| By Rob Hume, Robert Still, Andy Swash, Hugh Harrop & David Tipling | WILDGuides| 2019 | Flexibound | 272 Pages | colour photos| 284 Colour Distribution Maps | ISBN: 9780691181677

The Publisher’s View: This innovative and carefully designed photographic guide provides a concise introduction to the identification of the 246 birds most likely to be seen in Great Britain and Ireland. It is the perfect book for anyone wanting to put a name to the birds in their garden, local area or on visits farther afield. Packed with hundreds of stunning photos showing the birds in their many variations, and written and designed by a team of experienced birdwatchers, this is the ideal companion for anyone interested in learning more about the wild birds around us

Other Views:

The Authors: Rob Hume is a freelance writer, editor and artist, with more than thirty books on birds to his name. Robert Still is publishing director of WILDGuides and a prolific natural history author. Andy Swash is managing director of WILDGuides and a well-known wildlife photographer and author. Hugh Harrop is an award-winning photographer and the owner of the ecotourism business Shetland Wildlife. David Tipling is one of the world’s most widely published wildlife photographers and the author or commissioned photographer of many books. The five are also coauthors of the highly acclaimed Britain’s Birds (Princeton WILDGuides).

Fatbirder View: Difficult one for me – Love WILDGuides, hate photo ID guides. In short, yes I would give it shelf room and happily pass this to a newbie or youngster. It’s well-done of its kind getting the usual WILDGuides treatment. Not a book for scrutinising difficult rarities, but a great everyday book for rap[id access and quick ID.

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