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Republic of Panama

Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker Piculus callopterus ©Dubi Shapiro Website

Panama is a country in Latin America at the southern end of Central America, bordering South America. It is bordered by Costa Rica to the west, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the south. It covers over 75,000 km2 (29,000 square miles) and its capital and largest city is Panama City, whose metropolitan area is home to two million of the country’s over 4.6 million inhabitants. Its location on the Isthmus of Panama is strategic. Panama controls the Panama Canal, which connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea to the north of the Pacific Ocean.

The dominant feature of Panama’s geography is the central spine of mountains and hills that form the continental divide. The divide does not form part of the great mountain chains of North America, and only near the Colombian border are there highlands related to the Andean system of South America. The spine that forms the divide is the highly eroded arch of an uplift from the sea bottom, in which peaks were formed by volcanic intrusions. The mountain range of the divide is called the Cordillera de Talamanca near the Costa Rican border. Farther east it becomes the Serranía de Tabasará, and the portion of it closer to the lower saddle of the isthmus, where the Panama Canal is located, is often called the Sierra de Veraguas. As a whole, the range between Costa Rica and the canal is generally referred to by geographers as the Cordillera Central.

Volcán Barú – ©FranHogan CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The highest point in the country is the Volcán Barú, which rises to 11,401 feet. A nearly impenetrable jungle forms the Darién Gap between Panama and Colombia. Drug running, as well as unrest and forest protection movements, creates the only break in the Pan-American Highway, which otherwise forms a complete road from Alaska to Patagonia.

Flame-throated Warbler Oreothlypis gutturalis – ©Dubi Shapiro

Nearly 500 rivers lace Panama’s rugged landscape. Mostly unnavigable, many originate as swift highland streams, meander in valleys, and form coastal deltas. However, the Río Chagres, located in central Panama, is one of the few wide rivers and a source of hydroelectric power. The central part of the river is dammed by the Gatun Dam and forms Gatun Lake, an artificial lake that constitutes part of the Panama Canal. The lake was created by the construction of the Gatun Dam across the Río Chagres. Gatun Lake was the largest man-made lake in the world, and the dam was the largest earth dam. The river drains northwest into the Caribbean. The Kampia and Madden Lakes (also filled from the Río Chagres) provide hydroelectricity for the area of the former Canal Zone.

The Río Chepo, another source of hydroelectric power, is one of the more than 300 rivers emptying into the Pacific. These Pacific-oriented rivers are longer and slower-running than those on the Caribbean side. Their basins are also more extensive. One of the longest is the Río Tuira, which flows into the Golfo de San Miguel and is the nation’s only river that is navigable by larger vessels.

Violet Sabrewing Campylopterus hemileucurus – ©Dubi Shapiro

The Caribbean coastline is marked by several natural harbors. However, Cristóbal, at the Caribbean terminus of the canal, had the only important port facilities in the late 1980s. The numerous islands of the Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro, near the Beaches of Costa Rica, provide an extensive natural roadstead and shield the banana port of Almirante. The more than 350 San Blas Islands near Colombia, are strung out over more than 160 kilometres (99 miles) along the sheltered Caribbean coastline.

Panama has a tropical climate. Temperatures are uniformly high, as is the relative humidity and there is little seasonal variation. Diurnal ranges are low; on a typical dry-season day in the capital city, the early morning minimum may be 24 °C and the afternoon maximum 30 °C. The temperature seldom exceeds 32 °C for more than a short time. Temperatures on the Pacific side of the isthmus are somewhat lower than on the Caribbean, and breezes tend to rise after dusk in most parts of the country. Temperatures are markedly cooler in the higher parts of the mountain ranges, and frosts occur in the Cordillera de Talamanca in western Panama.

Viewed from the Panama Canal Railway train.

Gatun Lake – ©David Brossard CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Climatic regions are determined less on the basis of temperature than on rainfall, which varies regionally from less than 51 inches to more 118 inches per year. Almost all of the rain falls during the rainy season, which is usually from April to December, but varies in length from seven to nine months. In general, rainfall is much heavier on the Caribbean than on the Pacific side of the continental divide, due in part to occasional tropical cyclone activity nearby. The annual average in Panama City is little more than half of that in Colón. Panama is one of three countries in the world to be carbon-negative, meaning that it absorbs more carbon dioxide than it releases into the atmosphere.

Birding Panama

Panama’s wildlife is the most diverse in Central America. It is home to many South American species as well as to North American wildlife. The tropical environment supports an abundance of plants. Forests dominate, interrupted in places by grasslands, scrub, and crops. Although nearly 40% of Panama is still wooded, deforestation is a continuing threat to the rain-drenched woodlands. Subsistence farming, widely practiced from the northeastern jungles to the southwestern grasslands, consists largely of corn, bean, and tuber plots. Mangrove swamps occur along parts of both coasts, with banana plantations occupying deltas near Costa Rica. In many places, a multi-canopied rainforest abuts the swamp on one side of the country and extends to the lower reaches of slopes on the other.

Pipeline Road, Soberanía National Park – ©Katja Schulz CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Soberanía National Park has the greatest diversity of birds for birdwatching, with more than 525 birds inhabiting the area. It also has a variety of mammals such as capybaras and coyotes, reptiles like the green iguana, and amphibians such as the cane toad.

Birding in Panama is hot stuff… it’s one of the hottest places in Central America to go birding in. Panama is a tropical rain forest with a huge flora and fauna including a surprisingly long bird list of over 1000 species. There are specialist (bilingual) guides and comfortable lodges all very short distances from bird watching sites – just what a birder loves, besides the terrific hospitality, good accommodation and typically tasty Panamanian cuisine. Birding abounds both in the National Parks and in many other localities. A few of the best places are: Parque Metropolitano, Parque Soberanía, Parque Chagres, Pipe Line Rd, Piña Rd, Water Tank Rd, Achiote Rd, Escobal, Sierra Llorona etc.

