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European Bee-eater Merops apiaster ©Oliver Reville
Birding Andalucía

Stretching roughly 500 km east-west and 200-300 km north-south Andalucía defines southern Spain. It is divided into eight provinces – running west to east these are Huelva, Sevilla and Cadiz, Málaga and Cordoba, Granada and Jaén and Almería. Andalucía is one the most attractive and ecologically diverse areas around the Mediterranean. It includes extensive saline lagoons and wide rivers, extensive marshes, a coastline bordered by some of Europe’s largest sand dune complexes, rugged cliffs, evergreen forests (inc. endemic pinsapo firs), the world’s largest cork-oak forest, desert-like “badlands”, fertile plains, wild olive trees and mountains in excess of 3,600m which support an isolated alpine flora. This diversity of habitats helps to explain why Andalucía enjoys one of Europe’s richest avifaunas. All of the Iberian specialities can be found in the region: Bald and Glossy Ibis, Flamingos, Spoonbills, White-headed Duck, Marbled Teal, Red-knobbed Coot, both bustards, Black-bellied and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Black-winged Kite, Azure-winged Magpie and Trumpeter Finch and many others… Sadly, the iconic Andalucian Hemipode (Small Button Quail) is now almost certainly extinct in Iberia (although it survives, barely, just across the straits). The mass migration of raptors across the straits in spring (mainly March-May) and autumn (mainly August-November) is one of Europe’s greatest avian spectacles. The movement of small birds across the straits is often overlooked but it too can be impressive.

You can enjoy a dream birdwatching holiday in Andalucía but remember that summers can be very hot, so it’s best to avoid the midday heat by relaxing with a cool drink and reserve birding for the early mornings or late afternoon and evenings. Fortunately, in winter and early spring (February onwards here!), the weather is often far more congenial with pleasant balmy days enlivened by many birds.

In the following section we set out a selection of some of the top spots and regions.

Top Sites
  • Almería - Cabo de Gata

    Parque Natural Cabo de Gata y Nijar offers a mix of habitats and a birdlife to match. Offshore seawatching often produces both Cory's and Balearic shearwaters plus a variety of gulls and terns. Nearby the salinas attracts a wide variety of waders plus Flamingoes, both storks, gulls and terns and Lesser Short-toed Larks. The drier habitats are home to 'desert species' like Trumpeter Finch although Dupont's Lark is now rare here.
  • Almería - Canada de la Norias

    Surrounded by plastic greenhouses this wetland site is a little gem (although there have been problems with water levels in some years). It attracts scarce species such as White-headed Duck plus all of the usual wetland species (Purple Swamphen, small herons, etc.) and waders.
  • Almería - Desierto de Tabernas & Sierra Alhamilla

    The site for steppe/desert species like Trumpeter Finch, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Stone-curlew, Little Bustard and a few Dupont's Lark (the latter two in the Sierra Alhamilla). Other notable species includes Black and Black-eared Wheatear, Olivaceous Warbler, Rufous Bushchat
  • Almería - Punta Entinas-Roquetas de Mar

    Entinas-Sabinar near Roquetas de Mare and wetlands for species like Red-knobbed Coot, White-headed and Marbled Ducks, waders, Flamingo, etc.
  • Cadiz - Bahía de Cadiz

    Overshadowed by the nearby Coto Doñana and lacking some classic Andalucian wetland species, the Bahía de Cadiz is often neglected by visiting birdwatchers. However, in an Andalucian context this vast complex of salinas and mudflats is exceptional for the numbers of wintering waders (plus Mediterranean Gull and Caspian Tern). All the species familiar to birdwatchers in the north can be seen here plus Kentish Plover, Black-winged Stilts and Audouin's Gull. Excellent for wintering Osprey. It is also home to the innovative Salarte project
  • Cadiz - Cadiz Lagunas

    The shallow lagunas that dot the northern half of Cadiz Province are a stronghold for two iconic species, Red-knobbed Coot and White-headed Duck although in recent years the best known and most accessible of these, Laguna de Medina, no longer has the former and numbers of the latter are greatly reduced. Other lagunas include the recently restored Laguna de los Tollos (nr. El Cutover), Lagunas de Puerto Real (Lagunas de Taraje, San Antonio & Comisario), Lagunas del Puerto Santa Maria Lagunas de Chiclana and Lagunas de Espera. The latter is often the best site for Red-knobbed Coot although Lagunas de Lebrija just a few kilometres away (albeit just over the border in Seville province) can be similarly productive. Most tamarisk lined lagunas here also hold Western Olivaceous Warbler.
  • Cadiz - La Janda

    Satellite View
    For those visiting the Strait of Gibraltar for the autumn migration the remnant of the old Laguna de la Janda (now mainly rice paddies) is well worth a visit. At this time it is frequented by hundreds of Glossy Ibis, storks and raptors resting before continuing on their journey south. Spring is almost as good although birds are less likely to linger. Spanish Imperial Eagle breed in the area and juveniles from other parts disperse to here during the winter. There are good wintering populations of Black-winged Kite (a few also breed) and imm. Bonelli's Eagle plus, in recent years, the odd Pallid Harrier and Lesser Spotted Eagle. These, along with 000's of Common Crane, make this site an attractive location for birdwatchers in spring and winter too. Nearby Vejer de la Frontera also plays host to colony of (reintroduced) Northern Bald Ibis. Further along the coast in the Bolonia area there are breeding Little and White-rumped Swift and the elusive, declining Rufous Bush Chat. Little Bustard can be found between nearby Benalup and Medina Sidonia.
  • Cadiz - Sanlucar-Trebujena Area

    The marshes, lagunas and pines between Sanlucar de Barameda and Trebujena hold most of the species to be found across the Guadalquivir on the famous Coto Doñana National Park although its smaller size and greater accessibility mean some species are actually easier to see here (e.g. Marbled Duck). The Bonanza salt pans are arguably the best site in Andalucia for obtaining close views of waders. Nearby, the marshes at Mesas de Asta hold the most important Gull-billed Tern colony in Andalucia and up to 40% of the region's Slender-billed Gulls. Little Swift can be found at the mouth of the Guadalquivir.
  • Cadiz - The Strait of Gibraltar

