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Republic of Poland

White Stork Ciconia ciconia ©John Buckingham

Poland is a country in Central Europe. It extends from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains in the south, and has a temperate transitional climate. It is the ninth largest country in Europe and the fifth-most populous member state of the European Union, comprising a total population of over 40 million and covering a combined area of over 312,000 km2 (c.120,000 square miles). It is bordered by Lithuania and Russia to the northeast, Belarus and Ukraine to the east, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to the south, and Germany to the west. The nation’s capital and largest metropolis is Warsaw. With around 1.8 million inhabitants Other major cities include Kraków, Wrocław, Łódź, with more than 750,000 people as well as Poznań, and Gdańsk each with over half a million.

Topographically, the landscape of Poland is characterised by diverse landforms, water bodies and ecosystems. The central and northern region bordering the Baltic Sea lie within the flat Central European Plain, but its south is hilly and mountainous. The country has a coastline spanning 770 km (480 mi); extending from the shores of the Baltic Sea, along the Bay of Pomerania in the west to the Gulf of Gdańsk in the east. The coastline has abundant sand dunes or coastal ridges and is indented by spits and lagoons, notably the Hel Peninsula and the Vistula Lagoon, which is shared with Russia. The largest Polish island on the Baltic Sea is Wolin, located within Wolin National Park. Poland also shares the Szczecin Lagoon and the Usedom island with Germany.

Wolin – ©Anna Natalia Zadroga, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The mountainous belt in the extreme south of Poland is divided into two major mountain ranges; the Sudetes in the west and the Carpathians in the east. The highest part of the Carpathian massif are the Tatra Mountains, extending along Poland’s southern border. The lowest point in Poland is situated at Raczki Elbląskie in the Vistula Delta, which is 1.8 metres (5.9 ft) below sea level. Its longest river is the Vistula, followed by the Oder, the Warta, and the Bug. The country also possesses one of the highest densities of lakes in the world, numbering around ten thousand and mostly concentrated in the north-eastern region of Masuria, within the Masurian Lake District. The largest lakes, covering more than 100 square kilometres (39 sq mi), are Śniardwy and Mamry, and the deepest is Lake Hańcza at 108.5 metres (356 ft) in depth.

The climate of Poland is temperate transitional, and varies from oceanic in the north-west to continental in the south-east. The mountainous southern fringes are situated within an alpine climate. Poland is characterised by warm summers, with a mean temperature of around 20 °C in July, and moderately cold winters averaging −1 °C in December. The warmest and sunniest part of Poland is Lower Silesia in the southwest and the coldest region is the northeast corner, around Suwałki in Podlaskie province, where the climate is affected by cold fronts from Scandinavia and Siberia. Precipitation is more frequent during the summer months, with highest rainfall recorded from June to September.

Phytogeographically, Poland belongs to the Central European province of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. The country has four Palearctic ecoregions – Central, Northern, Western European temperate broadleaf and mixed forest, and the Carpathian montane conifer. Forests occupy 31% of Poland’s land area, the largest of which is the Lower Silesian Wilderness. The most common deciduous trees found across the country are oak, maple, and beech; the most common conifers are pine, spruce, and fir. An estimated 69% of all forests are coniferous. Around 315,000 hectares (1,200 square miles), equivalent to 1% of Poland’s territory, is protected within 23 Polish national parks, two of which – Białowieża and Bieszczady – are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are 123 areas designated as landscape parks, along with numerous nature reserves and other protected areas under the Natura 2000 network.

Białowieża – ©Jacek Karczmarz, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Among the most protected species is the European Bison, Europe’s heaviest land animal, as well as the Eurasian Beaver, the Lynx, the Grey Wolf and the Tatra Chamois. Game animals such as Red Deer, Roe Deer, and Wild Boar are found in most woodlands. Poland is also a significant breeding ground for migratory birds and hosts around one quarter of the global population of White Storks.

Birding Poland

The importance of Poland lays in its large untouched natural habitats. In the east, there are several large forests. Most famous is Białowieża, the last deciduous woods in Europe which have never been managed by mankind. There are raptors, Hazelhen, owls, woodpeckers, flycatchers, as well as large mammals, like European Bison. Several river valleys, notably Vistula (Wisła); Narew, Bug, Warta and Oder (Odra); have wide flood meadows, marshes or sandy islands full of waterbirds and waders. Marshes along Biebrza are the largest wetland in Europe, with large populations of Aquatic Warbler, Spotted Eagle, Great Snipe and White-winged Black Tern among over 200 species.

