViewThere are over 140 bird species, making it one of the best national parks for birding in Chile. Those include puna ibis, Andean goose, giant coot, puna tinamou, silvery grebe, crested duck, puna teal, Andean condor and Chilean flamingo. -
NP Parque Nacional Puyehue
InformationSatellite ViewThe spectacular Puyehue National Park is dominated by the maximum diversity of Nothofagus species, under which a dense undergrowth of Chusquea bamboo conceals a multitude of exciting but secretive tapaculos. One of the most spectacular is the huge Black-throated Huet-huet, 26 centimeters of black and chestnut plumes, which has a scolding, onomatopoeic call and a bird which positively vibrates as it broadcasts its deeply resonant song. In the Park you can see the Ochre-flanked Tapaculo, which is another monotypic genus and endemic to the Nothofagus forest. You can find some outstanding species including a number of specialty such as Bicoloured Hawk, Chilean Pigeon, Austral Pygmy-Owl, Green-backed Firecrown, the much sought-after Magellanic Woodpecker (South America's largest woodpecker), the tiny restless Des Murs's Wiretail and the poorly-known Patagonian Tyrant. Higher up, at the crater of the Volcan Raihuen, you can search for Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant and the striking Yellow-bridled Finch. -
NP Torres del Paine
InformationSatellite ViewThe park contains breeding populations of 15 bird of prey species and two others are likely reproducing here. Among them are Andean condor, black-chested buzzard-eagle, rufous-tailed hawk, cinereous harrier, chimango caracara, magellanic horned owl, austral pygmy-owl, to name but a few. Other birds occurring in the park include the Chilean flamingo, Darwin's rhea, coscoroba swan, black-necked swan, Magellanic woodpecker, Magellan goose, and black-faced ibis. -
NR Reserva Natural Urbana Humedal Tres Puentes
WebpageSatellite ViewEl Humedal Tres Puentes es una pequeña superficie de 50 hectareas que concentra una gran variedad de especies características de la región de Magallanes, especies como el canquen colorado han hecho de su superficie un lugar predilecto año tras año… -
NR Reserva Rio Clarillo
WebpageSatellite ViewRio Clarillo reserve is near Pirque, south of the main part of Santiago… …you can see several Chilean endemics including the Dusky Tapaculo and White-throated Tapaculo as well as Chilean Tinamou and the common Chilean Mockingbird. The site to look for the two tapaculos is the trail that loops around the back of the park office, you may be able to find the local naturalist Carlos Sarmiento Sequel who may give you hand with locating birds… -
NS Carlos Anwandter Nature Sanctuary (Rio Cruces)
InformationSatellite ViewThis sanctuary is an aquatic reserve with approximately 4.877 hectares at the end of the 'Rio Cruces' (Crosses River), in the province of Valdivia….
SightingseBird en Chile es administrado por la Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC)
Albatross Birding & Nature Tours
Tour OperatorPeople ask us why they should choose Chile for their next birds and nature experience...We say because it´s very beautiful, has great birds and is safe and easy to travel in. Chile is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a physical geography that is surprisingly difficult to describe. A blend of New Zealand´s south Island, California and the world´s driest desert. Some 6,500 kilometers of coastline but never be more than 200 kilometres wide! As for the birds then get ready to find the penguins, albatrosses, pelicans, firecrowns, rayaditos, huet-huets, tapaculos, wiretails, earthcreepers, miners, shrike-tyrants and other unusual sounding species. -
Alvaro's Adventures
Local Tour OperatorBirds and Wine - Chile & Argentina - Andean Condor, albatrosses, penguins, gallitos, sierra-finches, yellow-finches, Burrowing Parakeet, paired with Carmenere, Malbec and Sauvignon Blanc. -
Tour OperatorThis comprehensive tour takes us from the driest desert on earth, the Atacama, over 4000km south through the stunning Altiplano and Patagonia to the windswept Tierra del Fuego. We will search for endemics from Chilean Woodstar to Chilean Tinamou, Moustached Turca and Crag Chilia; add in Diademed Sandpiper-plover, Andean and Puna (James’s) Flamingos, Magellanic Woodpecker, numerous seabirds and Guanacos for an unforgettable experience. -