    Satellite View
    Tarifa is the shortest crossing (14km) from Europe to Africa although, depending on the wind birds, will attempt to cross further west (Bolonia) or east (Gibraltar) . Thousands of birds rest and mass here on their way south before crossing to the Moroccan coastline. Raptors, passerines, swifts, waders and many other birds arrive from all over Europe and can be easily seen from August to November, in their post-nuptial migration and then again in February to May when they return (often flying low as they reach the coast giving better photo opportunities than may be the case in autumn). At Cazalla (immediately to the east of Tarifa) there is a purpose built raptor watchpoint (manned in season by experts from 'Fundacion Migres') whilst to the south of Cazalla, by the coast at Punta Camorro, is the new Centro Internacional de Migracion de Aves. To the west of the town is Playa de los Lances which has a rage of waders, gulls and terns (the best site in Europe for the rare Lesser Crested Tern). Common Bulbuls have their only European outpost in Tarifa. Passerine migration tend to be neglected but can be spectacular.
  • Córdoba - Guadalquivir at Córdoba

    The birdlife visible from the bridge over the Guadalquivir at Córdoba provides an interesting diversion from the architectural and cultural glories of the city. There's a mixed heronry (Cattle & Little Egrets, Night & Squacco Herons and Little Bittern) near Puente de San Rafael whilst passage brings raptors, gulls, terns, waders, raptors, etc.
  • Córdoba - Lagunas of southern Córdoba

    A series of small lagunas in the south of the province (esp. Laguna de Zóñar, Rincón, Amarga & Dulce to the west of the N-331) are strongholds for White-headed Duck and other wetland species.
  • Córdoba - Parque Natural Sierras Subbéticas

    Tucked away in the south-east corner of Córdoba this sierra holds all of the expected species found in mountain areas - a variety of raptors (inc. one of the largest Griffon Vulture colonies in Andalucía), Crag Martin, Black Wheatear, both rockthrushes, a range of warblers, etc.
  • Granada - Charca de Suárez

    Like Parque Natural de la Desembocadura del Río Guadalhorce, this is a small reserve in an urban setting (Motril) and, similarly, it punches above it's weight with Red-knobbed Coot (introduced), Purple Gallinule, herons (inc. Little Bittern) and Moustached Warbler (winter). It also has a number of introduced species (e.g. Common Waxbill).
  • Granada - Hoya de Baza & Guadix

    The Hoya de Baza & Guadix areas of steppe and 'badlands' in Grenada that hold some 'classic' Iberian specialities such as Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Red-necked Nightjar, Pallid Swift, Alpine Swift, European Roller, Dupont's Lark (rare, Gaudix), Lesser Short-toed Lark, Thekla Lark, Spanish Sparrow and Trumpeter Finch. Cream-coloured Courser has bred.
  • Huelva - Coto Doñana National Park

    Satellite View
    Considered as the most important wetland in Europe and one of the best places for birds in the whole of the Palearctic region, both for the number of species recorded and for its breeding & wintering importance. Between 300,000 & 400,000 birds settle in Doñana every winter. More than 300 species of birds have been recorded in Doñana, being the most important area in Europe for wintering geese and the second most important breeding area for Spanish Imperial Eagle in the world. Hundreds of birds including raptors, passerines, and sea or wetland birds are seen here, including 80% of all endemic Iberian birds. Best times to go birding there is from November to June.
  • Huelva - Marismas Del Odiel & environs

    Satellite View
    This wetland with wide marshes, sandy spits, coastal dunes, pinewood forests and freshwater lagoons is outstanding for its breeding colonies of Spoonbill (more than 400 pairs) & Little Tern (more than 350 pairs). It is an excellent site for watching plovers, seabirds, cormorants and migrant passerines. To the west Laguna de El Portil often has White-headed Duck whilst on the border with Portugal the Marisma de Isla Cristina (Guadiana estuary) has all the species expected of a coastal wetland.
  • Jaén - Sierra Cazorla

    Part of the Prebaetic range lying between the Sierras Morena and the Sierra Baetica, this area contains many of the species expected in those two areas but is significant as the home of a project to reintroduce Lammergeier to Andalucia.
  • Málaga - Laguna de Fuente De Piedra

    Satellite View
    The second most important salty lagoon in Spain is 6.5km long and 2.5km wide, and is situated in the geographic centre of Andalucía . Famous for its breeding colony of Greater Flamingo with a variable population (depending on the rainfall) of 8,000 - 12,000 pairs and the only regular breeding site for Lesser Flamingo (1-2 pairs) in Europe. An important breeding spot for Gull-billed Tern, Slender-billed Gull, Kentish Plover & Montagu's Harrier. The best season extends from December to June; after this, the lagoon dries up presenting a strange reflecting white surface, due to the solid salt cover. Nearby. the Lagunas de Campillos has more wetland species (inc. White-headed Duck) and Little Bustard in surrounding fields.
  • Málaga - Parque Natural de la Desembocadura del Río Guadalhorce

    InformationSatellite View
    The location of this small nature reserve makes it worthwhile to include here. Malaga is the most popular entry point for those arriving and departing from Andalucía. This small reserve is only 5 minutes away from the main airport and can provide either an opportunity to introduce yourself to the birds of the region or as a last chance to catch-up on some missed species. The reserve hosts breeding waders and White-headed Duck, whilst the seaward side opens onto the Bay of Malaga, a great place for seawatching and perhaps spot Slender-billed, Audouin's and Mediterranean Gull. The site is also very good for raptors, with even wintering Booted Eagle being seen here. Rarities are often spotted here and so providing another excuse to visit. Note: in recent years a number of birdwatchers have had their cars broken into here so take sensible precautions such as parking somewhere busy and walking a few hundred metres to the reserve.
  • Málaga - The Sierra del Torcal or El Torcal

    Satellite View
    The area, designated Natural site of National Interest in 1929, is a relatively small Natural Park Reserve of some 17 square kilometres. The mountain range is easily accessible and is between the cities of Antequera and Malaga. It is a site of particular interest for those wanting to discover the typical mountain birds of the region. Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush and Rock Bunting can be located here, whilst in winter it can be good for Alpine Accentor and Ring Ouzel. Raptors are well represented with both Bonelli's and Golden Eagle present all year. Griffon Vulture is common while Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush breed here during the summer months. Normally Ibex are easy to see here and give an added reason to visit.
  • Sevilla - Brazo del Este

    This area of rice paddies, reedy oxbows and channels on the east bank of the Guadalquivir is a prime location for wetland species. The paddies can hold thousands of Glossy Ibis, White Storks and numerous waders (inc. regular rarities). Reedbeds and wetlands are home to Marbled Duck, the scarce Savi's Warbler, small crakes and a thriving population of exotic passerines (e.g. Black-headed Weaver & Yellow-crowned Bishop). Nearby at Los Palacios, the Laguna de la Mejorada has Western Olivaceous Warblers and Rufous Bushchat.
  • Sevilla - The Marchena-Osuna-Lantejuala Triangle

