
Birding the World
Start surfing the world of birds with the Fat Birder guide to bird links around the globe.
The world map below is interactive. Click on the region you want to visit and it will take you to a page of links for that region and an interactive map through which you can narrow your search to a particular country. Many country maps are also interactive and will take you to that country’s states or sub-divisions. Areas of maps in grey do not have links… unless you know otherwise and can tell the Fat Birder. If you know of sites that do not appear here or find that something is out of date or not working properly please let us know as these pages will be updated regularly. Email or forward us the details using the feedback form.
Below the map of the world are some truly international links; below each regional or country map you will find links to that region or country.

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World
WebsiteThis website is about what remains of the beautiful world we live in on this planet we call Earth. It has been designed to be a guiding light, to the best bits of that beautiful world, where, unlike many areas of the planet, birds and other wildlife still thrive. We hope the information encourages you to visit the destinations presented and helps you to plan and execute successful and enjoyable trips to them. In turn, we also hope that your visits will help to ensure that the habitats at the destinations are conserved for the birds and other wildlife they support
Arctic Ocean
ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web -
Atlantic Ocean - iGoTerra Checklist of the
ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web -
Indian Ocean
ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web -
Pacific Ocean - iGoTerra Checklist
ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web -
Southern Ocean
ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Special Volume New Species and Global Index
| Lynx Edicions | 2013 | hardback |812 pages, 319 colour photos, 214 colour illustrations, 94 colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9788496553880 Buy this book from -
The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World
| By James F Clements | Christopher Helm | 2007 | Edition 6 | Hardback | 843 pages, no illustrations | ISBN: 9780713686951 Buy this book from -
The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World
| (Volume 1 Non-passerines) | By Edward C Dickinson(Editor), JV Remsen, Jr. | Aves Press | 2013 | Edition 4 | Hardback | 461 pages, with CD-ROM | ISBN: 9780956861108 Buy this book from -
The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World
| (Volume 2 Passerines) | By Edward C Dickinson & Leslie Christidis || Aves Press | 2014 | Hardback | 752 pages, includes CD-ROM | ISBN: 9780956861122 Buy this book from -
Where to Watch Birds - World Cities
| The essential guide to finding birds in the major cities of the world by Paul Milne, Christopher Helm 2006 See Fatbirder Review ISBN: 9780713669831 Buy this book from -
World Bird Species Checklist
| By MG Wells | Worldlist | 1997 | ISBN: 9780953242009 Buy this book from
Birds Complete Reference Guide
Apple iOS | Android| Bird Sounds, Images and Videos | nFaisal Akhtar | 216.2 MB | Requires Android 4.4 and up | Requires iOS 9.0 or later |
A complete birding reference app that includes over 11,400 species of birds grouped into 243 birding families. Birding multimedia is available with songs, calls, images and videos.
There are according to the IOC , as of May 2019 approximately 10,738 species of birds in the world. This figure may alter with discoveries, extinctions and re-classifications (splits & lumps). -
World Birds
IOC World Bird List the above site for world-wide literature
African Bird Club
WebsiteBy December 1998 African Bird Club, UK registered charity 1053920, has 1,293 current members in 63 countries, including 28 African countries. Members receive the Bulletin of the African Bird Club twice a year. -
American Birding Association
WebsiteThe ABA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding. We are the only organization in North America that specifically caters to recreational birders. We also contribute to bird and bird habitat conservation through our varied programs. -
American Ornithological Society (AOS)
WebsiteThe American Ornithological Society (AOS) is an international society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of birds, enriching ornithology as a profession, and promoting a rigorous scientific basis for the conservation of birds. As one of the world's oldest and largest ornithological societies, AOS produces scientific publications of the highest quality, hosts intellectually engaging and professionally vital meetings, serves ornithologists at every career stage, pursues a global perspective, and informs public policy on all issues important to ornithology and ornithological collections. AOS is distinguished by its tremendous collective expertise, including eminent scientists, conservation practitioners, early career innovators, and students. -
At Nature Forever Society
WebsiteAt Nature Forever Society, the Citizens and Nature are the centre of everything we do; we believe in functional conservation by practical and do-able initiatives in which citizens can actively participate, make a difference and bring about real changes -
Bird Life International
WebsiteBirdLife is a global Partnership of conservation organisations with a focus on birds that works together on shared priorities, policies and programmes of conservation action, exchanging skills, achievements and information, growing in ability, authority and influence. -