Biebrza  – ©Wojsyl, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

There are mountains in the south, notably the Tatras (Tatry) and Bieszczady, with raptors and alpine species like Wallcreeper. Northern Poland is dotted with lakes and forests and is very important for waterfowl and migrating birds especially the Bay of Gdañsk and large areas of fishponds (like Milicz) and reservoirs (Słońsk, Turawski, Mietkowski). The northeast has several eastern specialities on the edge of their range such as Citrine Wagtail and Greenish Warbler.

Much of the countryside is still low-intensity farmland teeming with birds. White Storks, Corncrakes and many other birds can be found everywhere, even on the outskirts of cities.

Poland has relatively few birdwatchers and ornithologists, certainly not many for a country of this size. The study of bird movements is organised mainly around biology departments of universities. Many birdwatchers collect data on bird distribution and numbers, and work in several conservation organisations. Most active are North Podlasie Society of Bird Protection (Północnopodlaskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków) caring for the north-eastern region, Nature Conservation Society Salamandra, and Eagle Conservation Committee. With so many habitats with breeding birds, twitching and listing in Poland is less popular. Rushing to the opposite end of country for a particular rarity is almost unheard of. Therefore, Polish Rarities Commitee (Komisja Faunistyczna) often receives its records rather late.

There is an active national birding list PTAKI (birds) – the Polish bird list. The main language is, of course, Polish, but messages in English are understood by Ptaki members, so its worth subscribing if you intend to take a birding trip there.

  • Jerzy Dyczkowski


Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 483

    (As at June 2024)

    The White (aka White-tailed) Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla (Orzeł Biały) is part of the coat of arms of Poland.

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Poland , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This is a list of the bird species recorded in Poland. The avifauna of Poland include 483 species, of which 5 have been introduced by humans and seven have not occurred since 1950.
  • WildPoland

    Regional Checklist
    Birds of North-eastern Poland
  • eBirds

    PDF Checklist
    481 species (+160 other taxa) - Year-round, All years
Useful Reading

  • Birding in Poland

    by Adam Sterno | Oriolus Forläg | 2015 | Hardback | 610 pages | 20 plates of 40 Colour Photographs | 164 Map | ISBN: 9789197865210 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in Eastern Poland

    By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2016 | DVD | Runtime 77 Minutes | ISBN: 9781907316524 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in Eastern Poland

    By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2016 | Paperback | 40 pages, 20 b/w maps | ISBN: 9781907316517 Buy this book from
  • Rzadkie Ptaki Polski [Rare Birds of Poland]

    | By Tadeusz Stawarczyk, Tomasz Cofta, Zbigniew Kajzer, Jan Lontkowski & Arkadiusz Sikora | Polish Avifaunstic Commission | 2018 | Hardback | 512 pages, 215 colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9788394733803 Buy this book from
Birding Aps
  • Polish Birds


    Polish birds Mobile atlas of birds with the voices. Requires Internet Connection
Museums & Universities
  • University of Wroclaw Department of Avian Ecology

    At the Department research is pursued in ecology, behaviour and sociobiology of birds, nature conservation and regional faunistics. Teaching activities include tutorials and courses in animal ecology, animal behaviour, zoology of vertebrates and field courses. The Department provides education at the MSc. and PhD level.
  • BirdLife Poland - North Podlassian Society for Birds Protection

    North Podlassian Society for Birds Protection is the oldest Polish Bird Protection society
  • Czaplon - Upper Vistula Birding Club

    South Poland Group. Checklist of the birds of the Upper Vistula Valley. The Polish Avifaunistic Committee list of species all records which should be verified. GALLERY with over 100 photos. Recent records. Large gulls from Upper Vistula Valley.
  • Malopolskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne

    Our society was founded in 1982, originally as the Club of Ornithologists of Malopolska; since 1992 it has worked under its present name of the Malopolska Ornithological Society (Malopolskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne) as a formally registered organisation. The area in which the MTO works and carries out research covers the Malopolska Upland (Wyzyna Malopolska), the Carpathian Foothills (Podkarpacie) and the Carpathians which altogether constitute one fifth of the total area of Poland, in all about 60 000 sq km…
  • OTOP - Leszczy

    Facebook Page
    Od dawna na terenie Ziemi Leszczy?skiej prowadzone s? obserwacje ptak
  • OTOP - Nadnotecka Grupa

    Zapraszamy do przegl
  • Ornithological Station in Ruda Milicka

    The Station is located in the nature reserve Stawy Milickie (Milicz's Fish Ponds) - the largest reserve in Poland and one of the most important breeding area for water birds in Central Europe, protected with the RAMSAR convention. Staff members and students of Zoological Institute as well as visitors from other academic centres conduct here scientific research in various areas of zoology and ecology.
  • Peregrines

    The Society for Wild Animals “Falcon” is a group of passionate people interested in protection of nature and especially of the Peregrine Falcon species.
  • Polish Rarities Committee

    Rarities Committees, following the model of the British one, are active in most of the European countries, co-operating in support of faunistic research. These are teams of experts in field ornithology, assigned to verify reports of bird species recognized as faunistically important to a certain area and period. Acceptance by the proper committee is a prerequisite for consideration of a record's validity, thus for its acknowledgement at international range as a scientific fact
  • Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP)

    BirdLife partner in Poland
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Przyrody

    English and Polish. Polish Society of Nature Protection Salamandra. Mostly general wildlife, many photos.
  • Przemyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne w Przemyślu

    The Przemy
  • Sekcja Ornitologiczna Kola Naukowego Lesnikow SGGW-AR

    Facebook Page
    Bird club of Agricultural University in Warsaw, with features on wild Wisla river valley and many links…
  • Zachodniopomorskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne - West-Pomeranien Ornithological Society

    West-Pomeranian Ornithological Society was registered in September 1994. But as an informal group of amateur ornithologists it has been acting for over 20 years. At the moment, it has almost 100 members. The society was registered in order increase the effectiveness of all activities which are undertaken by amateurs. The main, long-term aim of the association is achieving legal protection and full control of all grounds valuable for birds in Western Pomerania. Members of WPOS co-operate with The Szczecin Ornithological Station widwie. At the Station - thanks to the kindness of its management - the society has its seat. Buildings of the Station were built in 1974 by amateur ornithologists

Abbreviations Key

  • *Protected areas of Poland

    InformationSatellite View
    National Parks, Nature Reserves and more...
  • IBA Milicz Ponds - NR Barycz Valley Landscape Park

    InformationSatellite View
    The ponds are located in Silesia, close to Breslaw. In the middle-ages, monks excavated carp ponds. Nowadays, they can hardly be distinguished from natural ones and are one of the most important resting places for migratory birds in west Poland. Due to their importance as a habitat and breeding ground for water birds, the ponds are a nature reserve (established 1963, area 53 km²), which is protected under the Ramsar conventio. Since 1996 it has also formed part of the larger protected area known as the Barycz Valley Landscape Park.
  • NP Belovezhskaya Pushcha

    WebsiteSatellite View
    In Belarus on the Polish border... The avifauna includes corncrake Crex crex (R); white-tailed eagle Haliaetus albicilla (R); white stork Ciconia ciconia, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus and eagle owl Bubo bubo (MAB-Belarus, 1993)…
  • NP Bialowieski

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Bialowieski National Park is the oldest national park in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded as Reserve Forestry in 1921 but officially established as National Park in Bialowieza in 1932. In 1947 it was restored as the Bialowieski National Park. At one time the property of Polish kings, the Bialowieskie Forests have survived in an almost unaltered form. It is without a doubt the most valuable, natural area in the lowlands of entire Europe. Located on the watershed of the Baltic and Black seas, this immense forest range consisting of evergreens and broad-leaved trees is the home of some remarkable animal life including rare and interesting mammals…
  • NP Biebrzański

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Biebrza National Park is located in Northeast Poland, in the Podlaskie Voivodship. The northeastern boundary of the park is near the Belarus border, and the Narew River and its confluence with the Biebrza River form the southern boundary. The park was established in 1993, and with a total area of 59.233 ha, it is the largest of the Polish national parks…
  • NP Bieszczady