    Satellite View
    The Marchena-Osuna-Lantejuala Triangle is a mix of "steppe farmland" and small wetlands made accessible by a maze of little used roads and tracks. It is a rich area for birds and of particular interest is breeding Great and Little Bustard. The farmland is a stronghold in Andalucía for "steppe species" such as Great and Little Bustards, Stone Curlew, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Black-winged Kite, Roller, Collared Pratincole and Montagu's Harrier. Around Lantejuala a series of shallow lagunas add wetland species (herons and egrets, Flamingo, Purple Gallinule, Whiskered Terns, Black-necked Grebe and White-headed Duck, etc.) to the mix. Winter brings Common Crane and raptors.
  • Sierra Baetica (Cadiz, Málaga & Granada)

    [Includes: Alcornocales, Grazalema, Serranía de Ronda & Nevada]The Sierra Baetica represents a series of sierras and interlinked sites which all have a similar birdlife. These mountains run a few km inland from the Mediterranean coast rising to the east to culminate in the magnificent Sierra Nevada. All areas can hold birds of interest with known "hotspots" sometimes more reflecting access and the presence of birdwatchers rather than the birds themselves. The sandstone Alcornocales (Cadiz) in the west often hold good numbers of migrating raptors (sometimes including Ruppell's Vulture) plus breeding Bonelli's, Short-toed and Booted Eagles, Black-eared Wheatear and the ubiquitous Blue Rock Thrush. Nearby, the Embalse de Barbate has breeding Osprey and White-rumped Swift. Just a little further east the limestone Sierra Grazalema (Cadiz/Málaga) and Serranía de Ronda (Málaga) have all of these breeding species plus Spectacled and Subalpine Warblers, Black Wheatear and Iberian Green Woodpecker (scarce in the Alcornocales). It is also home to one of Spain's most thriving populations of Bonelli's Eagle. In winter these mountains are good for Ring Ousel and Alpine Accentor. The more easterly ranges are better for Common Rockthrush, Crossbill and Pied Flycatcher. The Sierra Nevada (Granada), being the highest range, adds more 'alpine' species to the mix with breeding Citril Finch (a recent discovery) and Alpine Accentor plus, unusually this far south, a few breeding Common Chiffchaff. Wetlands are scarce in Granada so Laguna de Padul on the western flank of the Sierra Nevada is worthy of note.
  • Sierra Morena (Huelva, Seville, Cordoba & Jaén)

    [Includes: Sierras Aracena, Norte, Andujar & Despeñaperros ]Stretching from the Portuguese border across the north of Andalucia this sierra (and lesser sierras that make up its whole) is, like the Sierra Baetica a series of interlocking sites which also share many of the same species. It is the stronghold for Black Vulture in Andalucía especially around Aracena (Huelva) and Sierra Andujar (Jaén). The latter is also excellent for Spanish Imperial Eagle (and is the stronghold of Iberian Lynx). Other key species include Golden Eagle, Azure-winged Magpie (locally common), Crag Martin, a few White-rumped Swift, Alpine Swift and species more typical of northern Europe like Redstart, Northern Wheatear and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Aracena).
  • John Cantelo

    Kent, England & Andalucia

Useful Reading

  • Finding Birds in Andalucia

    | By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2009 | Paperback | 48 pages, 20 b/w maps | ISBN: 9781907316005 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in Andalucia - The DVD

    | By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2009 | DVD | Runtime: 78 min | ISBN: 9781907316012 Buy this book from
  • Where to Watch Birds in Donana

    | By Francisco Chiclana Moreno & Jorge Garzon Gutierrez | Lynx Ediciones | 2006 | Paperback | 168 pages, colour photos, maps | ISBN: 9788496553200 Buy this book from
  • Where to Watch Birds in Southern and Western Spain: Andalucia, Extremadura and Gibraltar

    | By Ernest Garcia & Andrew Paterson | Christopher Helm | 2008 | Paperback | 400 pages, 30 b&w illustrations, 99 maps | ISBN: 9780713683158 Buy this book from
  • Andalucian Bird Society

    Here you will find information on birdwatching in Andalucia. A great resource for exchanging and or getting information on many aspects of birding here in southern Spain. If you intend visiting this area, then an open and free forum allows you to contact locals on specific site or species information. Contibute to our database and conservation efforts by submitting your vacation trip reports and sighting records to the society…
  • Asociación Ornitológica Ardea

    Facebook Page
    Ante cualquier duda o sugerencia, no dude en ponerse en contacto a trav
  • Fundacion Donana 21

    Doñana es un ámbito de extraordinaria diversidad ecológica y paisajística, siendo uno de los espacios naturales protegidos más emblemático de Europa.
  • Fundacion Migres

    Fundacion Migres is a private non-profit, scientific and cultural foundation, oriented to the preservation and enhancement of natural heritage. It is based at the Centre for the Investigation of Migration and Global Change is located at Punta Camorro immediately east of Tarifa. Founded in 2003 its brief is to encourage and promote research and awareness of the environment and undertake research. It organises the monitoring of the passage of soaring birds across the straits by using a volunteer programme.
  • Grupo Ornitol

    El Grupo Ornitol
  • Grupo Ornitologico del Sur

    Local ornithological club of Seville

    Salarte is dedicated to the recovery, conservation and revitalization of the salt marsh in general and of the artisan salinas of Cadiz in particular. In addition to enhancing biodiversity and improving the ecological utility of abandoned saltpans, it plans to generate multiple associated benefits in terms of the creation of income, wealth and employment based on local resources.
  • Siren

    Siren intends to focus attention on this overhead miracle in which birds as small as swallows travel thousands of miles. Tarifa is the centre point of the trip, as Europe and Africa come within 14 km, so the perilous sea crossing (during which up to 15% of the birds die each year) is minimised. Cuckoos, black storks, white storks, red kites, ospreys, honey buzzards, hen harriers, snipe, oystercatchers, avocets, puffins, bee-eaters, gulls, wheatears, wag-tails, warblers, the list of birds who use this crucial bird highway is huge. The effects of any adverse changes at Tarifa will be felt in bird populations throughout Europe. Along their epic journeys, the birds encounter many hazards. A Siren Ecocentre at Tarifa will disseminate information all over Europe to the many migratory humans who come through on their holidays each year