Spotted Antbird Hylophylax naevioides – ©Dubi Shapiro

Most birders come in December, January, February, March. In the Chiriqui highlands, Boquete and its surroundings have at least 6 micro climates and so you can always find a dry area to see the birds. December and January can be very wet in the cloud forest, with misty rains called Bajareque. Despite the popularity of these months the best time for birding is the last 2 weeks of April and first two weeks of May when migrants are singing and are in breeding plumage; the birds which stay are singing and nesting and easy to see. Everywhere is green and we have a lot of berries and flowers. Every afternoon there is some rain in some areas. Every month has its attractions though with January being the time for hummingbirds nesting in the highlands and the best time to see Quetzales and other Trogons being from January until May.

Yellow-thighed Brushfinch Atlapetes tibiali – ©Dubi Shapiro

Panama is a country rich in Historical, Cultural and Social activities. If you want to take a rest from birding you can visit Spanish Forts like San Lorenzo, Sherman, Portobello and discover history full of galleons, cannons, pirates and gold! Also you can see one of the modern wonders of the world, The Panama Canal, which joins the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. A journey across Panama takes 60 minutes by car, or eight hours on a ship. No wonder we are called Bridge of the world; heart of the universe.

Top Sites
  • Chiriqui Highlands

    Satellite View
    Los Quetzales Trail - (1800-2500 m) recently (August 2014) fully re-opened after a 5-year closure due to landslides. To hike the whole trail, start at the Boquete side and hike to Cerro Punta, because if it starts to rain the last river crossing coming from Cerro Punta can be to high too cross. The best area is around the ranger station on the Boquete site until the trout farm, on the dirt road; even for Quetzales - best from May to July. A good wattled Bellbird spot is the open grassy area near the ranger station towards the trout farm. (Bellbirds are easy to see there from January until mid June) On the los Quetzales trail in the area where you have the little trail to "las Rocas", just sit and wait for the birds to come to you! Most of the time you see Quetzales there and a lot of mixed flocks. On the other side of the trail near the ranger station in Guadelupe, you have an open grassy area with a lot of flowers, here you can see there Fiery-throated Hummingbird (December & January) and Wren-thrush (Zeledonia).Sheep Farm It is on the road up the volcano which is drivable (4x4) with an entrance fee of $5 - good for those who have trouble walking. Good for Black-capped Flycatcher and Large-footed Finch and Quetzals. - after passing the ranger station there is a steep hike for two hours on a bad road. But you can reach the Sheepfarm now with a good 4 wheel drive car, you have to park your car at the sheepfarm. However, there is a very good chance to see Quetzales (and their nests in season) any time of year, although they are least evident in September, October and November.The Hidden Waterfall Trail - This is a very steep and slippery trail and, for the most part, not of great interest for birdwatchers. At the waterfall at the right season (April/May) a Barred Hawk nests and there are Spot-fronted Swifts. Take great care not to fall on the trail. (In the same area you will find more signs with new trails as more farmers open their property's to the public. They mostly ask $3 to $5 per person entry fee.Pipeline Trail (Pipa de Aqua or its new name: waterfall trail) – This is private property so you have to pay $3 at the entrance (1600m). It is a 3 hour hike, but for birdwatchers there is so much to see it will take much longer!. The first half hour is meadow, agriculture surrounded by forest and then you walk into nice cloud forest with different birds. This trail is one that even non-birders will see lots of birds on. The Hike ends at a Waterfall and the owners changed the name of the trail in Waterfall trail, there is a sign at the entrance. The first half hour is meadow, agriculture surrounded by forest and then you walk into nice cloud forest with different birds. This trail is one that even non-birders will see lots of birds on. Almost the whole year can be very rewardeing with a good chance of seeing Resplendent Quetzales.Buena Vista on the road to Cerra punta - just go down the dirt road down and you will be amazed at the birds; Rufous tailed Jacamar, Buff-rumped Warbler, Green Honeycreepers, Purple-crowned Fairy and many more.Continental divide trail and surroundings - on the trail, with a lot of luck, you could see Umbrella bird and Green Thorntail Hummingbirds. There is a trail after the continental divide crossing, up to the road with the "palo seco sign". A great place to go birding is the ANAM office little bit further along from the continental divide sign (in the province of Bocas del Toro), drive a little bit further and on the left is the house of the late Willy Mazu, nice area to see birds behind the house (the front washed away).Las Lajas (70 km from David) Here there are lots of wetlands including the river delta iso it s great for water birds. It can be reached by a dirt road or you walk along the beach on the left side.
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 1020

    (As at March 2025)

    National Bird: Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja

  • Number of endemics: 10

    Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker Piculus callopterus
    Glow-throated Hummingbird Selasphorus ardens
    Azuero Parakeet Pyrrhura eisenmanni
    Brown-backed Dove Leptotila battyi
    Panamanian Tyrannulet Phylloscartes flavovirens
    Coiba Spinetail Cranioleuca dissita
    Beautiful Treerunner Margarornis bellulus
    Yellow-green Brushfinch Atlapetes luteoviridis
    Pirre Bush-Tanager Chlorospingus inornatus
    Orange-throated Bush-tanager Chlorospingus hypophaeus
  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Panama , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • E-Bird

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This is a list of the bird species recorded in Panama. The avifauna of Panama included a total of 1020 species as of July 2023, according to Bird Checklists of the World (Avibase).[1] Three species have been added from other sources. Of the 1021 species, 125 are rare or accidental and six have been introduced by humans. Seven are endemic. An additional accidental species has been added from another source.
Useful Reading