Tour OperatorCHILE – The Ultimate itinerary for endemics, regional specialities and Pumas -
Birding Chile
Local Tour OperatorWe design birding programs focus on our iconic species with an emphasis in offer you an excellent quality of services and give you an authentic experience through this long and narrow geography. -
Tour OperatorOur Chile birding tours not only offer some fine southern South America birding but are also designed to give you the chance of seeing Puma, the Lord of the Andes... -
Birds Chile
Local Tour OperatorOur mission is to contribute to the regeneration of natural heritage and to the preservation of cultural identity through Sustainable Tourism Experiences. -
Birdwatching Chile
Local Tour OperatorAs a specialized company devoted exclusively to birdwatching, we offer an ample diversity of Birding and Wildlife Trips in Chile... -
Far South Expeditions
Local Tour OperatorChile Birding Tours. Biogeographically speaking, Chile is an island in its own right, isolated from the rest of the Neotropical region (Central and South America) by natural barriers in all four cardinal points. -
Tour OperatorComprehensive survey tour of this visually spectacular and tourist-friendly country. -
Tour OperatorA fantastic adventure to discover the fascinating diversity of Chilean birdlife amid spectacular scenery... -
Kolibri Expeditions
Tour OperatorKolibri Expeditions offer a variety of programs in the Neotropics, but we usually do not have fixed departures. The trips below will be organised on request. The itineraries must therefore be seen as a draft before individual considerations. Whenever there is a trip scheduled this will show on this page. Come back to it and check once in a while for changes. -
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorNaturalist Journeys is excited to offer Chilean nature tours and Chilean cruises. Click on one of the tours below to find out more about our Chile nature tours. -
Ornis Birding Expeditions
Tour OperatorFantastic birds, ranging from the incredible Diademed Sandpiper-Plover to the Critically Endangered Chilean Woodstar and the impressive Magellanic Woodpecker, mega tapaculos such as Chucao Tapaculo, Chestnut-throated Huet-huet, and Moustached Turca, plus Puna Tinamou, Golden-spotted Ground Dove, Red-legged Cormorant, Stripe-backed Bittern, Slender-billed Parakeet, Rufous-legged Owl, Crag Chilia, Many-coloured Rush Tyrant, and three excellent pelagics. -
Patagonia WildWatching
Local Tour OperatorMy name is Cristofer De la Rivera, I’m Chilean and I live with my wife and our two children in Punta Arenas, Chile; the capital of Chilean Patagonia situated on the shore of the Strait of Magellan. I’m a Veterinarian by education and have worked as a Professional Guide and Tour Leader for over 7 years in Patagonia and Chile, running trips focused on Nature, Birdwatching, Kayak and Whalewatching in the Strait of Magellan and Puma sighting in Torres del Paine. -
Pucón Birding
Local Tour OperatorPuconBirding is a birdwatching and photography business since 2006. We custom design an experience for travelers in discovering the entry to Patagonia and the Andes mountains, with its lakes, rivers and volcanoes in Pucón-Chile. -
Rockjumper Birding Tours
Tour OperatorOur comprehensive tour of this fantastic and scenically stunning country takes us from the Humboldt Current along the rocky coastline right up to the high Paramo of the Andes. Birding targets include the striking Diademed Sandpiper-plover, Chilean Tinamou, Chestnut-throated and Black-throated Huet-huets, Chilean Woodstar and Slender-billed Parakeet. -
Tropical Birding Tours
Tour OperatorChile: Birding the Atacama to Tierra del Fuego -
Tour OperatorChile: Tierra del Fuego to the Atacama Desert
2016 [04 April] - Eduardo Navarro
PDF ReportWe left the hotel at 7:00 a.m. and drove to our first birding stop where we rapidly found some good species including Moustached Turca and Dusky-tailed Canastero, both Chilean endemic. -
2016 [12 December] - John van der Woude - Central-south Chile