Abbreviations Key

  • NA Odiel Marshes

    InformationSatellite View
    This 72 square km wetlands reserve lies across the Odiel estuary from Huelva. The Odiel marshes are unspoilt and wild with a large, varied bird population. Some of these birds can be spotted from a 20 km that runs the length of the marshes. In winter there are up to 1000 greater flamingoes and 400 pairs of spoonbill which is around one third of the European population are resident here. Osprey, grey heron and purple heron can also be spied here…
  • NP Doñana

    InformationSatellite View
    Doñana has a very rich and diverse avifauna, with a total of 365 recorded species of resident and migratory birds. The marsh lies on the west Europe to west Africa migration route and is indispensable as a winter habitat…
  • NP Sierra Nevada

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Sierra Nevada is a dramatic, rugged and extensive mountain range, the highest in Europe after the Alps and the most significant section of the Cordillera Penibética. The protected area encompasses 86,208ha of torrential rivers, sheer-sided gorges, stony scree slopes, glacial lakes between snowy summits and, in the foothills of the Alpujarras, cultivated terraces of almond trees and vegetables. The park's main draw for fauna is its rich birdlife, with over 60 species inhabiting the Sierra. Nesting birds of prey include golden eagles, Bonelli's eagles, peregrine falcons, griffon vultures and kestrels. On the higher slopes are Alpine accentors, black redstarts, northern wheateaters, rock thrushes, rock buntings, red-billed choughs and skylarks. In the woodland areas are hoopoes, short-toed treecreepers, green woodpeckers, coal tits, great tits, goldfinches and golden orioles.
  • PN Los Alcornocales

    WebpageSatellite View
    This vast park covers 167,767ha from Tarifa in the south to the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park in the north. It is named after its handsome and beautifully kept cork tree grove, the largest in the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most important ones in the world. It is the best example of what the densely wooded, primeval Iberian forests may have been like.
  • PN Parque Natural de los Alcornocales

    WebpageSatellite View
    Descripción del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales etc…
  • Veta La Palma - Donana

    InformationSatellite View
    …is a clear example of sustainable development helping many jobs to be created as it promotes value for nature and conservation of bird life in the Guadalquivir marshes herby being an example for these areas and other areas in Andalusia… Veta La Palma provee de alimento, además, a numerosas especies de aves acuáticas que desarrollan una parte de su ciclo anual en las Marismas de Doñana, convirtiéndose en un complemento clave para sus supervivencia. Zampullines, multitud de limícolas, o los omnipresentes flamencos son algunos ejemplos. Veta la Palma representa para esta última especie un punto de referencia obligado para la preservación de la colonia de nidificación de la Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, en la provincia de Málaga, la más importante area de cría del flamenco en el Mediterráneo Occidental…
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Andalucia Nature Trips

    Tour Operator
    Andalucia Nature Trips was born from a long and rich experience enjoying nature and sharing feelings with my fellow travellers. Since I am a kid, I listen birds singing in my parents’ garden, look for flowers, walk along the French coast gazing at birds, or I just go fishing with my dad and granddad, hike in the forest close to my sport school and pick up some nice smelling flowers…
  • Aviantours

    Tour Operator
    Aviantours promises to teach the art of bird photography & digiscoping as well as offering birdwatching tours in Spain, Morocco & Gibraltar
  • Axarquia Birding Tours - Guided Bird Walks

    Tour Operator
    Guided Bird Walks in the Axarquia area of Malaga and immediate surrounds. Bob Wright, based in the stunningly beautiful mountains above Lake Vinuela, is able to provide accompanied Bird Walks/Tours in the area to the east of Malaga and to other great neighbouring sites for a wide variety of bird species
  • Birding Tarifa

    Tour Operator
    Established by Manuel Morales, Birding Tarifa organises day trips and longer breaks around Cadiz province, the nearby Coto Doñana and in Morocco. English spoken. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Birding the Straits

    Tour Operator
    Based in Tarifa 'Birding the Straits focuses on birding trips both in Cadiz province and in Morocco (plus the Coto Doñana). Principal guide Javi Elorriaga is an expert's expert having authored many papers (mainly on raptors) and having been a member of the Spanish Rarities committee but, despite his great expertise, is an approachable, friendly guide. The other principal guide is Yeray Seminario is also an expert birdwatcher and highly talented photographer. Both are fluent English speakers. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Cadiz Birding

    Tour Operator
    The province of Cádiz is undoubtedly one of the best places in Spain to birdwatch. We want you to discover all the special things Cadiz province has to offer, including the birds and the culture. It is rare to find a tour that will show you huge flocks of Flamingos, raptor migration and rare White-headed Ducks as well as the cultural heritage and food of this lovely province! So, if you really want to enjoy and discover this incredible area let us guide you to a wonderful time. Also see our Facebook Page
  • Discovering Do

    Tour Operator
    Professional guiding and accommodation based in El Rocio
  • Granada Wildlife

    Tour Operator
    As the name suggests, this company has its main focus on Granada where numerous day trips are organised but longer trips are also undertaken to other parts of the province. In addition to birds, its founder, Mick Richardson, is also an expert in the local flora (inc. orchids), butterflies and dragonflies of the region and a talented photographer. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Ibex Trex

    Tour Operator
    Ibex Trex offers amazing wildlife days and weeks. Wildlife days can be incorporated into tailor made itineraries to give individuals and groups a good in-depth introduction to the regions
  • Inglorious Bustards

    Tour Operator
    Established by British birders Simon Tonkin and Nikki Williamson at the Rural Eco-Resort Huerte Grande, which is set in seven hectares of woodland above the straits between Algeciras and Tarifa. The Inglorious Bustards specialise in trips either side of the straits. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Josele J. Saiz

    Tour Operator
    Better known for his wonderful birder's guesthouse in the Pyrenees [Boletas]; Josele guides throughout Spain and Morocco
  • Lemon Valley Independent Birdwatching & Culture Holiday

    Tour Operator
    Birding trips - A variety of habitats can be found in the 1000km squared area of La Axarquia. Its steep hills with deep valleys has prevented the introduction of modern farming methods, enabling the flora and fauna of the area to remain stable, unlike many other parts of Europe
  • Naturain Indomita

    Tour Operator
    This Spanish company is based outside Andalucia in Cuidad Real but also runs trips to the Sierra Morena and Sierra de Andujar. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Spainbirds

    Tour Operator
    Birdwatching tours in Extremadura and all around Spain. Specialist in raptors and steppe birds.
  • Spanish Nature

    Tour Operator
    Spanish Nature offer tours to Almería, the straits, Cordoba, the Coto, Jaén, Osuna, Serrania de Ronda, the straits, etc. but can also organise personalised tours on request. Approved by the Andalucía Bird Society of which the principal guide, Peter Jones, was a founder). The company's motto 'travelling together as friends' sums up their relaxed friendly approach.
  • Wild Almería