  • A Guide to the Birds of Panama with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras

    | By Robert S Ridgely & John A Gwynne | Princeton University Press | 1992 | Paperback | 534 pages, 48 colour plates, 53 b/w line drawings | ISBN: 9780691025124 Buy this book from
  • Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Panama

    | By George R Angehr | Sociedad Audubon de Panama | 2006 | Paperback | 74 pages, no illustrations | ISBN: 9789962884767 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Central America

    | (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama) | By Andrew Vallely & Dale Dyer | Princeton University Press | 2018 | Paperback | 560 pages, 260 plates with colour illustrations; 1190+ colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780691138022 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Panama: A Field Guide

    | By George R Angehr & Robert Dean | Cornell University Press | 2010 | Paperback | 455 pages, 908 colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780801476747 Buy this book from
  • Directory of Important Bird Areas in Panama

    | By George R Angehr | Sociedad Audubon de Panama | 2003 | Paperback | 342 pages, Tabs, maps | ISBN: 9789962884712 Buy this book from
  • Panama Birds

    | (A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species) | By James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2016 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9781583559840 Buy this book from
  • Panama: Birds, Central Panama

    | By Robert Dean & Mark Wainright | Rainforest Publications | 2009 | Unbound | 14 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9781888538601 Buy this book from
  • Panama: Birds, Western Panama

    | By Robert Dean & Mark Wainwright | Rainforest Publications | 2014 | Unbound | 14 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9781888538724 Buy this book from
  • Where to find birds in Panama

    | By George R. Angehr, Dodge Engleman & Lorna Engleman | Sociedad Audubon de Panama | 2006 | Paperback | 391 pages, maps | ISBN: 9789962884750 Buy this book from
Birding Aps
  • Panama Birds Field Guide

    Apple iOS |
    | Michael Mullin | 501.4 MB | Requires iOS 8.0 or later |

    Why this birding app is meant for anyone who plans on visiting Panama or learning about the hundreds of bird species that live in this incredible country: It’s easy to use: This field guide weighs as much as your device, and birds can be found with quick search tools and or by quickly scrolling down the screen with the touch of a finger.
Useful Information
  • BirdLife Data

    Sites, status etc
  • The Canopy Tower

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Panama has some of the most easily accessed forests anywhere in the tropics. The Canopy Tower is located on top of Semaphore Hill, in a well preserved semideciduous tall forest in the heart of Soberan
Museums & Universities
  • Liquid Jungle Lab

    Located on a remote island in Pacific Panama, the LIQUID JUNGLE LAB (LJL) seeks to merge traditional scientific research with state-of-the-art technology to improve the understanding of ocean and terrestrial sciences and advance conservation ecology for the future benefit of the planet. An international group of scientists and students from around the world use the marine lab facilities and experimental farm to conduct their multidisciplinary research…
  • Asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza

    La misi
  • Fundación Natura

    The objective of the national fund is to serve as a permanent source of funding for environmental initiatives, with an emphasis on initiatives within the Panama Canal Watershed.
  • Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation

    As in many areas of tropical America, the Bocas del Toro region suffers some environmental problems. In cooperation with national, regional and local conservation organizations, ITEC works to maintain the environmental health of the Bocas del Toro Archipelago through several initiatives
  • Sociedad Audubon de Panam

    Panama has an extraordinary wealth of birds for a country of its size. Although only about the size of the U.S. state of South Carolina, a total of 976 species has been recorded to date, exceeding the list for the continental United States and Canada combined. This remarkable diversity owes much to Panama

Abbreviations Key

  • *Protected areas of Panama

    WebpageSatellite View
    In a country where the sun rises over the Pacific and sets in the Caribbean you should have unusual expectations: well, you are unlikely to be disappointed: Panama has some of the most accessible rainforests and high altitude cloud forest on earth. In Panama, even the most experienced travelers can discover wonders of creation that open eyes and minds to a deeper understanding of our planet's incredible richness and infinite variety…
  • *Wetlands of International Importance

    WebpageSatellite View
    Panama currently has 5 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 183,992 hectares.
  • NP Chagres

    InformationSatellite View
    The park contains tropical rain forests and a set of rivers which provide sufficient water to guarantee the operation of the Gatun Lake, main lake of the Panama Canal: The Chagres River and the Gatun River.
  • NP Coiba

    InformationSatellite View
    Coiba is the largest island in Central America, with an area of 503 km2 (194 sq mi), off the Pacific coast of the Panamanian province of Veraguas. Its unique location protects it from the damaging winds and other effects of El Niño, allowing it to sustain the uninterrupted evolution of new marine species including whale and tiger sharks, sperm whales, sea turtles, angel rays and giant schools of fish. It is also the last refuge for a number of threatened terrestrial animals such as the crested eagle and several sub-species of agouti, possum and howler monkey (including a Coiba Island howler monkey).
  • NP Darién

    InformationSatellite View
    The park contains the most extensive lowland tropical forest on the Pacific coast of Central America. Darien harbours a variety of habitats ranging from sandy beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves, swamps and lowland and upland tropical forests containing several endemic faunal species…
  • NP La Amistad

    InformationSatellite View
    The park area is equally split between Costa Rica and Panama, as part of the former La Amistad Reserves of the Talamanca mountain range. It covers 401,000 ha of tropical forest and is the largest nature reserve in Central America. It has 600 species of birds, including the three-wattled bellbird, resplendent quetzal, yellow-green finch, and bare-necked umbrellabird.
  • NP Los Katíos

    InformationSatellite View
    Los Katíos supports a number of species which are characteristic of Central America and are only found in this part of South America such as the mouse Heteromys desmarestianus and grey-headed chachalaca Ortalis cinereiceps. The Serranía del Darién is home to many endemic species such as the rufous-cheeked hummingbird Geothalsia bella and violet-capped hummingbird Goldmania violiceps and the frog Rhamphophyrne acrolopha. More than 450 species of bird (representing respectively 25% and 50% of the avifauna of Colombia and Panama) have been recorded within the park…
  • NP Soberanía

    InformationSatellite View
    Soberanía National Park (Parque Nacional Soberanía) is a national park in Panama near the banks of the Panama Canal in the provinces of Panamá and Colón, some 25 kilometres (16 mi) from Panama City. The Chagres River runs through the park. Established as a national park in 1980, the park covers 55,000 acres (220 km2). The park is popular with birdwatchers due to its abundance of bird species; some 525 bird species are found here. Pipeline Road extends for 17.5 km north-south through the park and passes through old-growth and secondary forest. Pipeline Road is one of the best places to see tropical birds in the Americas, with a bird species list exceeding 400
  • NP Volcán Barú

    InformationSatellite View
    The volcano was declared Volcán Barú National Park in 1976, with an area of 14,325 ha (35,400 acres). It is a part of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. Fauna include the black guan, black-and-white hawk-eagle, Underwood's water mouse, volcano junco, wrenthrush, and yellow-thighed finch. Over 250 species of birds have been identified within the park, and all five species of big cats live here as well. The national park protects a range of habitat, including humid montane forests, low humid montane forests, and montane rainforests.
  • NR Barro Colorado Island