    InformationSatellite View
    Bieszczady National Park is the third largest national park in Poland. It is located in the far south-east, in Podkarpackie Voivodeship, at the borders with the Slovak Republic and Ukraine…
  • NP Drawa

    InformationSatellite View
    There are 129 species of birds, 40 species of mammals, 7 species of reptiles and 13 species of amphibians. The good quality of water in the lakes and rivers enables various species of fish to flourish. Roe deer, red deer and wild boar are very common in the national park. The park also hosts high populations of eurasian otter and beaver. Occasionally moose and grey wolf can be found in the park.
  • NP Magura

    InformationSatellite View
    Animal life is very rich in the Park - there are 137 species of birds, including several endangered such as the eagle and eagle-owl as well as the stork. There are also 35 engagered mammal species including the brown bear (they roam back and forth between Poland and Slovakia), lynx, wildcat, wolf and otter.
  • NP Narew

    InformationSatellite View
    The Park’s landscape is predominantly made up by many varieties of marshes, reed beds, and there are also meadows and forests. The Narew Valley is a haven for birds - there are 179 species of them, including those unique for the area.
  • NP Wigry

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Wigry National Park is located in the north-east part of Poland, in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Its northern part lies within the East Suwalki Lakeland, while the southern part within the Augustow Plain. The Park was established in 1989 over the area of 14,956 ha. Currently, its area is 15,086 ha and includes 9,464 ha of forests, 2,908 ha of waters, and 2,714 ha of other, mostly agricultural land (2,229 ha). 623 ha which consists of 120 ha of forests are strictly protected. Agriculturally managed areas are encompassed by landscape protection.
  • NP Wolin

    InformationSatellite View
    The Park contains a varied flora and fauna. Its attractions include the sea cliffs of Gosań and Kawcza Góra, and a wisent (European bison) sanctuary.
  • NR & BS Karsiborska Kepa

    InformationSatellite View
    Karsiborska Kępa is an island near Świnoujście in north-western Poland. It is also the name of a nature reserve and bird sanctuary on the island. Wet, wild and buffeted by winds sweeping off the Baltic Sea, the island of Karsiborska Kepa is a remote place.
  • NR Łuknajno Lake

    InformationSatellite View
    The lake is the site of a nature reserve, and since 1977 has been designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and a Ramsar site, in view of its importance as a breeding ground for water birds such as grebe, rail, moorhen, grey heron, bearded tit, white-tailed eagle, osprey, rust-coloured kite, cormorant and black tern. The lake is known since many decades as the habitat of the mute swan (Latin: Cygnus olor) – nesting there every year from a dozen to tens of dozen of pairs, and in time of moult arriving in numbers reaching up to 2,000 birds. The lake is part of the larger protected area known as Masurian Landscape Park.
  • Wetlands

    WebpageSatellite View
    Poland currently has 19 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 153,385 hectares.
Guides & Tour Operators
  • BirdGUIDE Poland

    Tour Operator
    Unforgettable wildlife trips to Poland
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    Poland: Birding the Baltic Coast and East in Fall
  • Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    Our company was formed with the intention of popularising birding trips in Hungary, birdwatching, butterfly, wildlife and nature tours in Eastern Europe The natural Choice in Eastern Europe and worldwide…
  • Wild Poland

    Tour Operator
    Relax and let friendly, passionate professionals take you around. With us, wildlife’s closer than you think. Why? We’re crazy about wildlife ourselves. We’ve spent days and nights tracking and watching them all our youth. It’s our passion. We see their signs and tracks in places you’d never imagine. For us, every day out’s an adventure. Just check out the photos on ourwebsite. They were all done on our trips!
  • Wildlife Guide - Oliwier Myka

    Tour Operator
    Then you are in the right place! Hi, my name is Oliwier Myka. I come from Białystok, a city located exactly midway between two top European spots for nature lovers. Maybe that’s why I became a naturalist. Since the age of 13 I have been birding and exploring this North Eastern region of Poland. I am not only familiar with top wildlife sites, but also with lesser known ones which are still wildlife-rich.
  • Wildlife Poland