    Tour Operator
    The founder of Wild Almería, Paul Pearson, is based in the UK and Almería. He has an extensive knowledge of the area's birds and birding sites. He speaks fluent Spanish. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide. Contact Tel. 0044 7738 640652
  • Wild Andalucia

    Tour Operator
    Based in Ronda (Málaga) Wild Andalucia is run by Álvaro Peral, an Andalucía Bird Society approved guide. Week long birding tours of the Costa del Sol and Coto Donana are offered plus day trips to Fuente de Piedra Guadalhorce, the Straits, Osuna & El Torcal.
  • Wild Doñana

    Tour Operator
    Wild Doñana specialises in tours to the Coto Doñana and other areas in Huelva but also runs tours elsewhere in southern Spain and Portugal. An Andalucía Bird Society approved guide.
  • Wingspan Bird Tours

    Tour Operator
    Based in Gaucin (Málaga) and run by ex-pat Brit, Bob Buckler, Wingspan provides one day tours (Fuente de Piedra, Gaucin, Ronda, Sotogrande, etc.) and week long trips in the Straits, Coto Doñana, etc.
Trip Reports
  • 2014 [03 March] – Chris Durdin – Tarifa & Gibraltar

    We had a date this morning: to meet El Grupo Ornitológico del Estrecho (GOES – The Ornithological Group of the Strait). The rendez-vous was some wild olive scrub on the edge of Algeciras which, we heard, had been in and is now out of the Natural Park. A bird ringing session was underway, and one GOES group member was taking feather mites from captured passerines as part of a detailed study….
  • 2014 [04 April] - Fraser Simpson - Zahara de los Atunes

    This was another university field course trip based around Zahara de los Atunes on the Costa de la Luz in Cadiz province in south-west Spain. Much of the time was spent around Zahara, Barbate and the Valle de Ojén in the Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales. Some time was possible for birding but in general the following notes document the observations at the various student study sites…
  • 2014 [09 September] - Ed O'Hara - Donana

    Today was a day I had long cherished, my first visit to the famous Donana National Park....
  • 2014 [09 September] - Mark Graham

    ...On the day we arrived there were reports of 35 Greater Flamingos on the reserve. I finally caught up with them on the 19th when there were 64 in a flock. In the adjacent lagoon there were 17 Spoonbill which were seen on other days[6 on the 16th,26 on the 20th,and 1 on 21st]. Kentish Plover were seen most days often into double figures. Ringed Plover were very common and I counted 38 on the bird hide marsh alone on 20th September...
  • 2015 [03 March] - Chris Durdin - Tarifa & Gibraltar

    Report PDF
    ...a strange song was Iberian chiffchaff and there were brief bursts of short-toed treecreeper song, too.
  • 2015 [05 May] - Neil Gartshore - Coto Donana & Extremadura

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  • 2015 [06 June] - P M Callagher - Cadiz Province

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    ...We parked here andtook the right hand track. It soon deteriorated, but we wound our way through to the dry lake edge(flushing another Red-necked Nightjar in the process) and viewed several waterbirds, including LittleRinged Plover, on distant pools. Not a bad site, but far from its best at this time of year.
  • 2015 [08 August] - Palmones Salt Marsh

    ...We quickly found a number of wading species, not in high numbers but a good variety: Redshank, Greenshank,Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin (still in summer plumage), Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper were the first on the list.Both Little and Cattle Egrets fed on the mud (we had noted several small flocks of the latter leaving roost-sites as wepassed Soto Grande on the way), a flock of 12 White Storks and 11 Grey Herons 'loafed' on the salt marsh.
  • 2015 [09 September] - Bob Buckler - Tarifa

    Migration watching at Tarifa is always very weather dependent, this year it was an extremelyhot summer with little in the way of strong autumnal winds and subsequently migrant raptorspassed over very early. Apart from two ‘mega’ days we saw hundreds per day rather thanthousands. It was the same with migrant passerines, ‘nice’ weather meant that millions ofwarblers, flycatchers, wagtails etc. passed over into Africa unhindered without stopping at thecoast.
  • 2015 [09 September] - Mark Graham - Costa De La Luz,

    ...One of the best viewpoints is from the road to Ayamonte just west of the Iberostar Hotel. Walk west,beyond the roundabout and find a dirt track on your right.Follow your nose till the dirt track briefly turns into a tarmac road. A big attraction to this area is Greater Flamingo.Last year they were not always easy to locate due to the vastness of the marshland. They were there in big numbers this year however, till we left on the 27th. The maximum number seen was 56, on the 26th. A male Marsh Harrier flew past when I first located the Flamingos.Either a male or female/immature were seen on every visit to the marshes.
  • 2015 [09 September] - Stefan Schlick

    This fall trip to Andalucia was organized through Portland Audubon (out of Oregon, USA). Dan van den Brook and I were the leaders for the trip. The focus of this trip was fall raptor migration.
  • 2015 [12 December] - A S Jack - Southern Portugal & Andalucia

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    The prospect of warm weather and a host of exciting birds tempted me back to this familiar area fora mid-winter escape from a cold, wet British December. This, the latest of many visits, saw meaccompanied by J. Todd and L. Robson and proved a very successful trip, with us seeing all but one ofthe hoped for species, some of which were seen in the thousands! The area holds a huge number ofNorth European birds spending the winter here in the mild climate with an abundance of foodavailable, especially during harvesting time in the many rice fields.
  • 2016 [04 April] - BirdDayTrip

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    We started the day early in the morning at Montes de Malaga, where we could hear Scops Owl, Woodlark, Red-necked Nightjar and Tawny Owl before dawn. No surprises with respect to other typical wood birds in the area.
  • 2016 [04 April] - BirdDayTrip

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    Crested Tit, Rock Bunting, Rock Sparrow, Dartford Warbler, Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Alpine Swift, Griffon Vulture, Golden Eagle and Bonelli’s Eagle.
  • 2016 [04 April] - Ed Stubbs

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  • 2016 [06 June] - BirdDayTrip

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    After breakfast I headed to the Laguna de Fuente de Piedra. It is nice to compare the similar songs of Reed and Great Reed Warblers, the latter resembling the calls of the frogs. I found the surprise of the day at the Laguneto: a Marbled Duck! There was also a late unexpected Whiskered Tern flying around.
  • 2016 [07 July] - BirdDayTrip