    InformationSatellite View
    Barro Colorado Island (BCI) is located in the man-made Gatun Lake in the middle of the Panama Canal. The island was formed when the waters of the Chagres River were dammed to form the lake in 1913. When the waters rose, they covered a significant part of the existing tropical forest, but certain hilltops remained as islands in the middle of the lake. It has an area of 15.6 km2 (6.0 sq mi).
  • NR Punta Patiño

    InformationSatellite View
    The 65,025 acre preserve is owned by conservation group ANCON. The area is on the List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance. Fauna in the reserve include harpy eagles, three-toed sloths, capybaras, bottlenose dolphins, crocodiles, jaguar, and humpback whales. Bird species include black oropendola, brown pelicans, frigate birds, terns, oystercatchers, willet, whimbrel, and spotted sandpiper, kingfishers, white ibis, heron, and laughing gulls.
Sightings, News & Forums
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Ancon Expeditions of Panama

    Local Tour Operator
    Ancon Expeditions of Panama welcomes you to enjoy an experience of a lifetime, offering you the best nature and culture oriented tours, as well as adventure and academic programs. Our expertise and the friendly, enthusiastic, nature of the people of Panama will ensure that your vacation is educational, comfortable and hassle-free.
  • BirdFinders

    Tour Operator
    Join us on this fantastic new tour to Panama, which has the richest avifauna of any Central American country – around 976 species.
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    Birding ‘The Gap’, with Western Panama and Coiba Island extension
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    We offer the classic Panama tours as well as an "off the beaten track" Wild West of Panama birding tour. Panama forms the boundary between Central and South America and is one of the richest places on Earth for bird diversity. Harpy Eagle, Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo and many of the dazzling species also found in Costa Rica (such as hummingbirds and Resplendent Quetzal), are sought on our trips to this fantastic piece of land. The infrastructure is excellent so travel is easy...
  • Birding Panama

    Local Tour Operator
    Birding Panama is a group of Panama bird guides specialists in birdwatching and natural history. We provide guide services for birders and nature lovers around the best natural areas of the Isthmus. We do private trips and bird photography tours to the best places of Panama
  • Birding in Panama

    Local Tour Operator
    With more than 970 species of birds (including 12 endemic and 122 migratory species) and with 45% of the country covered with tropical rainforest with easy access and few visitors, Panama is the new choice for your tropical vacation
  • Canopy Family

    Local Tour Operator
    Welcome to the Canopy Family! Founded in 1999, we are a family of uniquely designed ecolodges located in some of Panama’s most biodiverse areas.
  • Coffee Adventures

    Local Tour Operator
    Terry & Hans offer professional half day or full day birding tours in Boquete and the Chiriqui highlands
  • Eagle-Eye Tours

    Tour Operator
    ...some of the finest birding locations in the Neotropics, in the Canal Zone and in the Darien...
  • Eco-Circuitos

    Local Tour Operator
    This great adventure will take you birding across Panama. The great biodiversity of the Isthmus will allow participants to see many specialties as the Resplendent Quetzal, Crimson- backed Tanager, Montezuma Oropendola, Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Sapayoa, Speckled Antshrike among others
  • FieldGuides

    Tour Operator
    This tour combines the best of both worlds into a great week: The Canopy Tower and Pipeline Road with the Canopy Lodge and the montane forest of El Valle de Anton.
  • Gonzalo Horna - Panama Bird Guide

    Panama Bird Guide Co. Is a leading birding company dedicated to promote guided birding tours within the country of Panama. Since 2007 specializes in the area of Central Panama (Soberania National Park -Pacific side) and Achiote Road (San Lorenzo National Park -Caribbean side
  • HeatherLea

    Tour Operator
    Brilliant birding across Panama including the Pacific Slope and Tranquilo Bay
  • Jason Lara Tours

    Local Tour OperatorLocal Tour Operator
    Birdwatching in Panamá
  • Just Adventures Panama

    Local Tour Operator
    ust Adventures Panama specializes in small Birding tours and Wildlife tours to the avian rich regions of Central and Eastern Panama.
  • Naturalist Journeys

    Tour Operator
    Discover Panama, where the wildlife of North and South America blend and the biodiversity is unmatched
  • NatureTrek

    Tour Operator
    Panama forms the narrowest part of the Mesoamerican Isthmus, which is not only of huge historical importance linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by rail and canal, but also of considerable biogeographical importance as the land bridge between North and South America.
  • Panama Road Trips

    Local Tour OperatorLocal Tour Operator
    Birding Pipeline Road & Gamboa Town
  • Rockjumper Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Panamá is a superb Neotropical birding destination, and our tour allows us to explore some of the most accessible rainforests and high-altitude cloud forests on Earth. The native flora is simply stunning, and with roughly 29% of its territory protected within 15 nature reserves, Panamá is fast becoming a must-see destination for nature travelers the world over.
  • Tamandua

    Local Tour Operator
    Panama is one of the most exciting and rewarding birding and nature travel destinations in the Neotropics
  • Tranquilo Bay

    Local Tour Operator
    Tranquilo Bay has listed nearly 200 species of birds on site and over 460 from our daily excursions to nearby bird-rich environments. Bocas del Toro, Panama is geologically gifted, creating extreme species diversity; there are an incredible variety of ecosystems, habitats and altitudinal zones only a short distance from the lodge. Our guides are passionate about observing wildlife, excellent at spotting as well as identification and frequently work with bird watching groups and individuals with birding specific itineraries...
  • Tropical Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Panama: Birding the Best of Tropical America

    Tour Operator
    Panama: Bocas del Toro and the Western Highlands
  • WhiteHawk

    Tour Operator
    Panama, a biodiversity hotspot, is home to the largest number of birds of any country in Central America
Trip Reports
  • 2015 [02 February] - Chris Benesh & Alexis Sanchez - Canopy Tower

    ...The third day found us visiting the Metropolitan Park in downtown Panama City. Anything but an urban park, this place was loaded with birds, including lots of small forest flycatchers and colorful Lance-tailed Manakins.
  • 2015 [02 February] - John Coons & Nando Quiroz - Lowland Darien