Birding For All (Formerly Disabled Birders Association)
WebsiteThe Disabled Birders Association was founded on 1st April 2000 - an auspicious date, but one which should not be taken to mean that our purpose is in anyway frivolous. The DBA is an international movement to promote access to reserves and other birding places and to a range of services so that people with special needs can follow the birding obsession as freely as able-bodied people. In 2011 we changed our name to Birding For All to stress our inclusive nature.. -
British Ornithologists Union
WebsiteThe British Ornithologists Union aims to encourage the study of birds in Britain, Europe and throughout the world, in order to understand their biology and to aid their conservation. -
British Trust for Ornithology
WebsiteDiscover what we do and why we are world leaders in wild bird research, thanks to our volunteers, members and funders. Thousands of members and volunteers take part in BTO projects, helping both campaigners and decision-makers to monitor the fortunes of our birds and to understand how they can best be conserved. -
WebsiteEarthwatch Institute operates on a very simple but radical notion: that if you fully involve the general public in the process of science, you not only give them understanding, you give the world a future. The mission of the Earthwatch Institute is to promote sustainable conservation of our natural resources and cultural heritage by creating partnerships between scientists, educators and the general public. -
Gay Birders Club
WebsiteIf you are gay or lesbian, if you enjoy birdwatching - or would like to, why not find out more about the Gay Birders Club by exploring this web site. -
Hawk Conservancy
WebsiteFind out more about the important work being done here, and about the fascinating world of raptors - birds of prey -
Hawkwatch International
WebsiteThis is the internet home of the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA); a network of people who enjoy the systematic counting of migrating hawks for the fun of it and for the contribution it may make to the conservation of these magnificent creatures. -
International Osprey Foundation
WebsiteThe International Osprey Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation, is dedicated to the continuing recovery and preservation of the osprey, others in the raptor family, wildlife and the environment as a whole. The Foundation conducts monitoring activities, and accumulates data specific to the breeding activities of the osprey population. -
International Wader Study Group
WebsiteThe International Wader Study Group (IWSG) is an association of amateurs and professionals from all parts of the world interested in Charadrii (waders or shorebirds). Membership of the WSG is currently over 650 worldwide. Members can be found in over 50 countries around the world, including all European countries and the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The interests of the group have diversified from its original focus from ringing and migration-related studies to embrace all aspects of wader biology -
National Audubon Society (US)
WebsiteThe mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth`s biological diversity. Founded in 1905, the National Audubon Society is named for John James Audubon (1785-1851); famed ornithologist, explorer, and wildlife artist. -
Nature Conservancy (US)
WebsiteThe mission of Nature Conservancy is to preserve plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. -
Neotropical Bird Club (South America)
WebsiteNeotropical Bird Club, UK registered charity 1040130, has been established: to foster an interest in the birds of the Neotropics amongst birdwatchers throughout the world; to increase awareness of the importance of support for conservation in the region -
Oriental Bird Club (Asia)
WebsiteOriental Bird Club, UK registered charity 297242, has been established for ornithologists throughout the world, both amateur and professional, who share a common interest in the region`s birds and wish to assist in their conservation. -
Ornithological Society of the Middle East
WebsiteThe Ornithological Society of the Middle East was formed in April 1978 as a successor to the Ornithological Society of Turkey. Its aims are as follows: To collect, collate and publish ornithological data on birds of the Middle East. To encourage an interest in and conservation of birds of the Middle East. To assist environmental and conservation organisations and natural history societies in and concerned with ornithological studies and activities in the Middle East. -
Pacific Seabird Group
WebsiteThe Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of seabirds. PSG was formed in 1972 out of a need for increased communication among academic and government seabird researchers. The principle goals of PSG are (1) to increase the quality and quantity of seabird research through facilitating exchange of information and (2) to identify and assess the importance of threats to seabird populations and provide government agencies and others with expert advice on managing the threats and populations. -
WebsiteWelcome to the RSPB online. Have a look around the site to see why we are Europe`s largest wildlife conservation charity, supported by over 1,000,000 members, including over 150,000 under 18 years old. -
Rainforest Trust