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    We decided to improve our chances with an early visit to Zapata before our traditional start at Montes de Malaga. Our main goal was nightjars. Unfortunate and surprisingly, they did not showed up in the tracks, though we could see some other birds which I will not mention as they are not nocturnal, the way we found them was not very “natural” by driving a car in the night, and we found them somewhere else during the day, except one, whose visual contact is always difficult and joined Barbara and Derek’s list for Zapata for the first time: a Quail!
  • 2016 [08 August] - BirdDayTrip

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    We got at Lagar de Torrijos (Montes de Malaga Nature Reserve) at around 6:30. Only 3ºC outside and a light air under a gorgeous clean starry sky. The aim of that early arrival was to record the Tawny Owl so we got closer to a pine tree stand where they use to hoot before dawn. Five minutes later, the first hoot came out.
  • 2016 [08 August] - BirdDayTrip

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    Scops Owls were very active today and the Tawny Owl joined them with a few miaows with the first lights of the day at Montes de Malaga. The Green Woodpecker was very noisy as well. One of these times, I heard it flying closer to me behind some trees when it came out and then a Sparrowhawk behind! It seems as if the woodpecker’s speed and cries dissuaded the raptor to keep on chasing it.
  • 2016 [09 September] - BirdDayTrip

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    Most of the typical forest birds showed up at Montes de Malaga including Firecrest and Short-toed Treecreeper. The first to wake up was the Robin and the highlight of our visit was the presence of our friend “Foxy” that only comes out when the whole team meets.
  • 2016 [09 September] - BirdDayTrip

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    The way down for the breakfast break gave us the nice glide of a Short-toed Eagle, a Booted Eagle mobbing a Honey Buzzard that tried to ride a thermal away towards the Strait and a Woodlark sitting on a tree by the road.
  • 2016 [09 September] - BirdDayTrip

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    The Griffon Vultures were sitting on the cliffs today so we decided to visit La Encantada for some better views of their majestic flights. They, along with the Alpine Swifts, did not disappoint us at all, and we enjoyed such a very close presence that we could hear them flying around us.
  • 2016 [10 October] - BirdDayTrip

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    Our first stop of the day was at Rio Grande where we found a new for the season, the Water Pipit, Great Egret, a single Black Stork and a Blue Rock Thrush, one of Joe’s targets, in a ruined farmhouse, among other typical inhabitants of the river.
  • 2016 [10 October] - BirdDayTrip

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    El Torcal gave us one of the “firsts” of the season, a Starling following a flock of Spotless ones. We could also spot Griffon Vulture, Corn and Rock Buntings, Serins singing like crazy!, Thekla Lark and lots of Black Redstarts.
  • 2016 [11 November] - BirdDayTrip

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    I did not spot any extraordinary bird in any of the sites I visited. I could have been a bit lucky with Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff and Grey Plover, three typical birds on a rather late passage, at the Mouth of the Guadalhorce, and a Merlin on the way to Fuente de Piedra.
  • 2016 [11 November] - BirdDayTrip

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    A little walk in the forest before meeting Barbara & Derek and Barbara Anne & Jerry gave me some of the typical birds there like Crested Tit, Common Crossbill, Dartford Warbler, Rock Bunting and the recently arrived Ring Ouzel.
  • 2016 [11 November] - Ed O’Hara

    For the third year in a row I found myself back in Andalusia, for a birder this is a no brainer. The area around Seville is simply fantastic for birding, with so many prime habitats...
  • 2016 [12 December] - BirdDayTrip

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    A northwest breeze was blowing at the Mouth of the Guadalhorce making the observation of small birds very difficult. Anyway, we had very good views of Booted Eagle, Black-necked Grebe, Kentish Plover and White-headed Duck.
  • 2016 [12 December] - Pau Lucio - Granada, Málaga and Doñana National Park

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    ...We keep ascending and noting down some excellent birds such as Black weather, 50+ Red-billed Chough, Little Owl, Thekla Lark and Iberian Grey Shrike among others. A bit farther up, the visibility becomes very poor and starts raining so we have to turn back to the hotel. On the way down the hills, we strike it lucky when we find in the mist a chirping flock of 50 Rock sparrows feeding in a meadow. Soon, we bump into a flock of 60 noisy Azure-winged Magpies! Finally, we reach the town and head off to the hotel to warm up with some fine local wine...
  • 2016 [12 December] - Susan & colin Groves

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    ...There wefind a good number of Greater Flamingos, Gulls (Black-backed, Blackheadedand Yellow legged) and small parties of Cranes. Along the trackwe see large flocks of Goldfinches and Linnets feeding in the ploughedfields. On the surroundings of a large ’cortijo’ we find numerous SpotlessStarlings taking advantage of the insects on a pile of manure....
  • 2016 [12 December] - per Stensland - Coto Donana

    ...Day two- with calm, sunny and warm weather, we drove from El Rocio and east towards the Valverde visitor center. On the way we had Iberian grey shrike, Little bustards, Pin-tailed sandgrouses, Stone curlews and lots of Greylag geese, cranes and white storks. The Valverde center gave little, except for some flamingoes. However, after the coffe break going further east, It got exciting again with five Short-eared owls, a Barn owl and totally 4 Little owls. On the raptor side, there were 20 or more Lesser kestrels, two Hen harriers, a lot of Marsh harriers and a wintering Short-toed Eagle. ...
  • 2017 [01 January] - Paul Collin - Cota Donana

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    ...From here we detoured across country heading east towards the town of Niebla stoppingalong the Rio Tinto valley, with White Stork Ciconia ciconia nests on almost every available pylon, and CragMartins Pyonoprgne rupestris nests below the bridges. In summer 15 prs of Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanniinhabit the town walls and colonies of Bee-eaters Merops apiaster are found in the river banks....
  • 2017 [02 February] - BirdDayTrip

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    The break of dawn at El Chorro showed most of the typical forest birds. I stayed there until I could spot the silhouette of the Golden Eagle making dives over his territory among the Griffon Vultures.
  • 2017 [02 February] – Simon Tonkin & Niki Williamson – Tarifa & Morocco

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    Among the ever-arriving hirundines, huge groups of black kites were crossing the sea in towering columns of fifty or more birds at a time and arriving low all around us. It was a thrilling sight and we counted over a thousand birds overall during the morning.
  • 2017 [04 April] - BirdDayTrip

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    Our first tick on the list was a Blackbird singing at the Plaza mayor car park where Mick, Barbara, Derek and I met at 5:30 for an early start at Montes de Malaga. This time we did not have to wait for the hooting of the Tawny Owl there in the hills as we could see one of them jumping from the road to a pine tree on our way up. Other night singers were Scops Owl, Nightingale and Woodlark.
  • 2017 [04 April] - Fraser Simpson