    ...We also encountered at least three quite unexpected species. We relocated a Bicolored Wren that Nando had reports of in Yaviza from earlier in the season -- we had great looks in the town cemetery of this mega-rarity for the area. We saw two Ruby-topaz Hummingbirds at the Canopy Camp feeding in the verbena flowers, where a male was seen for a few weeks in January and February of 2014. Nando spotted a brilliant male, and we also found an immature male at the same time. This is another South American species with only a few Panama records. Then, on our last day we had wonderful looks at a Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker at the San Francisco Reserve. It's typically a bird of higher elevations, and it was a real surprise to find this Panamanian endemic here for the first time.
  • 2015 [10 October] - Ecotours

    PDF Report
    Our record was an unbelievable 1.2 million birds within a few hours! Later on we added a huge variety of rare and colourful tropical denizens such as Blue Cotinga, dozens of Hummingbirds, 5 Trogon species, Motmots, Toucans, Woodpeckers, Puffbirds, Manakins, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, Chuck-will’s-widow, about 30 species of Flycatchers, various Anthshrikes, Antwrens, Antbirds, Ant-thrushes & Antpittas, Green Shrike-Vireo, Wrens, tropical Warblers, Caciques & Orioles, dazzling variety of Tanagers.
  • 2016 [01 January] - Eduardo Ormaeche - Scouting Trip

    PDF Report
    Guests are able to visit the tower at dawn before breakfast and are enchanted by the calls of Slaty-backed and Collared Forest Falcons and views of Brown-hooded Parrot, Red-lored Amazon, Blue-headed Parrot, Green Honeycreeper, Plain-colored Tanager, Red-legged Honeycreeper, and with luck and persistence even the elusive Green Shrike-Vireo. We
  • 2016 [01 January] - John Rowlett - Canopy Camp, Darien

    ...We headed off for the Camp from the Hotel Riande in Tocumen, with a two-hour or so digression along the Llano-Carti Road near Nusagandi, where, birding along the road only, we picked up some nice foothill birds we wouldn’t see elsewhere on the tour: stellar looks at highly responsive Black-and-yellow Tanagers, Tawny-crested Tanagers, Sulphur-rumped Tanagers, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Stripe-throated Wren (which sat motionless for five minutes in response to brief playback), and Shining Honeycreeper...
  • 2016 [02 February] - John Coons - Panama's Canopy Tower

    ...Highlights of our trip were many and included that Rufescent Tiger-Heron perched just below us, a rarely encountered Agami Heron, Panama's first White-faced Ibis, those two perched Gray-headed Kites from the tower followed soon after by two soaring Swallow-tailed Kites, a family of White-throated Crakes, the Common Potoo on a day roost, all those hummingbirds including scope views of a tiny male Rufous-crested Coquette, five species of trogons, great looks at American Pygmy-Kingfisher, several studies of White-whiskered Puffbird, the Collared Forest-Falcon that perched in front of us, a Streak-chested Antpitta, the baby Brown-capped Tyrannulet in the leaf litter in full song, a wonderfully bright male Blue Cotinga, males of four species of manakins, all those tanagers and euphonias, and a colorful male Painted Bunting, among others...
  • 2016 [03 March] - John Coons - Panama's Canopy Tower & Lodge

    This was a wonderful week of birding, mammal-watching, and laughing at the Canopy Lodge and Canopy Tower, as we experienced nice weather in a very comfortable setting. We had a great time with our local guides -- Eliecer at the Lodge and Alexis at the Tower; their ability to spot birds is amazing! The staff at both sites looked after us very well....
  • 2016 [04 April] - Kathie Claydon

    PDF Report
    We were out by first light at 06.15hrs and immediately started seeing birds. Some of the species around the gardens andwoodland edge were Red-crowned Woodpecker, Whooping and Rufous Motmots, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Clay-colouredThrush, Vermilion, Dusky-capped and Social Flycatchers, Black-headed Saltator, Crimson-backed, Blue-greyand Palm Tanagers and Baltimore Oriole...
  • 2016 [05 May] - Johan Chaves

    ...Buff-rumped warbler, (Myiothlypis fulvicauda semicervina), a very common bird to both CR (M.f. leucopygia) and PA, however I found interesting the race here in east Pa. has a darker buff rump...
  • 2016 [11 November] - Ecotours

    PDF Report
    What a colourful tour & great variety of habitats, birds and accommodations! We hope that the below description and pictures which we all did during this tour will give a taste of it. Although Ecotours Kondor & Worldwide Travel has visited and organized several tours in Panama for more than 10 years by now, this was the first time that we birded different corners of the country with staying everywhere based just solely at Canopy Family properties.
  • 2016 [12 December] - Hans Matheve

    ...Dusky-backed Jacamar (it took some time to find, eventually we heard 1 bird calling distantly and soon had great views of a pair, perched high up in some trees), Black Oropendola (several groups seen along the rivers, both on the way to El Real as to the jacamar site, more than 20 birds in total)...
  • 2017 [01 January] - John Coons & Danilo Rodriguez Jr - El Valle de Anton

    Highlights were many and included lengthy views of a Fasciated Tiger-Heron which we saw catch and swallow a fish; a close Black Hawk-Eagle and stunning views of White Hawks; a Gray-cowled Wood-Rail basking in the sun; a pair of Tropical Screech-Owls on a perch right over the road; the fabulous Crested Owl, plus three Spectacled Owls during the day; a White-tipped Sicklebill feeding at a Heliconia flower and a scope view of a tiny male Green Thornbill; a pair of Orange-bellied Trogons hovering to pluck fruit from a tree....
  • 2017 [02 February] - Chris Benesh & Alexis Sanchez - Canopy Tower

    This year’s Canopy Tower tour was a real treat with a number of exciting highlights and even a bit of adventure. Our first afternoon we spent watching hummingbird feeders (with White-necked Jacobins, Blue-chested Hummingbirds, and a Long-billed Hermit) and watching the sunset from the upper observation deck. Short-tailed and Band-rumped swifts were zipping around (with a few Gray-breasted Martins), and several Keel-billed Toucans showed off nicely for us....
  • 2017 [02 February] - Nando Quiroz