    Tour Operator
    Our company is the first wildlife travel agency in Poland with over 20 years` experience in organizing trips, taking photographs of nature, making natural programs, etc.
Trip Reports
  • 2005 [04 April] - Fatbirder

    PDF Report
    A chilly week in April in the marshes and forests of eastern Poland…
  • 2015 [02 February] - Lukasz Mazurek

    PDF Report
    The group arrived the day before and we have met at their hotel downtown. By16.30 we were on the bus and on our way north east. 1 Common Buzzard and 2 Hareswere seen on the way but it soon became dark and we enjoyed the drive while Lukasintroduced the group to the history and nature of nort eastern Poland. After checking in, alovely dinner of traditional Polish soup and meats was followed by a short talk over amap.
  • 2015 [03 March] - Biolowieza Forest

    PDF Report
    We arrived late, entering the forest at around 10:30pm. The headlights lit up a LongearedOwl in flight, and shortly after a Yellow-necked Mouse. We decided to spotlightand within minutes we couldn’t believe our luck.. a pair of eyes, one moving to the right,the second staring straight. The movement of a Wolf, the spotlight lighting up the rearend and tail of the first as the second moved on. Having seen 2 Wolves, ecstatic, we droveon to our hotel.
  • 2015 [05 May] - Białowieża & Biebrza Marshes

    PDF Report
    ...Finally, we stopped at some fishponds near Knyszyn and watched many waders, incl. Ruffs,Wood Sandpipers, Temmincks, Dunlins, Redshanks and Little Ringed Plovers. A White-tailedEagle, Hobby and a Goshawk were also a nice sighting. Leter on our way we have also had goodviews of 3 Montagu’s Harriers at a road side and heard an Ortolan Bunting.
  • 2016 [01 January] - Andrzej Petryna - Bialowieza

    PDF Report
    ...Before breakfast we watched some interesting birds around the bird feeder in thehotel garden, with Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Bullfinch and Mistle Thrush....
  • 2016 [02 February] - Andrzej Petryna - Bialowieza

    PDF Report
    ...We went back to the forest. After picnic lunch we took a walk in the forest to the feeding station. It was raining, so we didn’t see many birds, but we met Black Woodpecker and Northern Long-Tailed and Crested Tits...
  • 2016 [02 February] - Andrzej Petryna - Bialowieza & Biebrza

    PDF Report
    ...y. When we looked round along the forest edge, we foundWolf footprints on the path. We went back to the forest, but still in its north part. After apicnic lunch we made some forest walks, starting from a clearing with the river. We foundplenty of trees chopped down by Beavers and their tunnels made in elevated banks of theriver, and the other 2 White-tailed Eagles soaring over the clearing as well as a BlackWoodpecker...
  • 2016 [03 March] - Andrzej Petryna - Bialowieza & Biebrza

    PDF Report
    ...Next place wasmuch better: we found two Bison bullsfeeding at the meadow. It was near thevillage and the animals obviously wereused to see humans, because it was possibleto get close to them to take pictures....
  • 2016 [05 May] - Jim Simons

    PDF Report
    At the far side there was a meadow, and there, just beyond the trees, stood a great bull bison, head down, grazing. We watched enthralled for perhaps ten minutes from about fifty yards away.
  • 2017 [05 May] - John van der Woude

    Again we visited birding sites mentioned in Birding in Poland (Oriolus Förlag), this time especially in Lubelski province in the East of Poland. This is south of the well-known birding region in northeast Poland.
  • 2017 [05 May] - Norman Sills - Biebrza & Bialowieza

    PDF Report
    A before-breakfast stroll along the lane showed that avian residents of the hamlet included icterine warbler, spotted flycatcher, tree sparrow, fieldfare, white stork, serin and, on the marsh beyond the river, two male garganeys, 150 ruffs/reeves, wood sandpiper, greenshank, great white egrets (18), blue-headed wagtails and sedge warblers.
  • 2017 [05 May] - Peter Williams

    We are three British birdwatchers. in our 60s, who organized a private trip to Poland with guides from BirdGuide Poland. We chose to focus on North Eastern Poland with 5 days in the Bialowieza Forest and 4 in the Biebrza Marshes. This focus was to avoid long days of driving and to appreciate the scale of special habitats that we just don't have in the UK.
  • 2017 [05 May] - Stephen Burch - North East Poland