    Balearic Shearwater, Great Egret, Purple Heron, Northern Bald Ibis, Greater Flamingo, Egyptian Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, Hen Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, Black-winged Kite, Purple Swamphen, Collared Pratincole, Audouin's Gull, Caspian Tern, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Black-eared Wheatear, Spectacled Warbler, Iberian Chiffchaff, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Spanish Sparrow.
  • 2017 [05 May] - Wingspan

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    At Sierra Crestellina we spent an hour searching the high peaks and ridges for Bonelli's Eagle which failed to show. We added Common Stonechat, Corn Bunting, Crested Lark and Common Kestrel to the list and plenty more Griffon Vultures.
  • 2017 [09 September] - Per Stensland

    We had a 5 days holiday from september 21st to sept 26th. Weather was unusually hot, with temperatures close to 30 C, a bit inland. We stayed some nights in La Alcaidesa, some 40 mins drive from Tarifa. The last nights we, as usual, stayed at Dos Mares Hotel, just outside Tarifa.
  • 2017 [09 September] - Wingspan

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    We journeyed on to Tarifa, some birding from the car along the way produced sightings of White Stork, Short-toed Eagle, Cattle and Little Egret and not much more. It was after 6pm by the time we checked into our hotel and after a nice relaxing time we had a lovely dinner at 8pm washed down with some nice Rioja.
  • 2017 [10 October] - Derek & Lynne Lister

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    This fourth visit to the area ,but the first for Autumn ,the weather was exceptionally warm and dry, dailytemperaturesaveraged 32c,some days up to 38c! However the Levantewind blew strongly most days, thisbeing a major factor finding passerines. Usedahiredcar for one week achieving 600 miles to visit the below sites.
  • 2017 [12 December] - Per Stensland

    I had a short break before Christmas, and what better to do than go to the Tarifa area, as so many times before. I stayed at the Hotel Dos Mares, also as many times before. The view from the front line bungalows there are simply stunning.
  • 2018 [05 May] - BirdDayTrip

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    What a marvellous song from the Nightingale in the early morning silence. It seemed as if the Scops Owls, Red-necked Nightjars and Tawny Owls lowered their voices not to disturb the Nightingale’s musical reign.
  • 2019 [04 April] - Rafiki Birdwatching

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    This was a trip resulting from a slowly developing tradition. Robert and Stefan are two birding pals that for years have spent days, sometimes a few days, a week, ten days in Ethiopia, Kenya, the Netherlands and Spain, birding, enjoying the company of others, food, drinks and ornithological fun. T
  • 2019 [06 June] - David Bradnum - Seville & Alentejo

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    This was a short, low-cost birding break to Spain and Portugal. We had two aims: to see a handful of late-arriving spring migrants – White-rumped Swift, Western Olivaceous Warbler and Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin – and to enjoy as many as possible of the local specialities on the Castro Verde plains and the Rio Guadiana valley.
  • 2022 [09 September] - Birding Ecotours

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    The list included some sought-after birds like Northern Bald Ibis, Marbled Duck, White-headed Duck, Balearic Shearwater, Audouin’s Gull, Iberian Green Woodpecker, Iberian Grey Shrike, Mediterranean Short-toed Lark, Iberian Chiffchaff, Black Wheatear, and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin...
  • 2022 [11 November] - Ed O'Hara

    PDF Report
    ...birds noted were Spotless Starlings, Waxbills, Stonechats, White Storks Red Kites, Common Buzzards, Common Kestrels, Northern Wheatears, Crested Larks, Black Stork, Grey Heron, Little Egrets east of Seville. We arrived late at 21:30 and after check-in, we went for a meal at a local restaurant in driving rain! Cattle Egrets, Collared Doves, Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds, 3 Red-rumped Swallows, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Great Tits, House Sparrows, Spanish Sparrows, Goldfinchs, Greenfinches, Serins and Sardinian Warblers...
Places to Stay
  • Cadiz - Casa Alcornocales - Alcala de los Gazules

    Located in an attractive village Casa Alcornocales affords excellent views across the Alcornocales Natural park and the village itself has a thriving colony of Lesser Kestrels whilst during migration periods raptors and storks often pass overhead. Situated in a village at the centre of the province, Casa Alcornocales offers great flexibility for birders with mountains, Laguna de Medina and the La Janda being twenty minutes or less by car whilst the straits, the saltpans at Bonanza, etc. remain within a convenient distance.
  • Cadiz - El Martinete Guest House Trebujena

    Situated near Trebujena and overlooking the Guadalquivir this is a great place to stay if you want to explore the marshes along the river and the nearby Bonanza saltpans. You can also follow the track/road along the Guadalquivir to Brazo del Este. The owner, Juan Martín Bermúdez, is also available to act as your guide or give advice. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Cadiz - Hotel Restaurante El Torre, La Peña, Tarifa

    Located on the coast only 9 km outside Tarifa, the hotel is another ideal location for those interested in bird migration. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Cadiz - Huerta Grande Rural Eco-Resort - El Portal (Algeciras)

    Advantageously situated overlooking the straits and set in 7 hectares of woodland Huerte Grande offers accommodate in cabins and houses with a venta on site. The owners are keen to promote birdwatching tourism (having hosted local birding festivals) and have resident English bird guides (see who can arrange trips or give advice. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Cadiz - La Botica de Vejer - Vejer de la Frontera

    La Botica de Vejer is located in the charming historic village of Vejer de la Frontera and provides ideal accommodation for nature tourists (particularly those interested in birdwatching. The rooftop terrace affords wide and spectacular views of the area and from here you can see Lesser Kestrels Spotless Starlings, Pallid and Common Swift which nest nearby and, in season, migrant raptors and storks. Bald Ibis nest in the cliffs below the town and both La Janda and the Barbate marshes are close at hand. The hotel has a flexible breakfast schedule for birdwatchers and can provide English speaking guides, tours (inc. optical equipment and specialist information). Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Cadiz - La Codorniz Hotel - Tarifa

    Located only 5 km outside Tarifa and 100m from Los Lances beach the hotel is another ideal location for those interested in bird migration. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Cadiz - Las Lomillas - Alcala de los Gazules