    PDF Report
  • 2017 [02 February] - Sam Woods - Canal Zone & Foothills

    PDF Report
    ...Yellow-headedCaracara too. Our local guide and companion throughout, Luis Paz, was quick to find some otherspecialties of the area, the diminutive Plain-breasted Ground-Dove, (which were the only ones seen onthe entire tour), and a typically vocal Striped Cuckoo. While the latter was definitely not one of thesespecies, Panama is a tropical country, seemingly packed full of exotic and extremely colorful species, andthis was revealed to us that afternoon, with Red-breasted Meadowlark (recently renamed from blackbirdto meadowlark), Yellow-crowned Euphonia, Red-lored Parrot, and a handsome male RuddybreastedSeedeater...
  • 2017 [03 March] - Forrest Rowland - Darién & Chiriqui Highlands

    PDF Report
    With over 1,000 species recorded within its 28,640 mi2, there is no doubt that Panama is the premierbirding destination of Central America.
  • 2017 [03 March] - John Coons, Alexis Sanchez & Danilo Rodriguez Jr - Canopy Tower & Lodge

    ...Bird highlights were many and included the Great Tinamou quietly walking through the forest; Crested Bobwhite flushing from the roadside brush; a young Rufescent Tiger-Heron on a nest; a perched Gray-headed Kite across the lake; at least ten Swallow-tailed Kites above the Canopy Lodge; the fabulous view of the close singing Pheasant Cuckoo; a Spectacled Owl perched just above the road; both Great and Common potoos on perches during the day; all those hummingbirds including a White-tipped Sicklebill, a tiny Rufous-crested Coquette, and a perched Long-billed Starthroat; great views of several trogons, motmots, and puffbirds; a close perched American Pygmy Kingfisher; our Emerald Toucanet and colorful and huge Keel-billed Toucans...
  • 2017 [04 April] - George Armistead - Darién

    PDF Report
    Enigmatic, remote and rich with wildlife, the Darién has long intrigued birders as a tantalising, impenetrable wilderness. Brimming with regional specialities and endemics, until recently, accesshere was possible only through fairly rigorous expedition-style travel...
  • 2017 [10 October] - Barry Zimmer - Canopy Lodge

    PDF Report
    ...We visited a number of nearby areas in the foothills above El Valle. At La Mesa, we found roosting Tropical Screech-Owls, Stripe-throated and Green hermits, Orange-bellied Trogon, Broad-billed Motmot, Lineated Woodpecker, Spotted Woodcreeper, Emerald Toucanet, and Silver-throated Tanager. Two full days in Altos del Maria yielded a plethora of great birds including White Hawk, Barred Hawk, the amazing Snowcap, Purple-throated Mountain-Gem, Brown-billed Scythebill, Red-faced Spinetail, Spotted Barbtail, Black-crowned Antpitta, Dull-mantled Antbird, Spot-crowned Ant-Vireo, Palevented Thrush, Black-and-yellow Tanager, and White-vented and Tawny-capped euphonias among many others...
  • 2017 [11 November] - David Ascanio

    PDF Report
    ...The bird feeder was our first step to identify some of the common and colourful species that included Plain-coloured, Blue-grey, Palm, Crimson-backed, and Golden-hooded tanagers. In addition to this kaleidoscope of colours, we also saw Red-legged and Shining honeycreepers, Orange-chinned Parakeet, and Buff-throated Saltator...
  • 2017 [12 December] - Jesse Fagan - Chiriqui & Bocas del Toro III

    We timed it perfectly for the Storm of the Century. Nevertheless, it didn't stop us from getting out in the rain and wind to see birds. And despite many uncontrollable obstacles in our way, we saw 258 bird taxa, 9 species of mammal, and had a heck of a critter list...
  • 2018 [01 January] - Chris Benesh & Danilo Rodriguez Jr.

    This year’s Canopy Lodge New Year tour brought together a terrific bunch of people and a lot of terrific wildlife experiences. Thanks to Danilo’s great job in assuring we were well looked after throughout the trip. Alas, it will undeniably be known as the tour the coincided with a massive storm system affecting weather from the eastern United States as far south as northern South America. Instead of enjoying the start of the dry season at El Valle, we were left with unsettled, wet weather hanging over the region for much of the tour...
  • 2018 [01 January] - John Coons & Eliecer Rodriguez

    Highlights of the trip were many and included a Little Tinamou that walked across the dirt road right in front of us, three rather close Great Curassows picking at grain just off the Pan-American Highway, a perched King Vulture in the scope, a quite small Tiny Hawk that was also perched for us, a Common Potoo we spotlighted from the canoe out of Yaviza, nearly daily views of Pale-bellied Hermits, a fabulous male Rufous-crested Coquette, a Green-and Rufous Kingfisher at the lagoon, eight species of puffbirds including our Russet-throated and the small Gray-cheeked Nunlet, Spot-crowned Barbet, Golden-green Woodpecker, Aplomado Falcon, Great Green Macaws at a distance, the very local Black Antshrike, Bare-crowned Antbird, Streaked Xenops...
  • 2018 [01 January] - Pat Lueders

    PDF Report
    Everyone in the group was very excited to leave the harsh US winter and arrive in Panama City to a sunny 80 degrees. The welcoming Riande Airport Hotel was the perfect place to relax and enjoy some of the beautiful resident birds of Panama before our adventure began.
  • 2018 [03 March] - Rich Lindie

    PDF Report
    We kicked off this year's first tour to Panama with a visit to the very birdy little village of Cerro Azul, only an hour from the country's capital. As always, we had a very productive morning there, seeing a range of species that would help take our trip list to almost one hundred species by the end of the day! Walks along some of the quiet backroads in town gave us several tanager species – including Toothbilled, Black-and-yellow, Speckled, Emerald and Carmiol's – a host of warblers that included our only Blackpolls of the trip, both Red-capped Manakin and White-ruffed Manakin, Isthmian Wren, Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant, Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (our main target for the morning), and – one of the highlights of the trip – a pair of Yellow-eared Toucanets!
  • 2019 [01 January] - Pat Lueders