    ...I had a relatively modest target list of four - Thrush Nightingale and River Warbler, both "unfinished business" from my previous trips to western Poland, plus Collared Flycatcher and Aquatic Warbler. In addition, summer plumaged Citrine Wagtail would be very nice to add to my previous fortunate sighting of an immature at my local reservoir...
  • 2018 [05 May] - Andy Walker

    PDF Report
    This two-week customized Poland tour commenced in Warsaw on the 13th of May 2018 and concluded back there on the 26th of May 2018
  • 2018 [05 May] - Andy Walker

    PDF Report
    After a morning arrival into Warsaw Chopin Airport we checked into our comfortable nearby hotel and freshened up. A late-morning visit was made to the Ghetto Heroes Monument and Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
  • 2018 [05 May] - Wanstead Birder

    Almost everywhere! We eventually decided on Poland’s Bialowieza (Bee-yah-woe-vyay-zha) forest – a number of us needed Owls and Woodpeckers, and it was readily doable over a long weekend.
  • 2018 [06 June] - Andy Walker

    PDF Report
    This one-week customized Poland tour commenced in Krakow on the 28th of May 2018 and concluded back there on the 4 th of June 2018. The tour visited the bird-rich fishpond area around Zator to the southwest of Krakow before venturing south to the mountains along the Poland and Slovakia border.
  • 2019 [06 June] - WingSpan

    This inaugural WINGSPAN TOUR of North Eastern Poland was run in conjunction with Wild Poland and Cheltenham Bird Club.
  • 2022 [11 November] - Leo Tukker

    PDF Report
    ...Along the way we saw many Common Buzzards, some Roe Deer, some Common Cranes, a Hooded Crow, a Hare and a Red Fox. Around 5:25 pm we arrived at hotel Karczma Babski Jadło in Gostynin...
  • 2022 [11 November] - Leo Tukker

    PDF Report
    Before reaching the hides we had to walk quite a bit on a bad forest path with many puddles and deep gullies so our headlamps were of great use. When it was still dark we could hear the Northern Ravens on the field and some White-tailed Eagles. That morning we had many Ravens on the field and about 16 Whitetailed Eagles. It was a beautiful experience.
  • 2023 [10 October] - Łukasz Mazurek

    In the Białowieża Forest we have seen well over a 100 Bison in total, Black Woodpecker, Grey-headed and Green Woodpeckers, Middle Spotted Woodpeckers, Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, Three-toed Woodpecker and 3 White-backed Woodpeckers, several Pygmy Owls, Woodcocks, 3 Curlews, 1 Hazel Grouse, heard a Tengmalm’s Owl calling near. Hawfinch, Great Grey Shrike, Long-tailed, Marsh, Willow and Crested Tits, Crossbills were numerous. Birds of prey included Common Buzzards, Hen Harriers, Goshawk and Sparrowhawk.
Other Links
  • Encyclopaedia of Polish birds

    Encyclopedia of polish birds - Full descriptions, habitat, the presence of 400 species of birds. Photographs, videos. Contextual search
  • Ptaki

    Miejsce to, przeznaczone jest dla szerokiego grona mi
  • Caelum Boreale

    Stories about birds and birding (mainly) in central and eastern Poland.
  • Kolring Team

    We are ringers & ringreaders from Poland, who really love ring-reading & ringing generous. Have created this blog to publish sights, actions, last observations
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Adam Wiktor Kamela

    Some bird portraits
  • Photographer - Mateusz Matysiak

    Facebook Page
    Fotografia przyrody i ptaków – Photo gallery of Polish birds…
  • Shorebird Carvings

    Mirosław Żarek - bird watching is his hobby, and an ideal way to spend free time, for over 30 years now. He lives in Police, near Szczecin, northwestern Poland. For over 20 years Mirek's passion is also bird hand carving. He had carved over one thousand pieces of a one hundred species - most of all (but not only!) shorebirds
  • Storks Webcam - Bociany Poland

    White Storks nest online camera with up to 18x optical zoom - Przygodzice, Barycz Valley, South Wielkopolska region, Poland…

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...