    Located at the centre of Cadiz province in its own Reserva Ecológica beside the Embalse de Barbate, Las Lomillas can accommodate eight in a traditional Spanish setting. Being so central it makes an excellent base from which to explore a wide range of habitats with the straits, the banks of the Guadalquivir and many other sites within an hour). Locally birding's excellent (Osprey breed on the reservoir) and La Janda is only 25 minutes away
  • Córdoba - Casa Girasol - Aldea Las Navas (Priego de Cordoba)

    Casa Girasol is situated in olive groves 12 km from the historic town of Priego de Cordoba and close to the Subbetica Natural Park. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Córdoba - Posada Nina Margarita - Aldea de Los Villares (Priego de Cordoba)

    Situated close the historic town of Priego de Cordoba and the Subbetica Natural Park. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Granada - Buenavista - Alpujarras

    The self-catering spacious holiday accommodation, or casita, is located in Orgiva, 55 minutes from Granada and Andalucia's most precious monument, the Alhambra Palace, an hour from the Sierra Nevada Ski Resort and 30 minutes from the Mediterranean coast. Las Alpujarras and birdwatching are one! The richness of the different flora and fauna make the Sierra Nevada National Park a very special place for birdwatching.
  • Granada - Casa Ana - Alpujarras

    Casa Ana is a beautifully restored 400-year-old country house in the Alpujarras on the borders of the Sierra Nevada National Park in Andalucia. Here you'll find comfortable and spacious holiday accommodation with peaceful gardens, secluded terraces and magnificent mountain views…
  • Granada - Casa Launa - Alpujarras

    The casa is in the Alpujarras in Pitres. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Granada - Casa de la Luz - Alpujarras

    The casa is in the Alpujarras in Bubion. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Huelva - Apartamentos Costaluz, Punta Umbria

    Located on the coast south of Huelva city and conveniently sited to explore the Marismas de Odiel and Laguna de El Portil. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Huelva - Casa Annette, Cortelazor, Sierra Aracena

    The Sierra Aracena is an ideal areas for walking and birding. Look for Black & Griffon Vultures, Golden Eagles, etc. and local specialities like Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Huelva - Gran Hotel de Coto, Matalascañas

    Located in the beach resort at the edge of the Coto Donana the hotel is conveniently placed to explore this iconic site. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Jaén - Complejo Turistico Los Pinos

    Los Pinos is 17 km north of Andujar in the Sierra de Andujar Natural Park. It is conveniently placed for finding lynx and is popular with lynx-watchers. It has a large, comfortable restaurant and excellent facilities
  • Malaga - Casa Verde - Alhaurin el Grande

    Luxury Villa: 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, private garden and pool.
  • Malaga - Cortijo de las Piletas nr. Ronda

    Located 18km west from Ronda off the A374 the hotel is a good centre for exploring the Ronda area. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Malaga - Hotel Los Castanos, Cartajima, Serrania de Ronda

    Located c17km south of Ronda between the Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves this hotel is an excellent base for exploring both Parques Natural. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Malaga - Hotel Reastaurante Al Lago, Zahara de la Sierra, (Nr Ronda)

    Picturesque Zahara de la Sierra is on the edge of the Parque Natural de Grazalema and overlooks Embalse (reservoir) de Zahara-el Gastor. It can provide birding trips with a local guide. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Malaga - Hotel san Gabriel

    Located in the historic centre of Ronda. Convenient for the Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves this hotel is an excellent base for exploring both Parques Natural. Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Malaga - Molino del Santo, Benaojuan

    The perfect base for birdwatchers who like their creature comforts. Environmentally friendly. Good and interesting local food, the ideal spot to please the less ornithologically committed other half! Dippers frequent the stream along the terrace, Golden Orioles and Bee-eaters abound and eagles and vultures scan from above, amongst many, many other species in this beautiful area. Corporate member of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Seville - Hacienda dos Olivos, Aznalcazar

    A guest house located on an equestrian centre on the northern rim of the Coto Donana. Conveniently located for exploring not only the Coto, but also the Marismas de Odiel or Seville (both c40 mins). Corporate members of the Andalucia Bird Society.
  • Sotogrande - Bushchat Apartment

    With such a variety of habitat to look at, there is nearly always something interesting to look at and the Checklist of birds seen from the Apartment is truly remarkable.
Other Links
  • Bird Ringing in Andalucia Spain

    Banding birds in southern Spain
  • Birdcadiz

    Birding in South Andalusia: Straits of Gibraltar, Janda, Do
  • Easybirder

    Hi, I
  • Guía Visual de las Aves de Andalucía

    Photographic guide to the birds of Andaluc
  • Andy Paterson - Birding the Costa

    'Birding the Costa' is a blog spot for English speaking birders anywhere in Andalucía whose Spanish is not up to scratch. It is not just about rarities, although details will be posted of these…
  • Carmen Azahara - Only Birds

    ‘I'm a Spanish birder girl. In my blog, I talk about the birds of my country.‘ Birding BLOG from the Cadiz birder….
  • John Cantelo - Birding Cadiz

    John Cantelo's blog on birds and birding in Cadiz province (includes updates of his site guide).
  • John Wright - La Migración en el Estrecho de Gibraltar

    Consulta los datos diarios de la migracion de aves en el estrecho de Gibraltarâr (Data of bird migration by Fundacion Migres)
  • Mick Richardson - Ioja Wildlife

    My wildlife sightings and experiences from this diverse region of Spain and further afield. Also see Granada Wildlife
  • Pablo Barrena - Guía Fotográfica de Aves

    Photo blog…
  • R G Costales - Mis encuentros con las aves

    Birds of the Natural Park Bay of Cadiz and its surroundings…
  • Sole y Yoli - Aves que puedes ver en Jerez y en el Mundo

    Hola, somos Sole y Yoli, nos gusta mucho estudiar la naturaleza. En este blog os mostraremos como se puede observar mucha biodiversidad en tu propia ciudad. Nos hemos centrado en los pájaros y en nuestra ciudad, Jerez. Es posible que pienses que en la ciudad solo hay gorriones, con nuestra cámara y mucha paciencia te mostraremos que hay muchas más especies. Esperamos que te diviertas al descubrirlas…
  • Stephen Daly - Never Mind The Finnsticks - Read The Blog!

    First off, Finnsticks are great! I don't have one yet but after this year's strenuous raptor watching, I feel I need one to ease the strain on my shoulders and neck. Always a problem (for me anyway) during an intensive and prolonged migration season down this way…. But what I really want to say is…..
  • Vicen Roes - Iberianat

    New blog by Vicen Roes naturalist (birdwatcher) and wildlife artist…
Photographers & Artists
  • Artist - Francisco Jos

    Excellent Spannish wildlife artist - terific etchings, sketches etc. of birds

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