WebsiteThe World Parks Endowment provides the opportunity to buy rainforest land and establish new protected areas that conserve rainforests and other sites of high biodiversity value. Our projects target lands that conserve rare or endangered species, and are low in price, so that a minimum amount of funds protect high priority areas. Today, our purchases average about $65 per acre. World Parks also creates endowment funds for tropical park protection and management, to ensure that parks continue to preserve the species and natural resources for which they were created -
Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds
WebsiteThe Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) is the largest single regional organization committed to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in the Greater Caribbean region, including Bermuda, the Bahamas and all islands within the Caribbean basin. The overarching objective of the SCSCB is to increase the ability of Caribbean ornithologists, resource managers, conservation organizations, institutions, and local citizens to conserve the birds of the Caribbean and their habitats -
Wader Quest
WebsiteIt is vital to to take action to prevent the Spoon-billed Sandpiper from becoming extinct. Wader Quest is an attempt to raise money and awareness to the plight of, not just these tiny wanderers but of wader species worldwide -
Western Atlantic Shorebird Association
WebsiteThe first research project to be part of WASA is the International Banding Project which is being led by Professor Allan Baker, Canada and Patricia M. Gonz -
Wildfowl & Wetland Trust (UK)
WebsiteIn 1946, The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) was founded on the banks of the River Severn at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire by the painter and naturalist, the late Sir Peter Scott. His aim was to establish a centre for the scientific study, public display and conservation of the wildfowl of the world. In 1973, Peter Scott became the first person to be knighted for services to conservation. WWTs mission - to save wetlands for wildlife and people - reflects the importance that is attached to bringing people and wetland wildlife together, for the benefit of both. -
World Land Trust
WebsiteThe World Land Trust is a UK based conservation charity, concerned with the protection of the world`s most biologically important and threatened habitats. Our mission is to: Protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world, to conserve their biological diversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species. To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people living in the project areas. To raise awareness in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fund raising -
World Shorebird Day
Facebook PageThe World Shorebirds Day is a celebration. Shorebirds, those extreme migrants, as well as people, who do the most for them, are celebrated each year, on the 6th of September. Come and learn more about this event! -
World Sparrow Day - March 20
WebsiteThe diminutive house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is perhaps one of the earliest birds you can remember from your childhood. Their nests dotted almost every house in the neighbourhood as well as public places like bus bays and railway stations, where they lived in colonies and survived on food grains and tiny worms. Many bird watchers and ornithologists recall with fondness how the house sparrow gave flight to their passion for observing birds
Birding Site Guide
WebsiteSatellite ViewThis is a new, free access, no registration, no log-in website for birders. The site is designed to provide birders with free, up-to-date, comprehensive information on birding sites (often with lists) from around the world, from national parks to undesignated local patches, anywhere that is good for birding! You can also submit sites -
Wetlands International
WebsiteSatellite ViewWetlands International is a leading global non-profit organisation dedicated solely to the crucial work of wetland conservation and sustainable management. Well-established networks of experts and close partnerships with key organisations provide Wetlands International with the essential tools for catalysing conservation activities worldwide. Our activities are based on sound science and have been carried out in over 120 countries
Mailing ListDiscusssion of birds - in French -
BOU BirdTalk
Mailing ListThe BOU has set up a new email discussion group for ornithologists around the globe. The aim of BOU BirdTalk is to encourage the discussion of scientific research amongst ornithologists and to provide a noticeboard for meetings, conferences, jobs, expeditions, publications, etc. The group is free to join and open to anyone interested in any aspect of ornithology. -
Mailing ListZoo Community, Discussion Forums and Photo Galleries - Welcome to ZooChat, the world's largest community built especially for zoo and animal conservation enthusiasts. Our discussion forums are full of fascinating information and news about zoos and animals, and our amazing collection of photographs of animals and zoos worldwide is unsurpassed. You may also find our zoo maps interesting and useful, and our chatroom is a great place to hang out and talk about your favourite zoos. Be sure to check out our site statistics and read more about ZooChat
WAND (Wildlife And Nature Destinations)
Tour OperatorsThis is the most comprehensive 'portmanteau' site for wildlife travel with more than two hundred companies and guides coverining over 400 destinations in more than 160 countries!