Report...In the overwhelming forest of El Pionero trail above Aguas Calientes in Puyehue national park, the park along the road from Osorno to Argentina. Black-throated Huet-huet, Magellanic and Chucao Tapaculo all seen along thi trail just above and below -40.73820, -72.311693. On our trip, we heard the loud chucao call in many places but the bird is very shy.... -
2017 [02 February] - Marcelo Padua & John Coons - Chile & Argentina
ReportOur tour produced some great avian treats, such as Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper, Many-colored Chaco-Finch, White-fronted Woodpecker, and some nice Argentine endemics such as Sandy Gallito, Band-tailed Earthcreeper, and Steinbach’s Canastero. -
2017 [11 November] - Mark Pearman
PDF ReportOnce again, Ultimate Chile produced all of the mainland Chilean endemics, all eight tapaculos, some the size of a puffin, and an astonishing wader spectacle of 33 species... -
2017 [11 November] - Willy Perez & Megan Edwards Crewe
ReportWhat adventures we had in Chile! From the barren starkness of Isla Grande in the south to the vast, silent stretches of the Atacama desert in the north, from spectacular peaks of Torres del Paine to the leafy Nothofagus forests of south-central Chile, from the rich, cold waters of the Humboldt current off Valparaiso to the high, stony Yeso valley and the bofedales and saline lakes of Lauca, we travelled the length and breadth of the country -- venturing to within a handful of kilometers of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru -- in search of its special birds. We had exceptionally fine weather throughout, with little wind and only a single night of rain (long after we were asleep); even our partially cloudy days were few and far between. -
2018 [12 December] - Rodrigo Silva
PDF ReportWe started our trip in Santiago, where Rodrigo picked Nick up, who after travelling through Patagonia, arrived to the Central zone... -
2019 [01 January] - Stephen & Sandra Brauning - Chile & Falklands
PDF ReportComparing Chile to other places we have traveled, birded and lived in Latin America, our overall impression is that it is a prosperous, orderly and safe country, easy to travel and bird. -
2019 [02 February] - Ricardo Matus
PDF ReportThe tour took place in central and Southern Chile birding in all possible sites according to the schedule designed and specially looking for target birds... -
2022 [01 January] - Rob Jansen - Chile & Argentina
PDF ReportAfter arranging our car in Santiago, we drove south. Therefore we start this trip report south of where we ended our Southern Chile Trip report, from Chaitén further south towards what is best known as Patagonia. -
2023 [02 February] - Brian Minshull
PDF Report...In what was a full on five days, we managed some 129 bird species, plus a good support cast of mammals, etc., at a wide range of sites, with some very definite highlights. I’ll save any further explanation of these for later rather than summarising them here... -
2023 [02 February] - Brian Minshull
PDF Report...However, we scored quickly at the first real stop with Crag Chilia (and an Andean Akodont…), but thereafter, once in good habitat upstream of the Embalse El Yeso we really laboured for our key target, Diameded Sandpiper-Plover, and other goodies... -
2023 [10 October] - Rob Jansen
PDF Report...Taking Ruta A-181 (-18.220272, -69.287374) we birded the wetlands all the way towards Parinacota, mainly in search of White-throated Sierra-finch, which we failed to find here. On this road and along the A-93 -which also leads from the highway towards Parinacota- we found many Common Mountain Viscachas... -
2023 [11 November] - Daniel López Velasco
PDF ReportOur first Ornis tour to Chile tour was both highly successful and enjoyable. All the mainland Chilean endemics were logged and for the shorebird enthusiastic, an astonishing wader spectacle of 42 species was seen, including the iconic Diademed Sandpiper-Plover, the enigmatic Magellanic Plover – a must for those trying to see all of the world’s families!-, Peruvian Thickknee, smart Tawny-throated and Rufous-chested Dotterels, Puna and Two-banded Plovers, Andean Avocet and Rufousbellied Seedsnipe. Our two pelagics and various ferry crossings delivered no less than 20 species of tubenoses with highlights of impressive Northern Royal and beautiful Buller’s Albatrosses off Valparaiso, very close Masatierra (De Filippi’s) Petrel as well as hundreds of Markham’s, several Ringed (Hornby’s) and Wedgerumped Storm-Petrels off Iquique... -