    PDF Report
    After settling into our rooms and enjoying a delicious lunch, we took our first ride in the “birdmobile” to the Gamboa Resort, along the Chargres River, and had our first views of the Panama Canal. What an exciting start to our visit! Wattled Jacana, Common Gallinule, and Purple Gallinule were close to shore with Southern Lapwings. A Red-legged Honeycreeper was seen at eye level, and we spotted our first of many Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloths low in a close tree. Our first toucans of the trip vocalized at the top of trees filled with colorful tanagers, dacnis, and honeycreepers.
  • 2019 [02 February] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    A fruiting melastome tree was attracting some Red-capped Manakins and Fulvous-vented Euphonias. A male Dusky Antbird also made a brief appearance nearby. On our way back up the hill, the same melastome was attracting some new visitors. A Shining Honeycreeper and Green Honeycreeper came in, as well as several Golden-hooded and Plain-colored Tanager. It was a great way to start the trip.
  • 2019 [05 May] - Frank Clayton

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    Our aim: to see as many of the Cerro Pirre endemics as inexpensively feasible along with as many other local specialties as we could find in a week.
  • 2019 [08 August] - Naturalist Journeys

    PDF Report
    A sensational week with six of the nights being based at the fabulous Canopy Camp in Darien Province. This was a ‘green season’ trip, rain and humidity to be expected. Fortunately for us, while it rained and rained heavily at times, the weather never disrupted our plans and we skillfully (or perhaps luckily!) skirted around the daily thunderstorms with great success.
  • 2020 [02 February] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    This years’ tour included six clients and Robert Gallardo was brought down from Honduras as a host guide. It would end up being a very memorable trip with some incredible highlights and discoveries that would include nearly 245 species of birds and 25 mammals.
  • 2021 [03 March] - Sam Woods

    PDF Report
    This impressive bird list is aided by the geography, which differs starkly from west to east. Our focus on this tour, was to visit the most revered birding zone of all, the Canal Zone, including the famed Pipeline Road. We combined with this an extended stay at Canopy Camp in The Darien of eastern Panama, as well as a single, cracking, day in the cooler eastern foothills of Cerro Azul.
  • 2021 [05 May] - Sam Woods

    PDF Report
    he Darien produced some great birds, like a large, nearly three-year-old, Harpy Eagle (photo page 3) sitting near its old nest site, which was visited on horseback, to reduce the rigors of the walk in and out of the site. This was voted as the best bird of the tour, which was very hard to argue with. Other Darien highlights included a perched Black Hawk-Eagle (photo page 8), close ups of several Red-throated Caracaras (photo page 5), the extremely local Dusky-backed Jacamar (photo page 10), Choco Sirystes, Double-banded Graytail, Barred Puffbird, Spot-crowned Barbet, Pale-billed Hermit, Sapphire-throated Hummingbird, several parties of Spectacled Parrotlets, Gray-cheeked Nunlet (photo front page), White-fronted Nunbird (photo page 12), Black-crowned Antpitta, Black Antshrike (photo page 6), Rufous-winged Antwren, Golden-green and Spot-breasted Woodpeckers, Black-capped Donacobious, Royal Flycatcher (photo page 11), and some recently arrived Yellow-hooded Blackbirds. A single night drive there also yielded 1 Black-and-white Owl (photo page 7), 2 Tropical Screech-Owls, 2 Great Potoos and 5 Common Potoos, during one of the only dry nights.
  • 2021 [10 October] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    There was a nice assortment of hummingbirds in the garden that included Band-tailed Barbthroat, White-necked Jacobin, Stripe-throated Hermit and Purple-crowned Fairy. The latter species can often be difficult to see elsewhere, but the perch of this individual was found as we were afforded scope views. Small flocks of different swallows went by and as well as a few swifts. The beautiful Golden-collared Manakin male was also seen feeding on Melastome fruits along with many Red-eyed Vireos. Swainson’s Thrush bounced around everywhere. A small assortment of migrant wood-warblers and Scarlet Tanagers were seen from the observation tower. From the tower, we also saw a Peregrine Falcon and two Common Black-Hawks. The day ended when hundreds of Red-lored Parrots and a few Mealys passed by en route to their roosting site nearby - what a great way to start the trip!
  • 2022 [04 April] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    ...A large flock of migrating Turkey Vultures first passed, then a flock of mostly Broad-winged Hawks, then two small flocks of mostly Swainson’s Hawks. All were slowly making their way back to North America to breed...
  • 2022 [08 August] - Andrew Haffenden

    PDF Report
    ...Then at three we headed out for our first expedition, and one of our main target birds – Crested Eagle, a slightly smaller look-alike of the Harpy. The area we were to search was about 30 minutes away, along a muddy road then a hike into an area protected for environmental education for regional schools...
  • 2022 [10 October] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    ...In some pastures there were Green Ibis and we stopped to admire numerous Red-breasted Blackbirds. Sitting on the road itself were several Crested Caracaras. Up the road we made a ‘pit stop’ and also visited a pond behind some buildings. There was one roosting Boat-billed Heron hidden deep within a large coral tree. Hunting for fish was also a small Spectacled Caiman as well as a pair of the giant Ringed Kingfishers and one Green Kingfisher. We spotted a pair of the cute Common TodyFlycatchers before moving on...
  • 2023 [02 February] - Pete Morris

    In just two weeks we recorded just over 450 species, a phenomenal number in such a short space of time.
  • 2023 [03 March] - Ann Duff

    PDF Report
    Our room overlooked some feeding stations which had recently been replenished with fresh fruit and were attracting Collared Araçari, Whooping Motmot and Buffthroated Saltator, with Central American Agouti and White-nosed Coati also enjoying the feast. Best birds on a short walk were a pair of Dusky Antbirds very close to the Butterfly House.
  • 2023 [03 March] - Pete Morris

    PDF Report
    ...Here we fairly quickly found a couple of target species, namely the smart Grey-cheeked Nunlet and the localized Black Antshrike, as well as Snowy-bellied Hummingbird. Other more widespread, though interesting species included (Lesser) Pied Puffbird, a pair of Spot-breasted Woodpeckers, and the tiny Pacific Antwren...
  • 2024 [02 February] - Jon Green