Cloud Birders
Trip Report Repository -
Printable Bird Checklists
ReportA very useful service this with a growing number of printable checklists for many countries around the world. The only free and easily accessible site for checklists that I know of. -
The Whole Wide World
ReportBill & Doreen Stair's terrific diary of a round the world birding trip. Full of great info for birders but written in a wonderful style from the laconic Bill (a Brit) and his lyrical wife Doreen (a Yank)
All Birds Wiki
WebsiteAll Birds Wiki: this wiki is about an alternative universe not much different than our world. Here, birds are treated like living things, unlike other websites, even if they are made up! If you have a made up species that's not too ridiculous, feel free to start a new page. I'll look it over and approve it. If you're not good with scientific names, feel free to check out the category: "birds by common name". I'll help you sort out your species, if you want. -
Facebook PageSocial bird-watching powered by birding news from around the web - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using all the latest tech trends to our advantage… -
WebsiteWe'll help you to improve your birding skils, introduce species you haven't even heard before, show you beatifull and colorful birds photos, give you an opportunity to learn sounds more than 10000 birds species, provide you with countries checklists, species maps, latest news, information about extinct birds and that is not all. -
Global Wildlife Resources
WebsiteGlobal Wildlife is a new and invaluable resource for everyone interested in wildlife, travel and the environment. Whether you have a casual interest in wildlife or you are a serious amateur or professional interested in birds - is the premier site to begin a search for ornithological information. Its focus is the science of birds with emphasis on conservation and education. Although subjects and categories about birding are diversified, our environmental background and love for birds compels us to emphasize the main themes of Science, Research, Education and Conservation. We at are dedicated to bringing you the most up-to-date, dynamic, and information-filled website about ornithology and all related subjects. -
Owl Pages
WebsiteOwls have fascinated man from time immemorial - to some cultures they are symbols of wisdom, while to others they are harbingers of doom and death. Here, the Owl Pages sheds some light on these mysterious creatures -
The Urban Birder
WebsiteBirds are everywhere in the city, you just have to look -
Where to Watch Birds & Other Wildlife
WebsiteI hope the results presented on this website are good enough though to be a guiding light to the best places on the planet for birds and other wildlife, places where, unlike many others, birds and other wildlife still thrive. I also hope the information encourages you to visit at least some of the destinations presented and helps you to plan and execute successful and enjoyable trips to them. In turn, your visits may help to ensure that the habitats at the destinations you visit are conserved for the birds and other wildlife they support -
WebsiteWelcome to Worldtwitch, a site for world birders. Since there are many websites covering birds and birding in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, Worldtwitch excludes those regions from routine coverage. It is of course impossible to provide comprehensive information about birding in the rest of the world. My goal is modest -- to find and publish or link to useful information about world birding that is difficult to find. I have not attempted to duplicate the detailed reports in the publications of the Oriental, Neotropical and African Bird Clubs or the Ornithological Society of the Middle East and indeed highly recommend that readers join and support those fine organizations.
Birding Planet
BlogBirding Planet is a website for bird-watchers, the blog mainly contains HD videos of personally filmed birds. There is also a membership base of subscribers. I also publish photos, stories and interesting facts about birds.
World Bird Photos
WebsiteRelaunched early 2022, this new look web site is hopefully more user friendly. It is a growing collection of bird photos that started in 2003. It currently it lists some 2,601 species consisting of 8,700 images all taken in the field. Bird images collected in 37 countries: Africa, Europe, Indian Sub Continent, Malaysia, China, Southern and Central America, Polynesia and Australasia as well as the Arctic and Antarctic.