2023 [11 November] - Ulrik Andersen
PDF ReportOur top priority for the tour was to see a puma which is probably easier in Chile than anywhere else in the world. That being said, we did spend most of our time looking for birds, especially endemic and near-endemic species, as well as some especially iconic species. We felt the tour was highly successful and we found most of our target birds relatively easily... -
2023 [12 December] - Dušan Brinkhuizen
PDF ReportArgentina & Chile Southern Patagonia incl. Torres del Paine NP 2023 -
2023 [12 December] - Vivian Jacobs
PDF Report...We focused on species new for our world list and saw 207 bird species in total. Bird wise the highlights were Magellanic Plover, Diademed Sandpiper-Plover, both White and Yellow Bridled Finches, the three Earthcreepers, King Penguin, Chucao Tapaculo, Black-throated Huet-huet, Moustached Turca, both Steamer Ducks, Chocolatevented Tyrant, Crag Chilia, Red Shoveler. In the area of mammals, highlights were Puma, Commerson’s and Peale’s Dolphin and Large Hairy Armadillo... -
2024 [01 January] - Adam Walleyn
PDF ReportOur tour began in Santiago Chile and our first excursion was out to Laguna Batuco at the outskirts of that large city. Upon arrival a Cinereous Harrier cruised right past us, and we soon discovered there were thousands of birds on the lake, the majority being Franklin’s Gulls. Getting closer to the lake we scoped up two male Black-headed Ducks that gave wonderful views and then worked our way through the many other waterbirds: Red Shoveler, Cinnamon Teal, Yellowbilled Pintail, Yellow-billed Teal, Chiloe Wigeon, Lake Duck, White-tufted and Great Grebe, Whitewinged, Red-gartered and Red-fronted Coots, White-backed Stilts, Cocoi Herons and American Golden Plover, amongst others. -
2024 [02 February] - David Blair
PDF Report...Still we were seeing quite a few new birds including Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant, Buff-winged Cinclodes, Black-winged Ground-Dove, Yellow-rumped Siskin and a nice Grey-breasted Seedsnipe, other birds added were Giant Hummingbird, California Quail, Grey-hooded and Plumbeous Sierra Finch... -
2024 [11 November] - Jules Eden
PDF Report...Closer inshore as we leave the harbour are the usuals – Inca Terns, Redlegged and Guanay Cormorants, Peruvian Boobies and what few Peruvian Pelicans remain after the bird flu... -
2024 [11 November] - Julie Fannon - Patagonia
PDF ReportBIRDS: 157 species were recorded of which 1 was heard only and 3 were introduced. Details are included below...
Hacienda Laguna Torca
Facebook PageThere are two comfy Lodges available, Cascada and Laguna. Both very different from the norm…
Flora & Fauna: Chile's Wildlife Guide
WebpageWildlife observation consists on observing the natural flora and fauna of an area with recreational, educational or research aims. In Chile, it is a very common and highly valued activity, given its biodiversity.…
Antonio Maureira - Aves de Concepcion Chile
BLOGLast updated May 2016 -
Francisco Zenteno - Aves que Viven en Chile
BLOGThis blog is only intended to provide a small grain of sand for those who one day, even without knowing why, stopped for a moment, paused and perceived that they traveled accompanied by endless melodies and forms full of life, and They were interested in knowing and discovering the Birds that Live in Chile. -
Heraldo Norambuena - Fotografia de Avifauna
BLOGLast updated 2010 - I am a student of Biology in Natural Resources Management, from the Catholic University of Temuco. In 2007 I began to observe and photograph birds in the Araucanía, and in 2008 I began to study the assemblages of diurnal and nocturnal raptors of the natural monument Cerro Ñielol, a fragment of temperate forest in southern Chile. -
Roberto Cañete - Aves de la Araucania
BLOGRoberto Cañete gives a cordial welcome to all who visit this blog, which aims to deliver a small sample of birdlife in the region of La Araucanía, from Nahuelbuta to Mehuín.