    PDF Report
    Excellent views were obtained of the canopy from the room’s balcony. Birds included: Red-crowned Woodpecker (right), Redlegged and Green Honeycreepers, Blue Dacnis, Blue and Grey, Palm, Crimson-backed and Golden Hooded Tanagers, Blue-headed and Yellow-crowned Parrots, Pale-vented Pigeons, Collared Aracari, Keel-billed Toucans, Orange-chinned Parakeets, Tropical Kingbirds, Tropical Mockingbirds and Black & Turkey Vultures.
  • 2024 [03 March] - Alexander Alvarado

    We had breakfast at the restaurant at 6:30 am and then we had time to explore the gardens of the hotel, where we had our first taste of the tropics with Yellow-crowned Parrots out in the parking lot feeding on the palm trees. We had other nice birds including Thick-billed Euphonias, Red-crowned Woodpeckers, Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds and Pale-vented Pigeon.
  • 2024 [04 April] - Bill Simpson

    PDF Report
    ...Better views of the Dove and 3 Coiba Spinetails and lots of other birds made it a successful day. Back by c4.30pm....
  • 2024 [04 April] - Rick Weiman

    PDF Report
    The eBird Trip Report link below details the 222 species of birds our group observed or heard during the tour.
  • 2024 [07 July] - Dave Mehlman

    PDF Report
    We recorded 275 species of birds, many mammals, a bunch of herps, and more than a few butterflies, among many other critters, including many lifers for all in the group.
  • 2024 [10 October] - Robert Gallardo

    PDF Report
    A total of 241 species of birds were recorded on the main trip to Tranquilo Bay and an additional 67 species were found during the Mount Totumas extension.
  • 2024 [11 November] - James P Smith

    PDF Report
    The eBird Trip Report link below details over 260 species observed or heard by the group during the tour.
  • 2025 [01 January] - Dave Mehlman

    PDF Report
    BIRDS (291 species, of which 10 were heard only and 5 were seen by the guides only)
  • 2025 [02 February] - Nature Travel Birding

    Further up on a hill with stunning views over the city we ticked Chestnut-capped, Tennessee and Bay-breasted Warbler, Tooth-billed, Golden-hooded, Bay-headed and Rufous-winged Tanager, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Thick-billed Seedfinch, Masked Tityra, Violet-bellied Hummingbird and Crowned Woodnymph.
  • 2025 [02 February] - Rick Weiman

    PDF Report
    The species report eBird link below for February 8 – 15 details the 221 species of birds our group either observed or heard during the main tour.
Places to Stay
  • Al Natural Resort - Old Point, Bocas del Toro

    Between jungle and sea, Al Natural Resort has created for you a comfortable and private retreat, perfectly integrated into the lush tropical environment…
  • Canopy Lodge

    Inches from your bedroom window, the cloud forest canopy is riotous with early morning bird life
  • Canopy Tower

    Your bedroom is at treetop level, no more than 40 feet from the birds. In the cool Panamanian dawn you can feel Panam
  • Cielito Sur B&B - Chiriqui

    Run away to Cerro Punta, a scenic and tranquil agricultural community surrounded by a beautiful tropical cloud forest, in the province of Chiriqui, Panama. The estate is a natural bird sanctuary nestled in the rustic landscape of the Chiriqui highlands
  • Coffee Adventures B&B - Boquete

    We have three cottages B&B and organize Birding and Nature tours here in Boquete Panama. We have been doing this for 11 years and have built up a good reputation among birders
  • Hostal Cielito Sur

    Hostal Cielito Sur Bed & Breakfast is a quiet, private, country estate inn on 2
  • Hotel Campestre

  • La Montaña y el Valle - The Coffee Estate Inn - Boquete

    Our native forest and citrus grove provide excellent habitat for traditional coffee, butterflies, insects and over 100 species of birds. Some of the most vividly colored and most commonly seen birds are Red-legged Honeycreepers, Bay-headed, Blue-gray and Flame-colored Tanagers, Thick-billed Euphonias, Emerald Toucanets, Violet Sabrewing Hummingbirds and Blue-crowned Motmots. Based on multiple sightings by ourselves and hotel guests, we have compiled a comprehensive bird list…
  • Panama Canal Lodge

    Davis Suites offers lodging in a quiet and peaceful setting for tourists, business travelers, birdwatchers and anyone that needs to remain in the Province of Colon
  • Tinamou Cottage Jungle Lodge

    These Deluxe Cottages offers you an unique experience of a genuine stay in the Jungle - you stay on Finca Habbus de Kwie a 22 Acre private forest reserve. Located relatively close to Boquete with all it's services and restaurant...
  • Tranquilo Bay

    Tranquilo Bay is an owner-operated eco adventure lodge located on Isla Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro, Panama adjacent to Bastimentos National Marine Park. We specialize in all-inclusive adventure eco tours and rejuvenation. We have over a kilometer of Caribbean coastline covered in coral gardens teaming with tropical fish...
Other Links
  • Birdwatching In Panama

    Bird photos and a few hiking tips from Panama
  • Cinnamon Becard

    Cinnamon Becard footage taken behind Gamboa resort December 2009
  • Fatbirder Watching Hummers

    Cooled by the wings of angels!
  • Panama Hummingbirds

    More video footage
  • Tiny Hawk Video

    Filmed through my scope in December 2009 Rainforest Discovery Centre, Pipeline Road
  • Jan Axel's Blog

    I'm a birdwatcher since the age of fourteen. With my beloved wife, I travel all around Panamá, enjoying everything this diverse country has to offer…
  • John Afdem

    Superb photoblog of this American's three month sojourn in Panama just taking pictures of the wildlife!
  • Terry's Boquete Bird Stories - Terry van Niekerk

    Terry van Niekerk of the tour company Coffee Adventures Boquete - follow her birding tales…
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Noah Stryker

    Gallery of bird photos
  • Photographer - Robert Scanlon

    Photos taken on a trip to Panama in January 2004
  • Photographer - Will Cook

    Here's a selection of bird images from a trip to Panama, March 17-April 4, 2004

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...